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Everything posted by Mankcam

  1. I am finally getting time to take a better look at RD100, and I must say I really like what has been done with BRP in this ruleset. I have had similar notions over the years but never rolled anything out, so its good to see some of those concepts are in print. And keep these Packages coming as well, its another idea that I'm liking. Great work Paolo!
  2. I agree with the above. These days many more people complain over minor things than we used to see. Customer impatience like this never was an issue a decade or so ago. What possibly is wrong if RQG is overdue? Its not like this is a crowd-funded project. If we had funded the game then I agree we can have a voice of sorts. Fair enough. But I think it's a bit out of line to complain about a private business's schedule when all you want to receive is a luxury product (as opposed to a service). I don't care if someone is German, French, Aussie, Californian, or from Zimbubwei or whatever - its just plain rude to jump on a forum like this and complain when a product is running a little behind schedule, then further dish out on the company in such a manner. People who have read my posts over the years will know that I try to be a friendly and constructive poster where possible. I dont often throw gasoline on fires, but I draw the line when someone is blatantly rude. That post regarding the RQG schedule was completely out of line and uncalled for. I hope that if any Chaosium employees see that post then they will realise that it is not a true reflection of their customer base here. It's not like the authors have taken anyone's money and sitting in a sunny tax-haven somewhere drinking margaritas at everyone's expense. (Well, hopefully not...☺️) I am actually quite proud of how things have turned around for Chaosium. From almost bankruptcy a few years ago to an increase in production standards, and now the cusp of a welcome re-release of a popular line. I would much rather Chaosium take time and effort with RQG and release it on their terms, not anyone's else. Everyone has plenty of BRP games to play with during the interim 😁
  3. The Lunars were very Roman, at least from RQ3 onwards if not earlier. However they are now much more Babylonian, Hittite, and Achaemenid influenced. I can live with that. The more Mediterranean flavoured Orlanthi fit my vague early impressions from the non-specific artwork that was cluttered around many RQ2 era products. Although some of the Pavis artwork was inconsistent, and occasionally even had Dark Ages or even Tutor Era characters sitting in taverns etc. Hard to know where they were from, but as Sartar was the closest major population to Pavis, then it was inferred that these were Sartarites or Pavasites. Although I also saw a fair bit of other RQ2 artwork of warriors that felt more ancient, so I went with them for my idea of Sartarites and Pavisites. I don't think I was aware of the term 'Orlanthi' back then, and if so I would have I felt that it indicated a religious body rather than a cultural or ethnic group. That was my impression anyway. In my RQ2 books we just had Pavasites and Sartarites, and they were being oppressed by the Lunar Empire, which felt a stand-in for Romans back then. Because the setting felt ancient, I disregarded any pictures of medieval characters in taverns, and made my Pavasites like Yiddish folk and my Sartarites were like townsfolk I may have seen it the cities of Conan comics. They felt ancient, but I couldn't place the influences, vaguely Hellenic Greek I suppose. When the RQ3 Glorantha box was published, the Orlanthi were definately a collective ethnic culture that spanned several regions and nations. The pictures of the Orlanthi were quite Celtic or Norse, and the references to them changed quite quickly after this. Especially during the HeroWars/HeroQuest 1 era. We were happy to play Orlanthi as Celtic or Norse types, although I did miss my earlier homebrewed Ancient Greek flavoured version of Sartar and Holy Country. So I'm glad we are back to Orlanthi being somewhat different now. These post-G2G days I tend to see the Orlanthi as being very Thracian with lots of extra little bits thrown in, such as Dacian, Achaean, Assyrian, etc. It's not like I originally envisioned, but it works well for me as they do feel like an ancient world civilisation. Although I have to undo two decades of player expectations now... Not sure what I thought Esrolians were like, I just didn't get enough flavour on them from the RQ3 Glorantha Box. My RQ2 Companion had a bit more, and they sort of felt very ancient in tone. When I read that Stafford Library's Esrolia book I could see that they were very Minoan-influenced, and this portrayal seems to be continued in the G2G and such. I'm glad that the Holy Country was ruled by the God-Emperor rather than the earlier title of The Pharaoh. The Pharaoh feels very Egyptian to me, whereas the term 'God-Emperor' feels much more sword n sorcery flavoured. The Animal Nomads in RQ2 were very sword n sorcery flavoured, reminded me of Hyborian Age characters. Then RQ3 had them very much flavoured as Native American Plains people. It's hard to say what the analogies are now for Prax, it's quite a mixed bag, but I think there are elements of Huns there now. Mixed in with lots of other stuff of course. While we are on this thread, I agree that the Malkioni are obviously the biggest reboot we have seen. Even if Greg did not initially present them as a medieval culture, the official artwork in the RQ3 Glorantha Box certainly did, and the Hero Wars and HeroQuest books did as well, right up to the Blood Over Gold campaign. I do like the more ancient direction of the current portrayal of Malkioni, as it feels more Gloranthan. However we really need to see much more of them to get a better grasp on the culture. At the moment I am envisioning a very big melting pot of influences, such as early Byzantine Empire + Vedic India + Castellan Conquistadors + Orthodox Eastern European. I might be way off, but then again we don't have anything in depth to reference them. However the artwork in the G2G clearly presents them as an ancient world culture, not a medieval one. It's quite a big Greg 😉, but in a good way.
  4. WOW, I just found this thread and man I am impressed. Totally psyched up and ready for RQG now !!!
  5. Mankcam

    Barbarian town

    Sounds intriguing. I've always had this as a wild west shanty town Pol Joni thing, I would love to see it detailed
  6. Hmmm that might make a good t-shirt...
  7. I just love the simplicity of OQ, and RoH is a perfect sci-fi sandbox setting for it
  8. Yes the world is in a very sad state. Give me Leetah anyday 😋
  9. Great to see some OpenQuest action going on. Just love the simplicity of the OQ BRP mechanics, it's very easy to run, and I really think it needs to be more popular. River of Heaven is a great little sci-fi as well, so I'm certainly looking forward to a companion volume for it.
  10. I have most of these titles, but this is a great deal for those that don't
  11. Mankcam


    Yep this is the description I tend to follow. I've always treated Hazia as a stand-in for general tobacco and Cannabis ('pot'), but if you have enough of it then it's more like Psilocybin ('magic mushrooms'). Small doses it's like relaxing tobacco; moderate doses it's recreational euphoria; high doses it's assists religious and magical activities by shifting consciousness levels.
  12. Out of my gaming group, I'm probably the only one who will GM RQG. One other player is a long time Gloranthan fan as well, he may possibly buy RQG or he may not - he has RQ2, RQ3, RQ Classic, and DM RQ6. He's probably not going to purchase another edition, as he tends to GM other systems. However he is always considering porting Glorantha to one of his favourite systems, and he doesn't mind Gloranthan products that are systemless - to this extent he purchased the G2G after he saw mine. I doubt he will buy any new RQG Cults books, but if they had come out as a big oversized coffee-table collection like the G2G (which was discussed once or twice during the G2G kickstarter) then he would grab that to sit next to his G2G books. The other two players in my group will be happy to play RQ, but they won't buy anything for it as I'm the main GM for Glorantha and BRP. And this has been a long wait, so we have gone onto other settings and systems for a while. Currently alternating between Pulp Cthulhu 7E and Middle Earth (previously used The One Ring rpg, but now hacking it much better with FATE Core rpg). So going back to Glorantha may be a long way away for us. And after FATE Core I may have some problems getting them back into Glorantha via BRP/RQ, I may have to use HQG instead... (Ok jumping out now, at risk of too much thread derailment!)
  13. I liked when Rick compiled the Cult Compendium because we had both Cults of Prax and Cults of Terror in one volume. That rocked! While I welcome the news that we are certainly getting a much larger amount of cults, it still feels unusual to break it in two volumes - Gods of Glorantha and Gods of Chaos. If it is too big a project for just once volume (which I would prefer), then perhaps it could come out over a series of volumes based around pantheons perhaps? Storm Pantheon, Solar Pantheon, etc that way Chaos Pantheon just fits in as another volume. Or perhaps dual pantheon books ie Storm/Earth, Solar/Lunar etc. But for me I would pay out big money for a huge volume (like the G2G), but also a series of books may do the trick. But a split between Chaos Gods and Other Gods seems a bit unusual. I would also like to see some work on the Malkioni Ascended Masters one day, not sure where they fit in here At the end of the day I look at the date and say: "It's 2018, and I am still able to indulge myself in Middle Earth, Hyborian Age, and Glorantha; so it's all good!"
  14. This is welcome news, except I would really want to some of the main Chaos Cults included in The Gods Of Glorantha, it doesn't feel right leaving them out!
  15. Sounds like a great idea for fans to do with Magic World
  16. This is great news! I also love the art direction, very delicate and flavoursome. Another title for my wish list
  17. I would probably also use pics of ancient Thracians for Sartarites, and Minoans for Esrolians. Then some mix of Assyrian meets Roman for Lunars. These are not exact fits, but they ar reasonable analogies for reference I think The Gloranthan Sourcebook will also be of interest
  18. i miss the generic rule set approach of HQ2. I love HQG, but in my opinion we should have a wide range of genre booka for other settings as well. Given how simple HQ2 is and how it can portray narrative/fictional gaming settings, it really should be taking a page out of the book by Evil Hat's approach to FATE rpg and present itself as a nifty set of mechanics that can be used for various settings. Well HQ2 initially did this, but the idea seemed to have been steamrolled over by HQG. I would have hoped to see a range of genres/settings such as Pulp Adventure, Crime Noir, Murder Mystery, Space Adventure, cheesy Action Flick. Or anything really, I think it could be a great generic system but it needs to be presented as such. I really like HQG, and am not unhappy with that as a setting. However I have always preferred Glorantha through the eyes of the BRP system, so RQG will probably be how I play it. Given this, I really would like to see HQ with a wide range of other settings. Anything from Agatha Christie's Mysteries, Indiana Jones, Tolkien's Middle-Earth, The A-Team, Bosch, Fast & Furious, even Star Wars. Not those actual licences, but genres along those lines could be easily handled by HQ.
  19. This thread has kinda got bizarre Not sure how there is anything controversial in this cover.art,. In all honesty, if it’s offensive then political correctness has gotten so far up where the sun don’t shine that nothing really matters anymore. Drop the Bomb and be done with it. I’ll just have to go lock away my Frazetta and Vallejo artbooks now before I offend further heh heh
  20. I really like that image of an Orlanthi rumble coming your way, very evocative. I do like it, but from first impressions it also looks a bit too computer-gamey, especially with the new logo as well. I realise it may not be fully finished yet, but at this stage this is not really grabbing me as cover art. It is a great piece, but I think I would prefer to see this artwork as a a title page instead. I guess that’s because I thought the RQG QuickStart was a perfect cover to link RQG with the nostalgia of the classic RQ2 cover. I incorrectly assumed the QuickStart cover would be would be same as the cover of RQG core rulebook , so this has come out of left field for me. The other issue is that the more I look at this cover, the more I feel that it would make a great HeroQuest cover. I agree that the tone of HeroQuest has been quite different to that of RuneQuest., and I think that this may be my main concern . HeroQuest feels like a great system for a more pulpy, heroic, and cinematic view of Glorantha. RuneQuest’s Glorantha has always felt a bit different for me; more gritty, down and dusty, with a tone like CONAN and HBO ROME, mixed with The Man With No Name western movies (or possibly the Mad Mad series). Not sure if my RQ is being consumed by my HQ with a cover like this. This is a great piece of art, but the RQG QuickStart cover just captured RQ so much better for me
  21. Yes start small and work out. Any small settlement works for this. Add in a few prominent NPCs to display the canon bit by bit eg: "This guy is a local keeper of lore, he gives prayers to Lhankor Mhy. This fellow is the Town Captain, so he gets blessings from Orlanth Adventurous. That scary looking guy is the local champion, he worships The Sword and gets Death Rune Magic. That local lass worships Uleria and ... etc etc (heh heh)" So portray things bit by bit, very much at a small level. Then widen your scope as the PCs explore the setting. In RQ it was traditional to do this by starting PCs in the Apple Lane scenarios, then move to Pavis, The Big Rubble, & Borderlands. I keep things localised and street level, so I dont heap meta-story on my PCs too early on.
  22. I actually suggested a poll in jest, hence the 'smiley face' to hopefully convey that. I think they tend to be useless for these things, but they show up all the time in forums
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