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French Desperate WindChild

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Everything posted by French Desperate WindChild

  1. Thanks @JRE Iโ€™m happy to see it . That was my issue to understand the difference between void and nothing (except be vs become) donโ€™t know if it is what means @Darius West but I m on the same line than you (with your addition of The Whoโ€™s who of chaotic gods)
  2. Not sure that is in the correct thread but could you explain deeper ? I donโ€™t see the difference (use words for a Frenchie without any philosophical background -or few-) ๐Ÿ˜
  3. seems to me that it is your perspective more than a canon. Note that it is a valid perspective but I have never seen there is a form rune "root" behind the form rune %. And tell this hunshen that he is a man and then he cannot be the brother of his wolf.. Not sure he will agree. Not sure even Telmor, his wolf ancestor will agree However yes, people are born with a form. Is it a rune ? for me no, it is a physical form. If I had to determine the "true / original" form of the being, I would try to see her fetch (awaken or not) here we may find something deeper than just the flesh. In my glorantha (again I don't know any canon about that) mortals are what they are, and the runes they have drive their behaviors. But passions drive their behaviors. And as the compromise cleary defines that gods are separate from mortals as they cannot do anything else than pattern they have already done, that means mortals have free will / decision. last but not least, external influences. You may face some good guy who will teach you something new, something changing your perception. You may face some crisis, and now you fear this kind of situation runes + passions + free will + external= your life circle. do one deed or live some experience in opposition with your passions, it changes your passions do one deed or live some experience in opposition with your runes, it changes your runes get a chaos gift from a spell (your wish or not) and now you are chaotic (rune change) eat your sister, now you are chaotic (rune change) do to many ceremony and chaotic acts and you are now no more a man at all runes drive but not just runes, at least if you are not a god
  4. Yes I understand you ( the big issue I had centuries ago was that the gold I had was from the plunder of the only dungeon I did, not because I had enough npc working for me. People with me were young, and their was a name to describe them ยซ gros bill ยป (kill plunder kill hahaha) not exactly my taste ๐Ÿ™‚ so just an adventure then buy runequest ) You didnโ€™t understand I think my workaround : the pc , as initiate or not, pay for a matrix. That is the same that paying for an additional runepoint. You give money and you gain extra pow (dedicated to something yes.. mp, spell, โ€ฆ but extra mp) no problem if the cost was 1000 silvers but not the case in the rules (too cheap for me)
  5. the main point with this campaign is that players roleplay a lot and do things not described by the rules but very relevant things (at least for me) based on their pc's devotion /passion/just character. What is interesting then, as GM, is how Jeff reacts, to give bonus and to explain failure : the same sacrifice with a success role will be explained as the death god's satisfaction. I don't use this example to as a rule explanation, for me it is just storytelling (and good one). After all gods may have sometimes good mood and othertimes bad mood
  6. don't care ๐Ÿ™‚ i use it more from a roleplay perspective than a economic solution not me for two reasons as a god (I am the gm after all ๐Ÿ˜› ) I don't consider lunar as something important. what is important is the level of sacrifice. 10% is what is expected. 20% is better. 200L sacrificed by a rich king is an insult to me, 20L sacrificed by a poor fisher is a great proof of devotion as rule keeper ( I am the gm after all ๐Ÿ˜› ) I dislike to consider money for something else than secular -how much I disliked the gold = xp from d&d. I know there is the "matrix workaround" -you pay, you gain POW-equivalent, but that is yet for me a concern
  7. remember the differenec between glorantha and irl dead people continue to "be" for ever in the underworld . that is knowledge for glorantha, only hope and faith for irl (and of course all the range of doubt, from 0% to 100%)
  8. never played any house rule, but interesting question ! seems to me very important you may gain reputation (look this guy offered twenty pink cows last year in sacrifice) you may gain loyalty (to the temple, to the clan or any community level, to your friend you need so much the gods help) and it is too the only mean I know to help someone else to improve her worship skill (you sacrifice mp for yourself, you may give the cow to the other one, who gains then the benefit of the sacrifice) note that there is something not in the rules : could the gods be unsatisfied by the ceremony ? because bad sings, too few sacrifice, etc... we may propose some penalty if the whole community doesn't fit the gods expectation.
  9. not white, not black, I would say light grey : if your campaign takes place in a standard gloranthan way, with lunar, sartarite, broos, praxians, etc... I would say no however, if you are running a very (dark / water / light / earth / chaos / air) heroquest and your pc are not from this element (ex orlanthi walking in subere secret place, aldryami walking in magasta deepest place, etc) and "meet" the most hideous and hidden monsters why not. but for me, it would be a kind of temporary stat, something to follow during the quest. (i m thinking about it while i am writing, so apologize if something is not very smart) something like a "test" after each very exposed station. If you don't pass the test (aka you roll under your insanity, you have a penalty for all your tests during the quest and you gain +10 to your insanity. if your success is special, you are ejected from the quest. if your success is critical, you are lost in the heroplane, for ever. then at the end of the quest (successful heroquest, failure, or even ejected by insanity) you roll against this insanity. You succeed ? gain a fear passion (select the appropriate target) this passion starts at 60% or the insanity score (takes the higher) a special ? you fear, but you are attracted to some weird activity (you fear darkness, but you love being with a lot of worms, -10% penalty for any social role) a critical? you gain a flow (no more shadow if you were in subere kingdom, or a "too active" shadow, doing things different from what you body does, for example, with of course penalty ) of course the different issues are cumulative just an idea, and only for very dangerous and ambitious quests
  10. don't know yes Eurmal is able to attract attention (so charisma) but is it for the same reason than Donandar ? when a young child cries during the night on a flight eight seats from you, trying to sleep, it is to attract attention, but I swear, nothing to do with harmony (no personal experience of course) Should Donandar attract attention because no reason except himself (charisma) or because his art (all his spells) that the question, and I have in fact no definite opinion probably not, if you consider a group of artists acting together. But what about a one man show (poetry, oratory, etc...) something without artifice, just static (so no illusion, no harmonize) ? Is it a part of Donandar domain ? if yes a sub cult may provide it ?
  11. I will not help you a lot ! for me there are different answer levels what the cult teaches / what its role in the community is what the worshippers experience is when they ยซ leave ยป the mundane world what the gods are then to answer your primary question nothing: the gods donโ€™t differ ๐Ÿ˜ what the worshippers see during their heroquests (dislike this word in this case, would like a more religious word than a gameplay/technical word) I donโ€™t know. at least they see their gods with their local fashion gears. They may have no access to some myth because their location (for example Orlanth freeing Heler in the desert part of prax may be hard to visit) what the cults teach and do are then really different. Orlanth is the leader in sartar, ridiculous in some praxian tribes (not all) and just one husband god among others in esrolia (may become the main husband after the hero war so no efficient answer but some ideas I hope
  12. But charisma was in your post ๐Ÿ˜Š well it was what I (mis)understood too
  13. I think there are three different definition of what is named chaos in glorantha 1) the raw material: the mixed soup in perpetual move and immobility. All possibilities including the nothing something without any consciousness, will or power, without any morale value because there is no sense of morale. Just potential 2) the guys (gods, mortals , or anything) who are dedicated to evil behaviors, destruction suffering annihilation . They understand the sense of morale value and they are against it * those accept and choose their way 3) the guys who are tainted, not because they dedicate their life to evil behaviors but by accident / heir / bad choice. those are cursed * note that implies two things : - One morale value is no universal : something could be acceptable by a community and absolutely taboo by another one. So the chaotic status of a behavior depends on the community - chaos gods, except if they want their own destruction, will not try to send all glorantha in the primal chaos soup (no more existence no more suffering no more chaos god)
  14. Not for me (of course gently) but I agree the mechanism you are describing exists but for me it is not divine magic (that is for me gods who act for you because you believe them aka rune spell) it is hero magic (people worship/believe you and you are able to do again and again some feats you learn by yourself aka hero spell)
  15. Same for me, but at the end, actors will focus on ยซ showable ยป fencing sometimes efficiency is boring So they are trained but less efficient and more beautiful than fighter wanting to kill i would manage it with the augment: your sword skill may be augmented by acting or skill/rune/passion like that to deliver a show. But this augment will provide nothing in real fight.
  16. For me it is more a question of experience (so psychology and tactics) you are a poor young militia just hired ? you will panic, do anything, or be surprised and waste time before doing a smart action. In all cases you are a loser or a hero you are an experimented phalanx, with a great history of victories and defeats ? you are trained to face this kind of thing. The first line knows to not move and to trust the other lines you are well organized too, you have people in your rank able to dismiss/command/counter attack it is easy to provide a matrix (several ?) with all the spells needed (all elementals commands) or some elementals of your own cult ready to fight (conditional trigger, wyter, โ€ฆ) at least if I were a war leader (battle lore > 50%) of course I would not let such threat without correct answer. Spend your money for weapons and armors but nothing against magical elemental (or any magical tactic) is ridiculous if you have the ambition to lead an organized unity
  17. I agree with you, for me, it may be usefull (expensive, it depends how many rp you save by "breaking" the phalanx : ROI) but only with people who are not prepared to face this kind of attack, and I m prettyt sure that any military / mercenary unit is trained to face it, as you describe in your posts not so sure 1) your warriors have to cover the distance. They are not yet in melee (or they are dying) 2) your warriors must start as the right times. It is not possible (my point of view) that they are able to move just at the right time to "touch" the phalanx exactly when it is disturbed, they should "see" the elemental to move so first round: "readiness, see, move" second round , ok one attack allowed
  18. have you seen this fundamental thread was not in page 1 ? As a great Order keepr I have to do something here is the future of Glorantha I will named post Argrat ages as "age A+1", "age A+2" ...etc age A 0, gods utuma, it is now not possible to join the god to obtain any spells for personal purpose, rituals may howewer works (bless crops, etc...) At the end, the (new) gods see a new herowar, as some fool people navigate to the end of the world, north, east, west, south, and then can visit the god time again age A+1 the gods decide to close definitively their own world. New Issaries and New Lhankor Mhy find a solution: people going to the west will find the east. People going to the north will find the south. The best form is a sphere New gods change their roles : New Subere will be the external boundary of the word as old subere was the first able to emerge and resist chaos dissolution. Trolls and other dark entities (gods, mortals, spirits, etc...) are able to join subere. Without darkness in underworld, underworld becomes a fire place, New Lodril, now unchained, supplants New Yelm as fire leader. All fire deities go to underworld. Without fire deities in the sky, New Orlanth is now the only master of the sky, and all celestial bodies (moons, planets, ..). Between underworld and sky there are still earth and see. New Ernalda is happy as she has her fire lovers under her and air lovers hum... you see what I mean, bless the goddess To allow communication and ... coordination between all her lovers, New Ernalda obtains that a messenger take the role of the sun, without any other power than become the symbol of the male lover. New Yelmalio less fire than other deities is chosen, new role, new name is " El Male" At the end of the age New Ernalda is tired by her lovers, always discussing, ... never acting. Earth revolt is conducted by elves and dinosaurs. Dwarves succeed to convince New Orlanth to put down the rebellion. New Orlanth "sacrifices" the dead red moon, throwing it to the earth. Dinosaurs are all destroyed. Elves and dwarves destroy each other. Few humans survives, those who where hidden in deep caves age A+2 the gods council decides that both new Orlanth and new Ernalda were wrong. New Ernalda is now deprived of liberty, as the woman is responsible of the original sin. She must only take care of the growth of her children, the plants. Her animal, the serpent, is now considered as the devil picture New Orlanth, who only reacted from the ambitious and lustful new Ernalda is not guilty, but, to avoid any accident, all celestial bodies are given to the peaceful Subere who succeed during all the age A+1 to block chaos. New Subere gets more and more importance, her trolls succeding to gain territories from chaos. The world is changing, New subere, in perpetual expansion, changes her name to "Space", Glorantha, whitout any explanation, maybe to attract a little interest, decides to name herself "IRL", a no sense word in any language, but has glorantha any sense ? at the end of A+2, human beings start to leave their cave, now the only "smart" race on earth. age A+3 humans succeed to conquer IRL, that is history at the end of age A+3 humans by a worldwide collective effort, launch a new project "Icarius", a vessel able to visit the space. They don't see the trolls, they don't see the spirits, they don't see what is beyond the space, but they open a breach age A+4 there is no age A+4, chaos has no time
  19. from my opinion, something chaotic happens when an action is believed chaotic by the author, the victim or the observers (observing during the action or after) observers could be a lot of things (people, spirits, gods, ...) aka observers is the GM so if people believe cannibalism is a chaotic fact, that becomes a chaotic fact, and chaos happens (not in the next second of course) if people consider this particulary cannibalism action as non chaotic, then that doesn't become a chaotic fact. the chaos may happen in three ways: 1) curse, and now there are new chaotic monsters in the neigbourhood (succube, broos, gorps ...) 2) the author gains % in the chaos rune 3) both 1) and 2) that's just my opinion, but it explains why some actions are in some circumstances chaotic and in some non chaotic.
  20. yes that's why, for me, there is no changes to "request" in official rules , but house rule only, and table chooses what is important for its own, because nothing is obvious. Personaly, I follow the rules and sometimes simplify it, fights are a little bit boring for me (too many rolls for few events, even if the >100% rule gives less rolls than previous edition)
  21. yes, day after day, that is my conclusion too that is not obvious, but the issue is the opposite (separate combat styles ) is not obvious too if you know how to use [ {axe + shield} vicking style], you know how to use [ {axe only} no style ] or [ {shield only} no style] or even [ {spear + shield} zulu style ] at a better level than someone without any experience.
  22. so cute (the pet, not the bab's of course ๐Ÿ˜› don't want to discuss with her axe)
  23. yes that is what i described until we have rules, but here you re describing the "not initiated option" (or what I understand to be it) the pc request for a heroquest, but a lot of decisions (how much, when, who..) are abstract as that is the clan ring who decides. Note that is probably the best way, I agree, and will do all my possible to put the player in this way that does'nt answer the option "I organize the heroquest myself, i order people to do things, I decide myself how many cows (or anything else) I sacrifice because I am the priest / rune lord / leader", like the king of dragon pass game proposes. the "mentor card" is not always available, nobody available to abstract it. And that was my last part : Not yet a rule, so see what players are able to pay, and adapt what they "bought" I use the spoiler to not pollute too much the topic ๐Ÿ™‚
  24. in fact ... that means 3 branchs movement, anticipated change, reaction change, the rune is well designed, isn't it ?!
  25. there are two things about movement and change movement = illusory motion change = 2 options : 1) you know, when you cast the spell, what will be the "show" (you know that there will be a sword , disappearing in flames, after 2 minutes, etc...") from my perspective, I would request illusory motion. 2) during the spell, because something happens , you want to turn the staff into a snake from my perspective, I would say : "you must stop the first illusion (staff) then cast a new illusion spell (snake)"
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