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Enter... Project Z!


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The moment of the unveiling of our next project is approaching. Soon we will have all the paperworks in place and make the announcement to our closest partners. And in a few days' time, our fans will know, too.

What is Project Z, then? To make it short, it is... the Roleplaying Game you have been waiting for more than forty years!

We will reveal the details about the project one little bit at a time. Maybe I will answer some questions about the game, and maybe not. For sure, I will answer the following four questions, one at a time and over a period of some weeks. And when all questions have a reply, everything will become clear. 

  • WHERE will evil come from?
  • WHEN will justice triumph?
  • WHO will fight for mankind?
  • WHAT is the sound of justice?


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Proud member of the Evil CompetitionTM

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2 hours ago, RosenMcStern said:

WHERE will evil come from?


2 hours ago, RosenMcStern said:

WHEN will justice triumph?

When good people fight

2 hours ago, RosenMcStern said:

WHO will fight for mankind?


Although, I love playing villains, so am torn

2 hours ago, RosenMcStern said:

WHAT is the sound of justice?

One hand cheering


Those might not be the answers you were going to give, though.

Simon Phipp - Caldmore Chameleon - Wallowing in my elitism since 1982. Many Systems, One Family. Just a fanboy. 


Jonstown Compendium author. Find my contributions here

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How about to try an (maybe over-)analyze the OP?

On 11/22/2019 at 6:29 PM, RosenMcStern said:

the Roleplaying Game you have been waiting for more than forty years!

This would seem to mean something like "the RPG you've been waiting for since there are RPGs." So it probably means that this is a setting that has been in existence prior to RPGs, hasn't been done yet as RPG and that mostly everyone would feel is overdue for the RPG treatment. Seriously, what could that be? Star Wars, Middle-Earth, the Young Kingdoms, Dying Earth, Lankhmar, Star Trek, Amber, the Cthulhu Mythos ... they've all been done several times, and most of them are actively licensed by other companies, anyway.

The same goes for pretty much all major superhero universes (which the other part of the OP seems to point to); we certainly haven't waited 40 years for a Justice League RPG, since there have been several DC universe RPGs already ...

My take based only on the first quote would be a fully realized, newby-friendly Tekumel RPG. I know there have been several Tekumel rpgs, but they are all quite esoteric (the take by the Guardians of Order was a valiant try, but it never really went anywhere). And Tekumel is certainly an essential part of RPG history. Still, that doesn't ring true with the rest of the OP.

So, what am I missing? Is the "waiting for for 40 years" reference about the history of RPGs in the narrower sense (something that has always been a part of the rpg landscape, but has never been fully realized), or does it just mean that this is about a setting that should have been an rpg for a long time?

Edited by Jakob
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You are not too far from the truth, Jakob (except that it is not Tekumel), but you did not hit the jackpot yet.

Let us say that this setting is not very popular in Germany, so you might not have thought of it for this reason.

Anyway, the answer to the first question is out on Facebook. Please go to the Revolution D100 or Alephtar Games FB page to satify your curiosity.

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19 hours ago, Lloyd Dupont said:

Nazi on the moon? or in the hollow earth?! 😮

Somehow, I doubt that it'll be Iron Sky - The RPG (mostly because of the "40 years" thing ...).

I'm curious whether it will be really scifi; underground/deep space could be Lovecraftian, as well, or some brand of weird fantasy ...

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And when even the Esteemed Competition starts making educated guesses, then you know your teasers are hitting the spot :)

So what do you think? Did Loz nail it? Battle of the Planets first aired in 1978, so it meets the "more than 40 years" condition. 

As for Iron Sky... it was an IP we considered doing some years ago, as did Cubicle 7 which was our publishing partner at the time, but the copyright owners never wanted to engage in negotiations for RPGs. The rest of the entertainment industry does not have a great consideration for us, let us face it.

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On 11/25/2019 at 7:46 AM, Lloyd Dupont said:

Nazi on the moon? or in the hollow earth?! 😮

On 11/26/2019 at 3:45 AM, Jakob said:

Somehow, I doubt that it'll be Iron Sky - The RPG (mostly because of the "40 years" thing ...).

 Or Pellucidar (my hollow earth choice) as that would be a "100 years thang" Verne’s hollow earth thing is right out of the picture...

79, hmm...

(in a very synthesized and processed but still recognizable Freddy Mercury Voice...)

Flash...  a-ah, saviour of the universe Flash a-ah, hell save all of us.

Cmon guys the z is a red herring, a canard a conspiracy theory. Trust me.

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... remember, with a TARDIS, one is never late for breakfast!

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5 minutes ago, Bill the barbarian said:

 Or Pellucidar (my hollow earth choice) as that would be a "100 years thang" ...

Except that -- technically -- 100 years is in the nominal range:

On 11/22/2019 at 9:29 AM, RosenMcStern said:

... have been waiting for more than forty years!

(emphasis added by me)

We could be talking about the dawn of RPG's -- that's not much more than 40 years ago.  So it could be anything the early RPG community wanted... of any vintage.

For example, everyone who was sitting around going, "You know what this game needs?  Not another F'ing level of Castle Greyhawk on Oerth, dammit!  We need an epic D&Dification of Ariosto's Orlando Furioso!!!"


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C'es ne pas un .sig

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28 minutes ago, Bill the barbarian said:

Flash...  a-ah, saviour of the universe Flash a-ah, hell save all of us.

11 minutes ago, g33k said:

We could be talking about the dawn of RPG's -- that's not much more than 40 years ago.  So it could be anything the early RPG community wanted... of any vintage.


Well more than forty years! fubars my hopes of a Flash Gordon, RPG. I mean one could ask as this point whether I would like lotsa cheese with that whine? Sigh.  Way to dash the hopes of a poor young impressionable near senior, g33k, I hope yer proud!

Edited by Bill the barbarian

... remember, with a TARDIS, one is never late for breakfast!

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Wow guys, I had to google Pellucidar and Orlando Furioso.
Both look awesome! 😮 :D


But I think the Zombie Space Ducks might be the answer we were looking for! 😮
That remind me... I really want a trip to the moon for my players.. mm.. not sure where I could insert it.....

Edited by Lloyd Dupont
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