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Is Chaosium still open?

PK Games

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Who have you been emailing?

Dustin's been "off grid" for a while now, and Meghan and Nick are iirc in Europe researching for the new edition of Horror on the Orient Express. Might be worth pinging a PM to Zomben here - he's in contact with them over the Magic World line and may be able to put you in touch with Charlie or whoever is appropriate.



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I was wondering myself. I have been waiting for my physical copy of Swords of Cydoria since early December. No reply to my last email, no tracking number, no book. I understand the Holiday season can be crazy, but they should be catching up by now.

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I am glad you mentioned this.

I tried to e-mail Dustin last summer about a monograph that I turned in and never received a reply. I was not sure if I was just being over anxious and just bugging them so I have held off since then. Just recently I was going to try again. One of their blogs or reports said that they did have a backlog of monographs.


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We feel your pain, PK. Since the Orient Express kickstarter concluded, things have been dead silent except for Twitter reports on Nick and Meghan's trip to Turkey. Personally, I'd like to know the status on several contests I entered. On the other hand, I actually got a personal phone call during Chaosium's 30 percent off sale before Christmas; they wanted to clarify my order, which arrived promptly and intact.

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Dustin hasn't replied to any of my e-mails since before August. I'm really worried, since I haven't heard anything about sales of Swords of Cydoria or receiving payment for said book.

I think we need to focus on the more important issue here -that I don't have MY copy of SoC! ;)

On a more serious note, how much would change for most of us if Chaosium slipped into the void? For those waiting on books and monographs to be published, (along with payments or for books bought but not yet recieved) there is a clear impact. What about BRP gamers as a whole?

I'm running a campaign with a 30+ year old copy of Superworld, planning a brief BRP Star Wars campaign with a recent fan produced PDF. All the material published so far will be enough for me to game for the rest of my life, but there will be more fan stuff produced, no doubt. Then there are the other D100 systems like OpenQuest and so forth.

Which is not to say I would not be saddened to see Chaosium gone. It has been a large part of my "gaming life" since the early 80's. I just mean that it will never be completely gone.

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I'm wondering if having two 'staffers' off doing research in Istanbul is having a knock-on effect on Chaosium's regular business of shipping paid for material out the door.

Having had a big success with HoTOE's kickstarter may have directed effort away from what they should be doing in getting paid for material out the door.

Sending two people off half way around the world without doing basic research on the institutions that they are going to visit sounds like a group of bad investigators in one of their own adventures. Presumably they didn't plan on them taking too long and are hoping that people will wait for material until the two staffers get back again to go to the Post Office.


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I have to admit that Dustin was always my 'go to guy', he used to reply, having him unavailable is scary. After submitting my second mono it took 9 months to get my payment and writer copies. And it was Dustin that prodded the californians into motion for that.

I don't know what to suggest. Email Dustin, Charlie and Fergie? Do it every other week until you get a reply? That's pretty much what I did... try to keep it polite though :)

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I've heard rumor that Dustin has been having some personal family issues to contend with. I hope he's OK.

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I received my copy of Astounding Adventures within the last fortnight, and I'm an international customer, so they are certainly still in business.

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I've a copy of Magic World and BRP Witchcraft on order since 11 Jun 13; have just sent an email to Nick asking if he could check into it.

I know from past history that they will hold an order if they are waiting for one of the items to get back from the printer. I would imagine that this is the case. They have always been pretty good about completing orders. Magic World is pretty hot right now, my guess is that they are waiting for another print run.


Edited by threedeesix

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