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New Monograph Submitted - Aces High


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I respect MrJealousy's attempt to show the setting in the same way it really was. I think being politically correct to an extreme can be as much of an injustice as going too far in the other direction.

I'm a christian, doing a period piece on ancient Rome and pretending christens were never thrown to the lions would be an injustice, then so would pretending the christian knights during the crusades were the good guys.

Now, on a side note, Dustin asked me to remove the word piss from a joke in Sword & Spell when it was a parody, so I don't know how they will respond to the submission. But in all truthfulness, putting a warning on the back of the book about the realistic racial depictions of period would solve the problem.

Writing is a form of art, art is a form of expression, expression promotes discussion. Well done.


Edited by threedeesix

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"D100 - Exactly 5 times better than D20"

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Writing is a form of art, art is a form of expression, expression promotes discussion. Well done.


Thank you!

I suppose a short disclaimer would, maybe, have helped my case. However, I deliberately decided not to include one! All I can say on the matter is that this is my interpretation of a historical period and not my opinion of reality. :)

Mr Jealousy has returned to reality!

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Would you really want to use those terms on a bullet point for the back cover of the Aces High book?

No, you're quite right. Bullet pointing rascist headers wouldn't make me happy. I refer to Red Skins as a collective term, and a chapter header. But American Indian, Indian, Amerindian even Native are all incorrect terms. Everyone that lives there comes from somewhere else, so they are not natives, they're not Indians because Columbus thought he was in India.

Mr Jealousy has returned to reality!

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What, when, how?

Did you just make that up?


No he didnt, I just went to Chaosium's site and saw it. I'm buying it and steeling hit turkey stats for Sword & Spell. Make a fine low level antaginist. "You kick open the door and standing before you are eight of the meanest looking zombie turkeys you have ever seen".


Join my Mythras/RuneQuest 6: Classic Fantasy Yahoo Group at https://groups.yahoo.com/neo/groups/RQCF/info

"D100 - Exactly 5 times better than D20"

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No, you're quite right. Bullet pointing rascist headers wouldn't make me happy. I refer to Red Skins as a collective term, and a chapter header. But American Indian, Indian, Amerindian even Native are all incorrect terms. Everyone that lives there comes from somewhere else, so they are not natives, they're not Indians because Columbus thought he was in India.

Ah yes, the "What do we call those people" issue. No one term is agreed upon by everyone, but "American Indian" or "Indian" or "Native American" or "Tribal" is used commonly.

The term "Redskin" is, at best, questionable and more than likely to be offensive to some. I'd have advised you to use "American Indian" on the advertising blurb for Aces High. No one has appointed me moderator of all things native though, so it's only one more opinion.

I'm sorry to be a downer here, as I get the feeling (know in fact) that you've put a lot of time and energy into writing this and any release for BRP should be a happy and exciting occasion.

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For anyone getting a wild west game together, two resources that I used last time that helped a lot:

1) A topographical survey map of the campaign area (around Sundance WY). The land hasn't changed that much, and this saved me hours of prep time.

2) A copy of the Sears catalog (there's a Montgomery Ward one also I think) from the late 19th century. You can buy facimilies from Amazon for not too much money. Essentially it's an instant equipment supplement.


Bathalians, the newest UberVillians!

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Remember that the core rulebook already has fate points (p176) if this monograph doesn't include them.

Yeah but those rules suck Jason. :D

But in seriousness I'll never understand why you decided to use MPs as the Fate Point resource. To me Fate Points should be a completely separate resource that isnt dependent on a stat of any kind.

EDIT: Just bought the hard copy, hope air mail isn't too slow.

Edited by AikiGhost
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I refer to Black people as a race as Negroes. If they don't mind that then thats good, but there are other 'period' things in the book that will cause offence if Negro does. I realise I am in a no win situation here and I haven't even mentioned the religions yet!

As I say I respect your decision and the courage you have in your convictions. The fortunate and unfortunate truth is that in living in more enlightened times (hopefully), we will often have difficulty in reconciling the past, and language and terminology has become so politicised that there is no obvious answer.

I will buy a print version as stated. :thumb:

Very slowly working towards completing my monograph.

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Yeah but those rules suck Jason. :D

But in seriousness I'll never understand why you decided to use MPs as the Fate Point resource. To me Fate Points should be a completely separate resource that isnt dependent on a stat of any kind.

Going a little off-topic I know (what, around these thar parts, nehvah I say, nehvah!), but that would have meant another resource pool added to the mandatory two and the optional two.

I imagine many or most games use at least one of the two optional resource pools so another would have entailed yet more resource tracking. I think using PP for Fate was the simplest solution as it gave utility for the resource to non-power users.

Very slowly working towards completing my monograph.

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But in seriousness I'll never understand why you decided to use MPs as the Fate Point resource. To me Fate Points should be a completely separate resource that isnt dependent on a stat of any kind.

(This isn't exactly the place, but what the heck...)

I used power points specifically to give non-power-users something to do with those points. I can't tell you how many BRP-based games I've played in where I never, once, willingly scratched off a magic point.

They were also intended as a "counter" for power-users.

It fit the already-existing paradigm of high POW = luckier and stronger-willed.

Having two different systems use the same resource also added a level of decisionmaking to their use, where the question might be "Do I throw a lightning bolt or soak up that damage that just came my way?" I believe that having players make difficult decisions about resources is good game design.

I wanted to avoid adding a new resource. In between power points, fatigue points, hit points, and sanity points, there were a lot of resource pools.

I'd been using them as they appeared, in BRP games I'd been running for almost five years, so there wasn't much doubt in my mind that they worked as planned.

Aside from the "it would be neat if", I couldn't think of a single compelling argument to create a new pool of points for fate points.

However, the flexibility of the system should let you take almost any drama/fate point system you like and bolt it on, without much trouble.

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