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David Scott

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Everything posted by David Scott

  1. Why would that annoy the Priestesses of Eiritha? It was one of them that appointed him Paps Khan the first and this second time.
  2. What’s the source for that, I’ve missed it. The core info for Sartarite settlers starts on page 7 of Pavis GtA:
  3. Hsunchen hang their spirit magic off their beast rune. I would suggest that the standard format be followed, elemental, power, beast or spirit. spirit maybe more useful to those becoming Shaman. you might find this helpful: http://www.glorantha.com/docs/balazar-hq2-keywords-and-magic/ https://basicroleplaying.org/topic/6315-starting-runes/?tab=comments#comment-89865
  4. Hsunchen hang their spirit magic off their beast rune. I would suggest that the standard format be followed, elemental, power, beast or spirit. spirit maybe more useful to those becoming Shaman. you might find this helpful: http://www.glorantha.com/docs/balazar-hq2-keywords-and-magic/ https://basicroleplaying.org/topic/6315-starting-runes/?tab=comments#comment-89865
  5. Many settlers are just that - settlers. This is now their home. Pavis County is protected by the King of Pavis. Most are unlikely to return home. There is a long tradition of Sartarite settlers in the region The White Bull is a praxian inter-tribal society. There are few Sartarite followers. Jaldon’s primary focus is dragon pass and the Lunars, Argrath knows this well and this is the reason he broke his curse. Jaldon is no threat to the settlers.
  6. When finished. Gen Con is the target for the core rules. Pdfs maybe earlier.
  7. Except the pointless exercise of printing another table out. My game is internally consistent, why do I need to make more work for myself?
  8. When I started playing RQG three weeks ago, I printed the ability results table out. No one in my group has bothered with maths.
  9. I’m running RQG in Prax, play is just as before the Lunars. Continuing tribal bickering, preparing to go off to dragon pass with Argrath. Trading, treasures in the rubble. Fighting chaos, etc. Same as before with one less annoyance.
  10. She is both the moon and herself
  11. The short version is that the Red Goddess lives on Glorantha for a while then dances her self into the sky, lifting a huge part of the Earth into the sky and leaving behind the crater. She’s now both the transcendent Earth as moon and as she once was.
  12. Yes, they just look a bit different. Peter suggests using the Maya as a civilised example, but I would suggest modern day Korea, Japan and Vietnam. Korean shamans are an interesting form where they have transitioned into priestly role. Shinto in Japan is a good example, while the practices of the Hmong people in Vietnam provide a good day to day example. In Glorantha Daka Fal is common everywhere. Ancestor worship is part of the Pavis tradition, mentioned in passing on page 11 Pavis GtA. As it’s only a very minor tradition there was no room for more detail, Daka Fal is certainly there. In hindsight I’d of preferred to mention Daka Fal to Florian the Gardner.
  13. It was serious, but I don’t think it was ever published.
  14. The first step in moving through this is that it’s all happened before. The windstop is bad, but not as bad as the Great Darkness. All of the tribes of Prax survived the Great Darkness by some intervention of a spirit or god, this includes the Oasis and River folk. The Windstop is not a total wipe out of everyone in its area. The Praxians there have the mythology and helpers to get through this. This is what kicks in for those who don’t or can’t leave. So all of the tribes in the area do what they know they did in the past. The great tribes rely on their founders and protectresses. Khans repeat Waha’s tasks, he finds those that need saving and bands them together. Each oasis does its trick and helps its followers survive, every spirit returns to Prax to help its followers. Dark Eater reappears, Pole Star touches down, Zola Fel gathers the River folk together and holds the land fast once again. This is repeated with major every spirit. Even oakfed is released to keep some warm. Some tribes have new tricks and situations. The Sables have awakened moon magics and access to new land spirits to help them survive. The Pol-Joni don’t fare so well, they are newcomers with no Praxian mythology of the great darkness. Numbers in the area are much reduced, as the tribes move out. Numbers are likely similar to the dawn numbers. Some groups stay to protect their ancestral grazings: bison, high llama, Morokanth, Sables, baboons, bolo folk, oasis folk, river folk. There has to be food and grazing, not as much, but certainly some. Foundchild teaches people (and Waha) to hunt, Hearthmother makes her famous soup to feed people. The whole event for those within Prax is an otherside experience. The Praxians are uniquely prepared for this. Those that survive this are stronger than before. if you are unable to imagine or see this, I’d like to know how you believe that the tribes and people’s survive, those that don’t migrate that is. What do they eat? Given that about 80% survive (averaged out). Worst hit are the Pol-Joni. Badly hit are the River folk, Pavis County and the Grantlands, but like sun county, a lot of this is the great deluge after the Windstop.
  15. I actually said: The foreign magic isn't lunar. The Hungry Plateau sables have access to different spirits from their homeland to help their cousins. The Praxian sables also use moon magic to survive as well, but not Lunar moon magic. Their ancestors, the Twinstars came down and helped them survive in the Great Darkness. This why the moon rune in Prax predates the Lunars. Moonbroth as one of the surviving oasis spirits also helped people survive, but it's more likely that it's the oasis folk who relied on Moonbroth, not the Sables.
  16. You had to be there, 1996: The crimson paper scanned badly.
  17. I've now annotated the map to avoid confusion. The morokanth have the same level of reliance on magic as any other great tribe of Prax. It's the smaller independent tribes that need the help.
  18. Yes, the Praxian society that Lightning Boy is part of is Orlanth! Although the Praxians call him Hosar. A Kolati shaman could likely access him directly at Hosar Mountain (see the Guide).
  19. It’s a standalone game and is easily able stand on it’s so ignore the history. As joerg says take look at the free QuickStart, gets some friends together and have a go.
  20. Good question, what do they eat? Do they enter into the otherworld or Eiritha’s tomb and not need to eat, is that their secret? I suspect CA healers of any culture would be fine. Don’t forget that many of the healers at horn gate are Praxians, not oasis folk, who tend to be Ernalda followers. It’s other refugees that would be the problem. Going into the other side of a major Praxian deity is the problem, the dreadful spirits are likely ancestors.
  21. Horn Gate. This is the centre of the Chalana Arroy cult for the Praxians. The oasis folk here retreat into the “haunted” tunnels as they normally do. Many refugees converge here and the White lady does her best to save all those who come. Many who are not Praxian or oasis folk go into the tunnels and never return, story hook. Waha himself (a khan) closes the horn gate. Story hook. Biggle stone is at the centre of the Morokanth ancestral grazing, Its name translates a “Close to the Goddess”. We know from the Guide that it’s a piece of dagori Inkarth accidentally brought by Waha during his reweaving of the Wastelands. The kygerlith at the centre acts as a rallying point for the Morokanth who summon Dark Eater herself to protect them once again in the darkness. Chaos spilling out from the devils marsh heading to the sacred ground is once again buffered by the Morokanth. Although this is their role, many perish in the fight, the air that is gone is replaced by darkness and darkness spirits. When the air returns, dark Eater is fed and banished once more. Tourney altar. This is the centre of the Humakt cult for the Praxians. I haven't specified what the Humakti do here, they should go where best needed. The Block is certainly an option. As you can see, the oasis's actually with the chaos zones defined in Greg's Praxian Sense of Space article in Tales. The Sounders river freezes unable to deal with the cold, but the Marsh doesn’t. The marsh denizens pour out and head towards the Paps (as usual). the Morokanth take the brunt as usual, summoning Dark Eater. The Block is a rallying point for those that oppose the chaos but not normally the target of the chaos. Moonbroth is a rallying point for the sables, they call on their Founders to ride out the Windstop and are largely unscathed, using Moon and Sky powers.The sables also savagely raid the Pol-joni.
  22. I think it’s more naive than hopeful. Glorantha has been trapped in a tiny bubble of time for 40 years (1610-1621) a time of occupation and stagnation. Soon all we know will be washed away as Magasta’s Pool blocks and Sartar is washed away. The epic war against the empire will kill millions and physically change the world. Afterwards, maybe a better society will appear, but much as Norse Ragnarock, a different world will be there. Lord of the rings has the same story, the time of men is coming and the elder races will disappear. I watched the two towers last night, although there’s hope, it’s still a hard fought war.
  23. Have a look at the Guide: page 24 Doraddi - runic scarification page 28 Praxian - Tatooed cheeks of the Sable priestess page 32 Lunar - dots & runes page 44 Fonrit - scarification page 250 Caladraland - runic tattoos etc.
  24. More detailed sources are: https://www.chaosium.com/pavis-gateway-to-adventure-pdf/ https://www.chaosium.com/pavis-big-rubble-pdf/ Both are invaluable. The index is in the Second Volume, Pavis entries are on page 785. See also these threads: https://basicroleplaying.org/topic/4141-prax-and-the-thousand-questions-about-the-place/ https://basicroleplaying.org/topic/4533-the-praxian-tradition/ there are a few others as well.
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