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David Scott

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Everything posted by David Scott

  1. The wording is, as usual ambiguous and does not include any "level" text. As I choose to have rune levels know all their cult spells, this is how I interpret it for my games. I only include allied spirits as they are sent specifically by the deity. I allow a rune level to forget a few spells their allied spirit knows. Bladesharp 1, Demoralize (2), Detect Enemies (1), Disruption (1), Fanaticism (1), Heal 1, Mobility (1), Protection 1, Strength (2) Comes to 11 CHA. I'd give them Heal 2 at a minimum as it stops bleeding, so 12 CHA. They could learn Bladesharp / Heal up to their CHA if needed or other magics from associated cults.
  2. Most cults have 4 (Eiritha) to 9 (Orlanth) cult spirit magics. An Orlanth rune lord with a CHA of 18 should have no problem knowing all of them. As you said, an allied spirit would certainly help.
  3. They are both, as covered in HQG page 45 The traits associated with each rune start on page 14: Just as the rules say, it lets you treat them as general umbrella terms and breakout specific abilities (specialist magics) from them. Both. It's in the rules: You can use them as flaws broken out from the Rune if you want. I've had players use: Air 5M +1 unpredictable I've used them as augments and negative modifiers as well Just do a search for Personality Traits in the RQG pdf.
  4. If they participate, yes. Page 418 If they make the worship roll, they get an POW check POW gain rolls are at the end of every season, with all other experience book keeping. I allow that If they have a HHD during sacred time and fail the worship roll, they get another attempt as it's sacred time, although the RAW does actually say or not and.
  5. Given the magical richness of the setting and the number of temples, and most cults are only a step away from a shaman cult, so I can't see how this is an issue. Orlanth has Kolat as an associate, Ernalda has Earth Woman as a subservient and Aldrya as an associate, both Yinkin and Odayla have Daka Fal as an associate. I always assume that the Rune levels of a cult know their cult spirit magics as it says in RQG: Spell teaching is an important source of income for the cult, so assuming God Talkers, Rune priests and Rune Lords know the prerequisite spirit magic is a no brainer. Likewise in roleplaying the examiner test, saying you can teach the cult magic goes along way to help pass the test. In my eyes this means that the cult magics will perpetuate easily. If you want to make things difficult for the players, then have Rune levels not know some or all cult spirit magic. In my game the Storm Bull initiate needs to know the cult spirit magic: Demoralize, Detect Enemies, Dispel Magic, Fanaticism, Heal, Protection. His options are: go to he local Storm Bull temple, to learn them all from his Bull Priest (in the nearby village). Or he can learn Demoralize, Detect Enemies, Heal, Fanaticism and Protection from the local Orlanth priest. He can learn Dispel Magic from the local Earth Witch shaman, and Demoralize, and Heal from the local Ernalda priestess.
  6. If you've a lot of info, I suggest creating a blog (top of this page) and updating with your new stuff, then a start discussion thread linking to it. It will keep all your info in one place where a post will just get bigger and bigger and harder to find the original info.
  7. Then just ignore it in your games and use your own rules as you suggested. My players get along with it just fine. Enhance INT pretty much gets round this limitation, both of my current sorcery players usually have it running.
  8. The Dormal version takes 10 minutes to perform. It costs 9 magic points when cast by initiates or priests who lack any other sorcerous training. No sorcerer needed, just an expert in this spell. Every ship has one for obvious reasons.
  9. The too many spells "problem" also applies other areas of RuneQuest Glorantha. My players have already said too many kinds of weapons and armour, they want more spells though.
  10. In Griffin Island it was Bladesharp 10 matrix, but was missing the Truestone and other features, in Griffin Mountain it has a bladesharp 4 matrix.
  11. Shaman in cults usually act as priests so those rules apply as well: Aldrya: Not specifically stated. Daka Fal: Daka Fal priests are also shamans Waha: Shamans serve as priests for the Waha cult Yelm: Not specifically stated for Golden Bow
  12. If you have questions about this ask over on the Q&A thread
  13. Takes one week, regardless of mp cost. See RQG page 277.
  14. Clarified here: https://wellofdaliath.chaosium.com/home/catalogue/publishers/chaosium/runequest-roleplaying-in-glorantha-players-book-print/cha4028-runequest-roleplaying-in-glorantha-qa-by-chapter/cha4028-runequest-roleplaying-in-glorantha-chapter-12-spirit-magic/ Scroll down to Spirit Magic Spells Table (page 257).
  15. I use this one as I find it easy to use. If you need to edit, save the PDF as a JPG / PNG. https://incompetech.com/graphpaper/hexagonal/ This one http://www.nomic.net/~uckelman/mkhexgrid/ is a bit more complex, but you can do much more with it.
  16. David Scott


    Wyrms Footnotes 15 says, " Earth Tarsh. These tribes from the area around Wintertop and Shakeland, and are often called the Kerofini." and KoS 2nd ed uses it throughout. I would treat it as a name that is used by a particular group to refer to them. Perhaps it's the (Lunar) Tarshites who use that term to differentiate. Don't forget at the Dawn, their surviving settlement was Maranaba, so they may have been their name then. RQG uses "The Tarsh Exiles or Old Tarshites" Perhaps only those tribes that are actually at the base of Kero Fin are now the Kero Fini (and likely have shrines to her). As mentioned above, the Hendarli tribe / clan are mentioned in KoS 2ed and Wyrms Footnotes 15. The Unspoken Word, Tarsh in Flames (2001) and In Wintertop's Shadow (2002) have the following tribes: Marantaros lristaros Hendarli Mithchuinn
  17. We have an excellent example of this in Pavis GtA, in the Red Moon Rising adventure. It's clear to me that, it's the level of identification that the participant achieves that determines the effect on the performer. It will range from, just going through he motions - scripted to the other extreme of being the god. The key in this ceremony is that the masks have been identified magically with a particular god and have as such their own agendas. The participant can choose to identify with the mask and under RQG likely gain a bonus to becoming the god. I think the key here is that the person who is going to assume the role with have some connection already. For example someone chosen to play one of the Seven mothers in a ritual, could be an Ernalda initiate playing Dezola.
  18. I saw Moorcock on stage with Hawkwind on the The Chronicle of the Black Sword tour in 1985. There's a DVD of the concert(s): https://www.amazon.co.uk/Hawkwind-Chronicle-Black-Sword-DVD/dp/B000050IM4. Features Elric on stage too... it was all a bit mad.
  19. The rules cover this very simply with automatic success. The Language Proficiency table covers knowledge. Likewise with stead management, if it's not dramatic you can say they succeed automatically. In the Harmast example, with -30%, it's dramatic enough for a roll.
  20. You might want to consider adding bookmarks and reference sheets to your PDF to aid in this. For example In the Adventure book, I made a list of from the temples selection, added the PDF at the back and then bookmarked it.
  21. I use Gerendetho as part of the primary spirit society of Hungry Plateau Sables. He and Pelora form the The Earth Guardians (Life / Earth / Death). Pelora (Life / Earth) and Gerendetho (Earth / Death). Pelora is the land goddess here, she is a sister-wife to Gerendetho. She is not a grain goddess in this form. Eiritha defers to her in this land. Gerendetho fulfills the role of dead Genert who would be his father - a "coming home" for any Praxian. Waha defers to him in this land. The society accepts both men and women, and has a shaman path. This treated much like Prax was in the First Age when Orlanth and Ernalda were the main gods of the Praxians.
  22. If you look carefully at the four parts of Confronting the Firewitch in HQG, you will see that the reason she went there was that Cragspider had summoned her in her dreams. She'd beed shown the Three Pronged King and the Lost Soul and was command to to visit Cragspider to learn the future (of the Hero Wars) - page 75. She commands Cragspider to stop the Blue Moon assassins plaguing her, and Cragspider tells her the prophesy. Craigspider is the source of the Black Dragon Mountain Pictoglyphs (GtG page 750). I suspect that she reveals the contents either in verse (like the Völuspá) or takes her somewhere to show her what will become the pictoglyphs - maybe even to the edge of the future to look forward. Either way she has some idea of what's coming. I suspect that the three pronged crown is the serpent crown in 15.
  23. Given there are spells that specifically block the use of passions when in effect (Logical Clarity, Logician), I would suggest allowing them to use runes & passions as normal.
  24. It's also a performance enhancing rune, so good for acting, bluffing, etc. I use it as an inherent form of the Charisma spell - she's not quite what she seems to be.
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