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Everything posted by soltakss

  1. "If he wins, kill him", "Ok, let's discuss the rules", "Rules? There aren't rules in a knif...", kicks him between the legs, "say One, two three, go!", "One two three Go", knocks the stricken opponent down.
  2. An association with a Rune is treated as a skill and, in RQG, skills can go over 100%. Can a tie to a Rune go over 100%? What is the effect of having a Rune Tie over 100%? A better Special and Critical chance, clearly, but does it have any other effect? Presumably if a Rune is paired and Runes can go over 100%, the other Rune in the Pair cannot be gained, so is always at 0%.
  3. Yeah, but if a Vampire is concentrating on a Death Rune in order to learn or cast a spell, I can see that as being a big problem.
  4. soltakss


    He can use Death Magic from Chaos Deities, so I'd agree, he doesn't care.
  5. True, but Vampires shy away from a presented Death rune, so I can't see how they can focus on a Death Rune to study it.
  6. Bijiif having the Fire Rune means that he is the smouldering ember, the ash that can suddenly burst back to life.
  7. Actually, no, the definition now is that all multiple births are Trollkin, even twins who would be physically and mentally as Dark Trolls. They normally undergo rebirth to become trolls as they would normally survive.
  8. You can probably fake a disease by applying makeup or by eating some mild poisons to produce the symptoms. Using the illusion rune might work, as you create the illusion of the disease. Using a Trickster is a good idea, as the Trickster could use Lie to convince the squad commander that they are ill. They probably do, as most clans have a Trickster on the ring. If not,. have a wandering trickster pass by and get them in on the action. It might be the same Raven as in Prax, who is also a Trickster, or another Raven. HeroQuest is all about inventing things, so don;t be afraid of doing that. The writeups do not detail every single member of a clan, so you can always invent someone and use them.
  9. Yes, we play that our PCs use various names for the spell. However, in practice, we use the standard names. The reason being, "I cast Humakt's Whetstone 4", "Ok, what is that, Bladesharp? So, you get +20% attack and +4 damage". "I cast White Woman's Lap, how does that work again?" "White Woman's Lap? What is that? Oh, yeah, Comfort Song, it basically stops you feeling pain but remaining conscious".
  10. It is good for angels and some people in Dorastor. For others, it's a bit weak. Our long-running RQ2 campaign had skills in the 150-200 mark, by and large, but some were higher. Derak the Dark Troll had 250-300 and Raven had 300% Elf Bow, but she had INT 25, so made experience rolls over 100% about a quarter of the time. For RQG, 200% is fine for a top-end skill.
  11. Grapple, rolled a critical, STR vs STR roll, STR 21, rolled a critical, 2D6 damage bonus, rolled 12, Ironhand 4, so 16, he had 4 HPs in the arm, so came right off. A friend of mine describes the Orlanth vs Yelm fight as Yelm appearing in papier-mache, ceremonial armor and Orlanth wading in with an Iron Greatsword with Truesword and Bladesharp. Is that honorable? I can see it happening that a greatsword-wielding warrior threatens to kill an unarmed foe and gets a cheeky retort back about killing someone who is unarmed, so he throws him a dagger to fight with.
  12. If you think in basic terms "Air/Storm Good, Moon Bad", then Sartarites won't have the Moon Rune. However, there are many examples where individuals, or even whole clans, are Moon-supporters. Having the Moon Rune for them is fine. Also, the Red Moon is the Chaos Moon, because the Red Goddess accepts Chaos. The Blue Moon and White Moon do not have the same association to Chaos, so might be acceptable. Mystics might have a connection to the Moon Rune, as the Moon of Balance. "Nobody can make us do anything" is a familiar Orlanthi saying. that includes giving up the Moon Rune. An "Orlanthi All" is said to be 85%, so when we say All Orlanthi cannot have the Moon Rune, we are saying that 15% can.
  13. 200% vs 200% means that they both subtract 100, so are effectively at 100% vs 100%. So, the attacker can split at 50%/50% and the defender can parry at 100%/70%. That's how I read it, anyway.
  14. Attacking an unarmed human is dishonorable. Attaching an unarmed walktapus is not. Giving someone dagger to fight with, so they are not unarmed, is questionable. In an old RQ campaign, one of the PCs had to fight in an arena. he had geases of "Never use a spear" and "Never use a small shield", so they gave him a spear and small shield. when the fight started, he dropped the weapons, side-stepped his opponent, grappled him, ripped his arm off and beat him to death with the bloody end. It was the first time I had actually seen that done.
  15. Well, when Yelm descended into Hell, his fires scorched away legions of UzUz and Dehori, so he certainly had the Fire Rune then. Did that act of scorching use up all his Fire so that he was left cold and dead? Maybe. The idea of Bijiif as being the cold ashes left in the grate of a fire is an interesting one. Maybe the Spark Within died and is rekindled by the Lightbringers when they bring Yelm back. Maybe Yelm without the Fire Rune is Bijiif and Bijiif with the Fire Rune is Yelm.
  16. For Animate Dead, absolutely yes. For Boon of Kargan Tor and Ward Against Weapons, maybe. It all depends in your game whether you want to say that Vampires, by cutting themselves off from Death no longer have access to Death-based magic.
  17. Then he grows back, apparently even after being killed by Death.
  18. Thanks Nick. Does the Rough Guide to Glamour have a section on exports from the Red Moon?
  19. That's his mythic economy. Flamal was killed by the Trickster, as commemorated in Hrelar Amali. Zorak Zoran also killed him when he chopped him down using Death. The trolls ate all the plants, which killed Flamal, I think, but maybe that was the same thing as Zorak Zoran killing Flamal.
  20. Of course there are exports from the Red Moon: Scarlet Scimitars Red Jumpers (Is that what they are called? They were in Plunder or a Plunder Plus) Moon Swords Nightmares Cheese Dreams Demons Tomatoes (seem to remember a short story where someone smuggled tomato pips out from the Red Moon) Moon Rock Moonbeams
  21. soltakss


    Anyone can become a shaman. There may be consequences of doing so, for example you might be kicked out of a cult for becoming a shaman, but you can still become a shaman. It is the distinction between "can" as "able to" and "can" as "allowed to".
  22. We have always played that you learn the new spell. So you spend a week learning Bladesharp 4. Also, if you have Bladesharp 1 and want Bladesharp 4, that takes a week to upgrade.
  23. soltakss


    In theory, anyone can become a Shaman, if you have POW. If you belong to certain cults, you are forbidden to become a Shaman. presumably, becoming a Shaman means you get thrown out of the Cult.
  24. I play that they stack as normal, so you can get double double. Some people play that one thing gets double, two gets treble, three gets quadruple and so on. The Truesword spell says: The Humakti gifts say: Special results say: The Bestiary says: So, imagine a Rune Lord fighting a Troll and using an iron sword. He would do 1D8+1+1D4, with a +1D4 damage bonus. Any damage that gets past armour is doubled. The Rune Lord uses Truesword, so does 2D8+2=1D4, with penetrating damage doubled. The Rune Lord does Truesword and slashes (Rolls a special success), so does 2D8+2 for the slash, plus 1D8+1 for the Truesord, as magical damage is only added once for a Truesword, + Damage Bonus, so does 3D8+3+1D4, with penetrating damage doubled. If the sword has "Bless a specific weapon to do double damage (once armor is penetrated)", penetrating damage is doubled then doubled again (x4). If the sword has "Bless a specific weapon to do double damage (once armor is penetrated)" and "Bless specific weapon to do double damage (once armor is penetrated) against a given foe species", penetrating damage is doubled, doubled then doubled again (x8). If the sword has "Bless a specific weapon to do double damage (once armor is penetrated)", "Bless specific weapon to do double damage (once armor is penetrated) against a given foe species" and "Bless a specific weapon to do double damage (once armor is penetrated) upon striking a specific hit location", penetrating damage is doubled, doubled, doubled then doubled again (x16). So, the Rune Lord with a blessed sword that doubles damage always, against Trolls and on a head hit would normally do x8, but as it is iron it does x16. On a Special attack with Truesword, as above, he would do 3D8+3+1D4 with penetrating damage x16. So, hitting a Troll with 15 armour in the head, he rolls 1D8+3+1D4, getting 17, the armour subtracts 15 leaving 2 that gets through, but the 2 is multiplied by 16 to do a meaty 32 in the head. As a critical ignores armour it is very deadly indeed. I think I have my sums right, but I am sure that people will tell me if I don't.😀
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