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Everything posted by soltakss

  1. To be honest, I wouldn't bother. For me, Sorcery is dull and boring, it is too complex and doesn't really interest me. Better to have Rune and Spirit Magic for most people, with Sorcerers using Sorcery.
  2. It is probably an experimental HeroQuest of Berantyr's own making. Storm Ram wool, in my Glorantha, is Tin, as Tin is my Storm Element. Is he going to use the rocks to spin the wool and knit some magical clothing? Is he going to beat the wool with the rocks, or make a sling to fire the rocks?
  3. Moonfall is a catastrophe. Sure, the Red Goddess is torn from the sky, but she is still there as a Goddess and can still be reached. The Lunar Empire is no more and a vast Void is there where the Red Moon was, that cannot be a good thing. Without the Lunars to guard them, horrors crawl from the Crater and spread across Peloria. Monsters kept in check by the Lunar Empire, or given a safe place to live in, expand and are no longer constrained. The leaders of the Monster Empire are dead, so cannot hold back their monsters any more. Have a look at King of Sartar. There are centuries of horrors. The seas flood the lands and then go away. Trolls are made extinct, except for a few in the ruins of Cragspider's Castle. There are a whole load of things listed, all as a direct result of Argrath's actions. In fact, Argrath has to go on a Second Lightbringer Quest to try and fix what he did in the first place. It was then that his Trickster traps the Deities in Arachne Solara's net and Wakboth kills them all.
  4. I can't remember any. But, think about it, Firebone and Earthblood are sacred to the Caladra and Aurelion cult. Nobody else is really interested in it. You can do almost as must with charcoal as with Firebone. What is Earthblood good for except burning? There are lots of other oils that can burn and are easier to make. So, the market for Firebone and Earthblood is limited outside the C&A cult.
  5. Yes, in fact members of the House of Sartar probably treated him as the head of an Ancestor cult.
  6. I match the damage done vs Hit Points on the Resistance Table, with a success meaning a knockout. So, if I do 5 points of damage against an opponent with 12 HPs then I match 5 vs 12, giving me a 15% chance, rolling 11 means the opponent is knocked out, rolling 34 means the knockout is unsuccessful. With Locational HP, I match the damage vs the Hit Location value, which makes it an easier roll, but CoC doesn't have locational hit point, I believe.
  7. Iron was invented by the Mostali to kill Aldryami and Uz, so comes later than Death. As a Darkness Power, Death might originally have been made of Lead but each deity who used it probably forged a weapon from their own metal.
  8. Have a look at King of Sartar, as that details the main part of the Hero Wars. Some people don't like future history to be so detailed, as they feel that it constrains the game too much, but I have run Players through the Hero Wars twice with the Adventurers taking a central part in the action.
  9. Names are just titles, they all point to the same deity. So, the deities won't mind being called different things. Look at our world, Paul, Pablo, Pavel all refer to the same person. Sean, Jean, John, and Johan are the same name in different languages.
  10. Oh, don't get me wrong, I think that it is a marvellous book and should be one of the fundamental books for a Gloranthan Campaign, alongside the Rulebook, Bestiary and Red Book of Magic. However, it is possible to run a campaign with just the RQG Rulebook. If people want richer campaigns then the Rulebook, Bestiary, Red Book of Magic, Arms & Equipment and Mythology would be very useful to have. The Cults books, in general, are very useful, especially if the Players want to explore different cultures, or if GMs want to include more detailed NPCs.
  11. I love the way that skills are treated in Revolution D100 and have used the same concept elsewhere, it really simplifies the game. Personally, I would do the same to other areas, so I would have a list of Powers and would simply have them accessed by the various spells systems to give the same results. That makes a lot of things very simple and easy to use. So, a Divine Spell and a Common Magic spell would access the same Power, but the Divine Spell version might be more powerful or might give more points of the Power, and a Science version would use the same Power but might be a fixed value or a variable value depending on the Science item used. I don't want really complex combat, as too many options really slow the game down. My Players only really used a few combat options anyway, as they didn't see the point of the others.
  12. It has some useful information that deepens the Roleplaying experience, but is not essential when running a game of RQ.
  13. The idea is good, but, for me, it needs a simple mechanic that does not involve making another roll to get the benefit. In the same way that a Rune Priest gets a bonus to POW Gain Rolls, you could add a small increase to skills tied to a certain Rune, for example if the Rune is 80% or above then you could get a +5 to the Experience Roll, so someone with Death at 80% and Broadsword 70% with a 10% Category Bonus would normally get an Experience Gain if they rolled 61 or higher (61+10=71, which is greater than 70) but the 80% Death Rune adds +5, so a roll of 56 would get a skill increase (56 + 10 + 5=71, which is greater than 70). Further refinement would be to associate each skill with one or more Runes, then allow multiple Runes to affect a skill, so Broadsword might be Air and Death, Axe is Earth and Death, Climb is Movement, Lores are Knowledge and so on. If you have multiple Runes at 80% then each would give +5 to the increase roll, so Air 80% and Death 80% would add +5+5=+10 to the D100 roll, so the above example means that a 51 would increase the skill. That would be a really cool magical item. I would just give an automatic skill increase after a period of contemplation, to save having to roll and perhaps fail.
  14. I really like this, as it has a few simple and useful items presented very clearly.
  15. I really like this, as it has a few simple and useful items presented very clearly.
  16. In my opinion, some associate deities are local in nature and some are widespread with Shrines everywhere. Caladra & Aurelion feels local to me. If you have a shrine to the associate cult in your Temple then the spell is available to you. However, how many Ernalda Temples would want, or need, a shrine to Caladra & Aurelion in their temple? Shrines to Volcano Deities could well attract volcanoes, after all. I would expect a Caladra & Aurelion shrine in a Lodril Temple, so maybe having Lodril as a Husband Protector might mean the Lodril Shrine also has a Caladra & Aurelion Shrine.
  17. To a certain extent, pitting Argrath as Arkat means that Argrath needs the Monster Empire so that he can utilise Arkat's powers against the Lunars. One big difference, of course, is that Arkat was the result of a Lightbringer Quest, he did not undergo a Lightbringer Quest himself. Argrath performed the Lightbringer Quest to bring back Sheng Seleris, as the only person capable of killing the Red Emperor, then dragged Sheng Seleris back to Hell. Like Harmast Barefoot, Argrath completes the Lightbringer Quest twice but on the second time he kills all the Deities. Does that mean that Chaos won in the end? Maybe in the same way that nobody knows whether Arkat of Gbaji was triumphant in the end, Argrath defeated the Lunar Empire but by doing so allowed Chaos to triumph.
  18. It is a very detailed scenario suitable for medium to high level Adventurers. Some of the NPCs would fit into Dorastor without a problem. I loved the way the NPCs were split out into a separate booklet.
  19. I'd have the majority of them in the Children of the Forest subcult, as that is what they are. Dyads belong to the Elder Sister Cult and Elves belong to the High King Elf cult, with Runners also in the Children of the Forest cult. Of course, there is no reason why a Pixie can't join the other cults if they are powerful or martial enough. One of our RQ2 GMs had an encounter with Poleaxe-wielding Zombie Pixies, as he worked out that a max-strength Pixie turned into a Zombie had enough STR and DEX to wield a Poleaxe, so he had a squad of them that flew in, invisible, then attacked from surprise then disappeared again. Oh, how we laughed.
  20. Sorry, I misremembered, I think it was the Great Serpent's brains, the one whose body makes up the lead hills.
  21. I have paid for lots of artwork for this, so I want to get it done. I just have so very little time nowadays.
  22. It looks as though you are a member
  23. Not yet, I've been far too busy with work, my Apprenticeship and other Jonstown Compendium work
  24. The dissolved body of the OOO? It's the Only Old One's brains that dissolved a hole in the Shadow Plateau
  25. I'm not a mod but can see member requests and there aren't any pending. What is your User Name on Facebook?
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