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Everything posted by 7Tigers

  1. 7Tigers


    Well, I'm sure Sandy gave way more details in 2019 but the More F S of G pdf includes a small map by Jon Hodgson illustrating what you (Joerg) describe. Anyway, as it is a "put what you want" land, details are not mandatory to use the concept.
  2. 7Tigers


    in More Forgotten Secrets of Glorantha https://www.chaosium.com/more-forgotten-secrets-of-glorantha/
  3. By the way, Griffin Island add ons have been included in the Glorantha Classics' volume: https://www.chaosium.com/griffin-mountain-pdf/
  4. + fanzine Enclosure #2 https://index.rpg.net/display-entry.phtml?mainid=11268 Extract: https://www.pensee.com/dunham/glorantha/fonrit/1page.html
  5. Curious people about 6th Pendragon Edition should listen from 31rst minutes of yesterday Lore of Glorantha with Sandy Petersen and Jeff Richard video:
  6. As far as I know, Chaosium also has a printer in Lithuania, for recent Cthulhu books and next RQG The Smoking Ruin & Other Stories for example. Anyway, China or not, to have a lot of color art in the books cost a lot (to pay drawers), most of all given the low volume, as well as storing the books for years...
  7. They are, on each holy day. So, weekly. Outside those obligations, they stay herbivores.
  8. Well, as everyone (on Glorantha) believe they are, and as it is not because they usually have a vegetarian diet that they are not flesh eaters, the point seems a bit moot / trivial, no? I agree with David Scott PoV that is is way more fun for Morokanth to no like meat!
  9. Outside RPG scope, goblins are traditionally considered as earth elementals. Ex: http://www.mysticfamiliar.com/library/goblins/l_goblins.htm WF#3 has been published in 77, and at the time, D&D goblins were not popular yet...
  10. Well, I have had countless players switching weapons for their adventurer as soon as a success check was made, even in a middle of a fight, so 😁 ...
  11. Well, I've nothing against house rules but in my games: . PCs start LHW with 05% . LHW instructors are spare, and expensives . NPCs are using projectile weapons . Resurrection does not come in free multiple access, except if requested in service to community, or important people => so shields are happily used by players instead of two weapons...
  12. Yes. You are. The rules (page 225) are actually saying the opposite: So, some people want to ignore that the half effectiveness rule applies from left hand ability to right hand ability, not the other way (other way = you start at 05% LH as written) but it is then a house rule, nothing more. Confirmed by Jason at https://wellofdaliath.chaosium.com/home/catalogue/publishers/chaosium/runequest-roleplaying-in-glorantha-players-book-print/cha4028-runequest-roleplaying-in-glorantha-qa-by-chapter/cha4028-runequest-roleplaying-in-glorantha-chapter-08-combat-qa-part-2/
  13. If needed, detailled index by Shannon Appelcline: http://www.erzo.org/shannon/gaming/indices/wyrms-footnotes.txt
  14. City being build around a big open air temple, I guess you can cram a lot of small temples around it! (see S:KoH p. 240 for plan)
  15. Well, everyone do not have the same priorities. Sometimes, s**t happens and you have to deal with it. For my side, I prefer a late quality product, and delivered, to a non existant product because of too strict rules.
  16. It has been announced several times that David Millians is in charge of first Kralorela sourcebook, with Godunya cult description and new Draconic Mysticism rules in it, all around Lur Nop port area.
  17. Well, Nochet is worthy of its own book I would say. Then, another separate Esrolia book will be nicely appreciated!
  18. Even better: https://www.tapatalk.com/groups/glorantha/today-s-sneak-peak-a-glimpse-at-safelster-this-is--t2441.html Not all messages were saved but this one was.
  19. Map is now in Guide to Glorantha, page 374
  20. By the way, Illwinter's Floorplan Generator is at -25% until the 2nd of January ( and -15% for Six Ages, -65% for King of Dragon Pass ) : https://store.steampowered.com/app/630900/Illwinters_Floorplan_Generator/
  21. The Complete Griselda is from 2001, so it does not contain the other pdf Kraken ones, which are also longer than original ones.
  22. Who is the feather horse queen's illustrator please?
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