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Everything posted by g33k

  1. Yes, but still... It may be something the Humakti can notice, and be interested in. And if she pursues the Idrima link (further shifting Death/Life) it may increase that interest... Does she eventually initiate into B.Gor or M.Gor? Etc...
  2. Hmmm. An Ernalda priestess going Death-rune??? Again, that looks like something of interest to the Humakti... increasing some player/player interactions!
  3. I s'pose it wouldn't go amiss to suggest that "Merrie England: Robyn Hode" is worth a look. BRP/KAP crossovers are not tricksy-and-hard, after all... It might also be worth considering if, rather than importing some BRPism's into a KAP engine, you might import some KAPisms into a BRP engine. BRP/KAP crossovers are not tricksy-and-hard, after all... Having no deep understanding of KAP (and NO understanding of the criteria important to Sir Carter, Ravian, and the other estimable folk in this thread), I shan't suggest that any of my ideas here are good ideas. Just offering them as "FWIW" notions.
  4. My favorite, honestly, is just to play up the racial affinity to the Death Rune. I mean... they may be kind of oddly comical, but really: it doesn't get any more badass than to have the Death Rune as an entire species. But wait, you say: Trolls? feh, mere Darkness.
  5. There is also the Black Sheep -- someone you have to get rid of, but who has Very Important Relatives. You might even prefer to kill them, but keeping the Very Important's happy is a higher priority, and though the Very Importants aren't exactly "fond" of their Black Sheep, they are still family, and killing them is Not OK.
  6. Also the Stone Woman looks to have some serious Death orientation, so the Humakti may have an interest in that...
  7. No. It is tassssty, my Precioussss...
  8. I'd permit it, but not trivially. RQG has no strong "public school" system in place, no "standardized tests" &c. 12ish years of public school prepares a young adult for "many jobs" or for further trade/technical/professional education. In Glorantha, I presume a PC's "occupation" usually follows from one of: What they were good at, as youths Following family footsteps Imperative needs, such as soldiers during wartime An adult changing Occupations will, I presume, seem like an unskilled youth to their new "peers" and to the higher-ups in the new Occupation. If they change for what others judge as "no good reason," I might have those peers be... disrespectful & distrusting, using mocking nicknames and so on.
  9. I actually rather like this notion of Illumination riddles being snuck into a "traditional" riddling contest! Eurmali don't even need to "get" the Riddles / be Illuminated... So long as they memorize a suite of such riddles, and can do a passable disguise of either party. Just SUCH a Eurmal thing to do!
  10. What kind(s) of magic? I think it's relatively easy to slip over the line into making "I cast..." be the default action for everybody. Tweak until you get what suits you and your table, but beware the temptation to make magicians into a better-than-everyone-else category.
  11. The Lunars are a lot more simpatico to the modern sensibilities, which is part of what makes them so problematic. They are, in so many ways, so obviously The Good Guys! The tribal wars & feuds, rather rigid gender roles (albeit with exceptions such as "Vinga"), and "barbarian" overtones of the Orlanthi -- even, occasionally, human sacrifice! -- look rather bad in comparison. Except... Except when you look closely, it looks an awful lot like there is serious & irredeemable rot at the Lunar core. Sedenya herself rode out of Hell on the Crimson Bat, and the Lunars still use it as a mytho-WMD... despite needing to feed it souls more or less continuously (it is unclear, but seems possible-verging-on-probable, that the Glowline also destroys souls as its fuel). There is no way to disentangle Her actions from the Lunar Way, and the Chaotic "into the Void for utter & eternal destruction" treatment of Souls stands in stark contrast to an honored afterlife where your descendants can, at need, reach out to you.
  12. Hello, and welcome! Hmm. There's some rather disparate elements here... "Stygian" is an Arkat thing, an insulting term from the GL's about the Autarchy, so Gbaji-war survivors is exactly right! Arkat of course has deep Uz links. Arkat was also deeply into all manner of magical learning, so the "writing" could potentially be almost anything archaic. I wouldn't expect it to be readable, or even recognizable, except to a sage-type character (LM, IO, even a scholar-specialist Issaries; etc) IIRC, the GL's destroyed Arkat's "Autarchy," but remnants and descendants in Safelster continue to aspire to a restoration (if the whole region weren't so wedded to secretive cults and factions, there might IMHO actually be a decent chance for such a restoration). Spiral suggests Air/storm, though... This is an element that doesn't much fit. Machines, as noted, are most famously Mostali. Maybe they set a guardian against anyone trying to rediscover the Arkati secrets here? Maybe a war-machine of theirs got damaged (fighting the town) in such a manner that it cannot depart? BUT, there is also (and maybe even better?) The Zistorite branch of GL'ism, just as mechanistic as the Mostali. Maybe their "fame" (such as it is) and the "Machine," are from a war against Zistor...? Given the "death" theme, I'd think the Gate would be to some underworld/afterlife location. N.B. however that all the Mongoose-era 2ndAge material is now non-canonical, and will likely include stuff that is incompatible with the current RQG/Guide/etc vision of Glorantha. Plenty, as noted, can fit just fine!
  13. When proof-reading my own "stuff" I have a devil of a time getting away from reading what I meant to write, as opposed to what I actually put down on paper (or electrons). I usually cannot edit effectively until 3+ months after I wrote.
  14. Fair warning, then: a BRP-ish mythic take on the ancient Middle East / Near East region has been on my short-list of wanted RPG books for more than a decade. Don't expect me to last much beyond New Year's Day before I begin pleading for an updated ETA... 🤠
  15. This feels very Lunar to me. I could see it as some sort of syncretist Lunar attempt at revising or co-opting or "taming" Pocharngo's very uncontrolled Chaos.
  16. That _IS_ an amazing resource. I had completely lost track of it... forgotten it even existed. TYVM! I think that the "Jonstown Compendium" project is "forthcoming" and we all just need to wait on whenever Chaosium rolls it out. You know what I think could enhance that list of myths? Some sort of "tags" or "labels" system, categorizing them by POV (this is a Storm-Tribe myth; that one is Solar; etc), by subject (courtship, battle/war, gaining/losing magic), etc etc etc... Plus a list of named characters important to the myth... and maybe other elements... And finally: a lookup system, so somebody can go find myths relevant to the need at their table, for specific Adventures/Arcs/Characters/Campaigns/etc...
  17. <drools> Will you have an ETA when you drop the preview? Even a rough one? Also: will it be a sourcebook / supplement, or a complete-under-one-cover game? TYVM !
  18. There are quite a few "canonical" myths spread across all the "canonical" sources. I think every campaign should add myths specific to their own interests, but I don't especially want Chaosium to come sprinkle any of them with Canonicity Dust. As you say... for "stories and myths" the status of canon doesn't matter (at least, not NEARLY as much as how they fit at the table in question).
  19. Hello, and welcome! Thank you for your service. This is a great place to post queries like yours, no worries on that point! As to your questions: #1- You appear to have done it correctly, AND you also recall correctly that RQ2 (and even RQ3) characters tended to begin at lower power-levels: Chaosium has advanced the default starting date & abandoned the "zero to hero" model. The Lunar occupation of Sartar & Prax is broken... the Dragonrise is fresh in everyone's mind... Gods have died in living memory... the Hero Wars have begun! If you prefer, I think there are optional rules (in a section of boxed text) for lower-level play. #2- I think there may be some activity on VTT sites like Roll20 or FantasyGrounds, but I don't know for sure. You could try RPG.net's Role-play-by-post and/or "Ye Old Tavern" subforae... looks like a new RQG game has just launched, dunno if they will still consider new players. They also have a Pinned/Stickied thread with links to various find-a-group tools! I see occasional announcements of new campaigns launching right here on BRPCentral. Best of luck! Also... Look into the computer game "King of Dragon Pass."
  20. Reading, more than looking: yeah, the Minoan-cued outfits in Esrolia & adjacent areas are an obvious thing in the art. But is it in the TEXT? We know about "beards" on the LM and "red hair" for Vinga not just from the pix, but from the texts. Without any textual... uh, context... I'm semi-inclined to say that the Minoan cues in the art are at least as much Esrolian-Cultural as Ernaldan-Religious (admittedly, they may be more than a bit entwined there...). Except, of course, that whole RW/anthropological "welcome to the Bronze Age, I am a fertility priestess" thing. On the one hand, I find the lack of textual attestation (or have I missed something?) significant; OTOH, the ancient-era RW (which we know OFTEN cues the Gloranthan) has this VERY well attested. So I am waffling a bit.
  21. *IF* it's held as an important feature (which seems likely(?) to me, it's usually taken as a fertility-signifier in iconography) then there may be a requirement for men to wear "falsies;" might the same apply to less-endowed women? OTOH, it seems unattested in Gloranthan "canon" (unlike the beards & red hair), so likely not(?). It's worth noting that this topic strays close to some idealized & even fetishized modern-era attitudes & habits... I recall a discussion a while ago on these boards, concluding that "sacred dress" would somewhat conform to locality. Esrolia takes a lot of cues from Crete & Minos, and bare-breasted priestesses are a thing in Esrolia, so if "showing the breast" is expected in those temples, copper (good point!) pectorals would seem likely there. In colder climes, that would differ.
  22. But to return to the OP's query -- YES: expect both a close relation with "Primal Chaos," and extreme danger.
  23. Sounds like time for a heroquest...
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