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what could explain a "special" link between a sartarite and smilodon ?

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I would like to create a special encounter where a sartarite character feels a bond with a smilodon (or with smilodon breed, or smilodon spirit or .... well big teeth family)

What could explain such affinity if after research (library, divination, ancestor answers... ) the character find that one ancestor (human or not) was/did ...

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1 minute ago, Runeblogger said:

Yinkin is the brother of Orlanth and son of Fralar, god of carnivores.

So perhaps the smilodon could sense the friendliness of his cousin with the Sartarite.

yes, that was my first idea but Orlanth choice was his god brother Orlanth and not his animal spirit brothers during the war between gods and animals spirits. I think if there is nothing else, the friendliness of Yinkin is more an issue than an help

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5 hours ago, French Desperate WindChild said:

I would like to create a special encounter where a sartarite character feels a bond with a smilodon (or with smilodon breed, or smilodon spirit or .... well big teeth family)

What could explain such affinity if after research (library, divination, ancestor answers... ) the character find that one ancestor (human or not) was/did ...

Sakkar (aka smilodons) is the God of Fear (and as noted in the Guide p.678, he is also Hunter of Men).  I think the encounter would have to have the person overcome their innate Fear, and find a means to negotiate with the smilodon (or smilodon spirit). This likely means that the character must show an affinity with the Beast Rune (NOT the Man Rune), and prove they are a hunter/killer too.  

Research/divination would probably show the ancient ancestor who proved they too were a smilodon in spirit, and probably started a War Clan or brotherhood that hunted/killed other humans to survive the Great Darkness.

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I've seen 10,000 B.C. just these days, which contains a very impressive part, in which the hero helps a (much bigger) smilodon, which is trapped under some fallen tree trunks. And shortly after that the smilodon helps the hero, when he is encircled by a whole initially hostile tribe. But communicating with the smilodon gets him the favour of this tribe.

I could very well imagine, how this could happen in Glorantha, and how this could lead to relation between the hero and the big predator ...

Edited by Oracle
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8 hours ago, French Desperate WindChild said:

I would like to create a special encounter where a sartarite character feels a bond with a smilodon (or with smilodon breed, or smilodon spirit or .... well big teeth family)

What could explain such affinity if after research (library, divination, ancestor answers... ) the character find that one ancestor (human or not) was/did ...

Sakkar is the God of Fear and the Hunter of Men. He had many battles in the God Time, and only the mightiest could defeat him, eventually driving him into the wilds so that his children are now rare. His temples are guarded by his children, and only let pass those whom he favors. He is the patron of the Doblian Dogeaters regiment.

So... the most simple might be that the character discovers that one of his ancestors was of that regiment - either some time ago, or depending on their age, and the year, more recently when the regiment served in Sartar. It might be due to a relationship their family hid, or, if some generations ago, the details have been forgotten. But Sakkar hasn't, and sends one of his sakkar spirits to claim/adopt them.

Or... the character has a reason to become a hunter of men, perhaps seeking revenge, and they encounter a sakkar or sakkar spirit who recognises their kinship of purpose. Perhaps they summon a spirit to aid them, and there is the soft padding of large paws outside...

Edited by M Helsdon
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As a teenager the PC snuck into the outskirts of a broo camp and rescued a frightened smilidon cub, who was hiding precariously behind a bush while the broos were busy with the rest of the family. Since then all smilidon encounters are friendly.

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I like combining these.  It wouldn't all even be known, necessarily.

Ancient Forosvuli heritage.  Nobody knows of this, only a few lorespeakers have even heard of them; the lineage is thought long-dead.  But Sakkar knows otherwise!

Doblian Dogeaters were in Sartar... maybe there was a year-marriage, or just a "fling," producing a child.

In their youth, the character rescued a smilodon-cub, not even really understanding WHY they did it (but see above).

Later in life, vengeance calls them; maybe they even become an assassin?  Whatever -- they become not just a fighter or a soldier, but a man-hunter.

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C'es ne pas un .sig

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Thanks a lot

there are great ideas

I know nothing about Forosvuli but that can be a point. Is there large information or just a tribe name ?

Nobody knows who was the greatfather of the character. I don't know if he can be a doblian dogeaters (his father was born in 1561 - darkness). The great mother didn't disappear, she was in her clan during the conception. She died in 1576 during a secret heroquest (so many secrets... maybe a link maybe nothing, just one more hook)

Now (1613) the guy, previously hostage and educated in lunar ways (why not in Doblian ?), is working in Balazar as Egryptus the Bold aide... So we can find a cub to save too

I plan to create a crisis (so why not a revenge) when he come back to his clan (his bloodline has lost all powers, that's why he was choose as hostage by others, and it was only the middle of his bloodline downfall)

The main issue is the runes affinities ( 50% beast 50% man) but after some crisis, it may change.


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52 minutes ago, French Desperate WindChild said:

I know nothing about Forosvuli but that can be a point. Is there large information or just a tribe name ?

There isn't that much.

The tribe was founded relatively early in the Vingkotling Age from parts of the remnants of the Lastralgortelli tribe after their warband and leaders had been destroyed near Nivorah. Two granddaughters of Vingkot, a daughter of Kodig who married Liorn and a daughter of Korol who married Forosil Ferocious, reclaimed the survivors, and with their Star Captain husbands (Orlanthi heroes who had acquired their own stars when Orlanth had conquered the Upper Sky) created these new tribes, the first of the Star Tribes.

Forosil's heroic deeds that gave him his star are unpublished.

Some while later, the Jorganostelli Winter Tribe splintered up, too, with a large portion consolidating as the Stravuli. Other portions consolidated later as the Sedenorvuli and Garanvuli, both with Star Captains as kings again, but possibly after the Sword and Helm Saga, or close to it.

The Forosilvuli were one of the Heortling tribes who greeted the Dawn. After the Great Darkness, they don't appear to have any such special beasts left.

Most of this is in Heortling Mythology and (for the Silver/Dawn Age) the History of the Heortling People and reprinted and slightly edited down in the Guide.

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Telling how it is excessive verbis


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1 hour ago, French Desperate WindChild said:

Thanks a lot

there are great ideas

I know nothing about Forosvuli but that can be a point. Is there large information or just a tribe name ?

Nobody knows who was the greatfather of the character. I don't know if he can be a doblian dogeaters (his father was born in 1561 - darkness). The great mother didn't disappear, she was in her clan during the conception. She died in 1576 during a secret heroquest (so many secrets... maybe a link maybe nothing, just one more hook)

Now (1613) the guy, previously hostage and educated in lunar ways (why not in Doblian ?), is working in Balazar as Egryptus the Bold aide... So we can find a cub to save too

I plan to create a crisis (so why not a revenge) when he come back to his clan (his bloodline has lost all powers, that's why he was choose as hostage by others, and it was only the middle of his bloodline downfall)

The main issue is the runes affinities ( 50% beast 50% man) but after some crisis, it may change.


Huge trust issues with his clan then. The "dirt shines" (returned hostages) are grudgingly tolerated because they are close kin to senior members of the clan, but if your PC has nobody powerful to speak up for them there will be no reason not to sort the problem of a potential Lunar spy quickly and quietly. Maybe the shaman or head priest has a vision they should be left alone - but not everyone will listen. Some hothead bearing a grudge against the Lunars might decide to have a go anyway.

On the other hand if your PC returns after butchering a few Lunars, the clan might be afraid of the Lunar response.

Edited by EricW
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19 hours ago, French Desperate WindChild said:

I would like to create a special encounter where a sartarite character feels a bond with a smilodon

If they find a cub then they could rear it. Look at Cattle Raid in the Gamemaster Screen Pack to see how you might find one...

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Search the Glorantha Resource Site: https://wellofdaliath.chaosium.com. Search the Glorantha mailing list archives: https://glorantha.steff.in/digests/

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On 6/11/2020 at 3:39 PM, Runeblogger said:

Yinkin is the brother of Orlanth and son of Fralar, god of carnivores.

So perhaps the smilodon could sense the friendliness of his cousin with the Sartarite.

One of the HW books note the interest a Sakkarite Lunar occupation unit has in the cult of Yinkin.

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