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Pavis & Big Rubble Companion: The Directors' Cut Relaunch

Ian A. Thomson

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Pro tip: I'd suggest throwing up a new thread in the RuneQuest forum, whose title matches the name of the book.

Out Now in PDF: New Pavis - City on the Edge of Forever!

But that's just me. You could link it back to this 14-page monstrosity in a different forum, if you like, but I'm not sure I'd bother. It gives people a place to talk about the book you just released (that they've hopefully bought), rather than wade through the reams of technical issues you encountered putting it together.

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Currently collating the list of primary contributors in order to get the links sent to them for their 'Thank You!' copies :)

Actually sick as a dog at the moment, so everything's taking ages, but this is my priority action right now

I believe I need the emails associated with DriveThruRPG in order to do that?

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Former Issaries Inc. 'Pavis Expert'

Some of my creations and co-creations: https://preview.drivethrurpg.com/en/browse?keyword=Ian Thomson 

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10 hours ago, g33k said:

One other tip:  get some "preview" content up... Table of contents, first page or two of text, maybe a bit of internal art?

Oh, there was a 5 page preview there the other day

Has that gone since Fabian uploaded the latest version?

I'll check and advise him if so


Former Issaries Inc. 'Pavis Expert'

Some of my creations and co-creations: https://preview.drivethrurpg.com/en/browse?keyword=Ian Thomson 

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Just now, Bill the barbarian said:

oh no, you too! Zounds!


Yeh, an epic lurgy

Been in bed for 2 days

BUT happy to say am up and about at least now this afternoon, feeling exhausted but definitely on the mend. Head clear again and appetite back

Normal operating parameters kicking back in slowly

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Former Issaries Inc. 'Pavis Expert'

Some of my creations and co-creations: https://preview.drivethrurpg.com/en/browse?keyword=Ian Thomson 

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On 10/19/2022 at 7:29 PM, Ian A. Thomson said:

Should only be a few weeks before they are done. Wondering how regularly to release each following vol. Thinking every 3 or 4 months?


If they're finished, I'd rather see them much more often, personally.  Monthly, perhaps.  I understand not wanting to bombard people and perhaps infringe on sales, but I don't think $20 a month is too much for most anyone with a hobby like this.  If they all come out tomorrow, I'd buy them all.  But that's me. 😉

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9 minutes ago, Jason Farrell said:

If they're finished, I'd rather see them much more often, personally.  Monthly, perhaps.  I understand not wanting to bombard people and perhaps infringe on sales, but I don't think $20 a month is too much for most anyone with a hobby like this.  If they all come out tomorrow, I'd buy them all.  But that's me. 😉

I'm imagining that 3 monthly is likely more realistic as a minimum time required, but if I am lucky it could be 2 monthly

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Former Issaries Inc. 'Pavis Expert'

Some of my creations and co-creations: https://preview.drivethrurpg.com/en/browse?keyword=Ian Thomson 

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Previews on DriveThruRPG are very flaky, so don’t be surprised if you have to fiddle with them every time you change a file. The interface gives the impression it’s all done when you set up a new title, but the defaults usually don’t work.

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14 hours ago, Ian A. Thomson said:

Oh, there was a 5 page preview there the other day

Has that gone since Fabian uploaded the latest version?

I'll check and advise him if so

Yeah; as of this moment (just re-checked) there is no preview available.

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C'es ne pas un .sig

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Hi Folks

Looking for references about people who were worshipped for a time while they were still alive :)

Yes, writing up the full Cult of Pavis at the moment.

I know I've seen this topic addressed somewhere



Former Issaries Inc. 'Pavis Expert'

Some of my creations and co-creations: https://preview.drivethrurpg.com/en/browse?keyword=Ian Thomson 

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3 minutes ago, Ian A. Thomson said:

I know I've seen this topic addressed somewhere

Here's @Jeff talking about living gods on our Facebook group:


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Hi Folks

Some basic cult questions as I revise one of the old pieces:

Is the name 'Orlanth Allfather' still accurate for general worship of Orlanth (among rural Dorasings)?

(Likewise, Ernalda Allmother.)?

Or would most Dorasings likely worship Barntar or someone else? Or Orlanth and Barntar, or just the Storm Pantheon (with Orlanth as head) and Barntar?

And is Bevara still an acknowledged healer of the Storm Tribe or would most Dorasing healers worship Ernalda the Healer, or is there some other new deity

Maybe there is a link somewhere to a more up to date list of typical clan Heortling worship that I can adapt for Pavis County?



Former Issaries Inc. 'Pavis Expert'

Some of my creations and co-creations: https://preview.drivethrurpg.com/en/browse?keyword=Ian Thomson 

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AFAIK, Allfather and Allmother aren't subcults anymore; Orlanth is just Adventurous, Thunderous, and sometimes Rex. Ernalda doesn't have defining subcults like Orlanth's.

Dorasings will probably worship Orlanth Thunderous mostly, since he brings the all-important rain. There might be some dedicated Barntari, but he's mostly worshiped as a subcult of his dad.

Capital-H Healers will worship Chalana Arroy, but any Ernaldan worth her salt is probably going to have some healing magic.

The religious and social model we got from Thunder Rebels is a bit outdated, and there's especially far less of a 1:1 correlation between a god's magic and their worshipers' occupation. I'll see if I can find some references that clear things up better than I can.

Edited by Richard S.
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1 hour ago, Ian A. Thomson said:

Is the name 'Orlanth Allfather' still accurate for general worship of Orlanth (among rural Dorasings)?

No, just use Orlanth Thunderous or Barntar.

1 hour ago, Ian A. Thomson said:

(Likewise, Ernalda Allmother.)?

That is just the normal Ernalda cult.

1 hour ago, Ian A. Thomson said:

Or would most Dorasings likely worship Barntar or someone else? Or Orlanth and Barntar, or just the Storm Pantheon (with Orlanth as head) and Barntar?

They would probably worship Barntar openly and Orlanth secretly, due to the Lunar opposition to the Orlanth cult.

1 hour ago, Ian A. Thomson said:

And is Bevara still an acknowledged healer of the Storm Tribe or would most Dorasing healers worship Ernalda the Healer, or is there some other new deity

Bevara is probably just a Subcult of Chalana Arroy. She could be worshipped separately, but I doubt there is much point in that.

1 hour ago, Ian A. Thomson said:

Maybe there is a link somewhere to a more up to date list of typical clan Heortling worship that I can adapt for Pavis County?

The RQG Rulebook is probably the most up to date source, until the Cults books come out.

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Simon Phipp - Caldmore Chameleon - Wallowing in my elitism since 1982. Many Systems, One Family. Just a fanboy. 


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10 minutes ago, soltakss said:

They would probably worship Barntar openly and Orlanth secretly, due to the Lunar opposition to the Orlanth cult.

Orlanth isn't actively opposed in Pavis, since he's responsible for bringing the rain (and honestly I doubt there's enough Lunars in the city to really force him out). His temple is just across the street from the Seven Mothers'.

Edited by Richard S.
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Bevara is clearly an expression of Ernalda, not of Chalana Arroy. She is the combat medic, the supporter who rushes into a combat situation to extract wounded combatants, trained in self-defense and battle awareness.

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Telling how it is excessive verbis


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As mentioned elsewhere with massive gratitude, this project would be impossible without volunteers helping out. It is endless, days, weeks and months of work. So to have people assist with creating stats, reviewing stats, proofing and RQG rules advice is what makes it possible. HUGE thanks! :)

As Vols 02 & 03 steam ahead I'm getting organised and creating proper lists for the first time of contributors as it all happens (rather than piecing it all together afterwards)

Enough content is now done that pieces are available to proof, and gaps are being left where RQG GMCs (both simple and more complex) will eventually appear

Here's the sort of thing that is the most useful:

* Basic 'interested reader' review (reading through an article and spotting grammar mistakes, inconsistences, missing info, repetitions, or just anything that goes 'clunk' in the reading process) People who know Glorantha already, and are also ideally somewhat familiar with Pavis & the Rubble
* Review of new spells (some people with solid knowledge of things like power-levels, spell formats and related rulesy stuff, so advise me on the spells/effects etc I am creating for the Pavis Cult and its subcults and heroes etc)
* RQG stats review (review of some already created supporting characters, to make sure they are correct)
* RQG simple GMCs (creating some basic incidental GMCs to support scenarios or random encounters in the Rubble etc) I will provide basic details of what's needed
* RQG major GMCs (creating more detailed major GMCs who are local personalities or scenario major characters) Again I will provide outlines of who/what is needed

Please let me know if you are available for any of this

If you are happy to help, but have limited time, know that every little bit helps
Proofing one small article, creating a handful of simple GMCs, creating just one major GMC
As you can imagine, it all adds up

And as usual, anyone who does have the time to contribute a chunk of stuff will get a complimentary copy of the Vol they do work for

Cheers folks



Former Issaries Inc. 'Pavis Expert'

Some of my creations and co-creations: https://preview.drivethrurpg.com/en/browse?keyword=Ian Thomson 

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On 10/23/2022 at 5:22 PM, Ian A. Thomson said:

Some basic cult questions as I revise one of the old pieces:

Is the name 'Orlanth Allfather' still accurate for general worship of Orlanth (among rural Dorasings)?

(Likewise, Ernalda Allmother.)?

Or would most Dorasings likely worship Barntar or someone else? Or Orlanth and Barntar, or just the Storm Pantheon (with Orlanth as head) and Barntar?

And is Bevara still an acknowledged healer of the Storm Tribe or would most Dorasing healers worship Ernalda the Healer, or is there some other new deity

Maybe there is a link somewhere to a more up to date list of typical clan Heortling worship that I can adapt for Pavis County?

The RQG take on this seems to be that these things exist as concepts and legends, but no longer as subcults. For instance, "Allfather" is still (presumably) a name of Orlanth, but not a subcult (most of that would now be in Thunderous). Thunderous and Barntar would be the two common cults for (male) farmers.

Similarly, I have no reason to believe that Bevara isn't still in the myths, but the lower granularity of subcults in RQG means she didn't get one. Not that she really needs it either - you can make a perfectly fine combat medic using just the Ernalda cult as-is (as one of my players have). Such a healer might even carry some kind of Bevara tattoo, see her as a divine patron, and (naturally) pick her spells from the (huge!) selection of Ernalda spells to fit the job (with both Shield and Earth Shield, Ernaldans can be very defensive and durable). She could even have picked up some heroquest power. If you want a little more Bevara, you could easily include a shrine to her some place, perhaps even providing a unique spell for Ernaldans to learn there if desired. Or teaching the Battle skill.

Basically: Orlanth subcults are Adventurous, Thunderous, Rex, Vinga, Barntar, and perhaps some few more. Ernalda doesn't have any subcults in RQG, but could potentially pick them up in the Cults book (no idea if this will happen). Local variations of cults are both supported and make sense.

Edited by Akhôrahil
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3 hours ago, Akhôrahil said:

If you want a little more Bevara, you could easily include a shrine to her some place

Or taking a cue from real life (e.g. Sumer), people could have mini-shrines or effigies — “personal gods” — at home to deities that get no representation in places of public worship.

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