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Everything posted by soltakss

  1. First year at senior school, aged 11, we did athletics and tried throwing a discus. Mine went behind me. I was excused from throwing anything again and had to stick to running and jumping from then on. So, missing by 10m is very easy.
  2. Yes, you fail the throw, not activating the grenade. Throwing a grenade means getting it to the right spot so that it explodes doing damage where you want it. How many grenades don't explode when thrown? sure, there might be duds, but most go off somewhere. It's the ones that hit something and bounce back into your lap that you have to be careful about. Pretty difficult, actually. Throwing is a skill, like anything else. People have a raw ability but it can be improved. Making everything an easy roll defeats the point of having a Throw skill. you have a skill because throwing is not easy. Throwing a grenade is not easy as you have to know how to throw it and where it should land.
  3. I don't overthink it. You dig a shaft down or a tunnel, you expand out following seams and dig them out, bringing them to the surface. Then you wash the rock/dirt to get the stuff out. If you need a chemical reaction then you use an alchemist. If you need to smelt ore to extract whatever is inside it, then you have some kind of furnace appropriate to the task/culture and use that. That's it.
  4. It is easy enough to pack a cellar full of ice and keep it cold all summer long. Having Inora or Valind cultists around make it even easier. You could even bind a Darkness Elemental in the cellar to keep it nice and cool.
  5. Not sure about Vithela, but Nagas would definitely suit Glorantha. We currently have Lamias and Serpent Guardians, which are basically similar to Nagas, but there is always room for more half-serpent folk.
  6. So...when an Ostrich Rider sticks his or her head in the sand, the ostrich becomes invulnerable? Even Broo cannot see them.
  7. I'd be tempted to ignore where it comes from in the real world. For example, tea could grow anywhere suitable, not just Kralorela, or ginger does not have to come from the East Isles or Teshnos.
  8. I would second Asrelia. It would be foolish of miners to not sacrifice to Asrelia when mining. Aurelion has some connections to mining, as does Mostal. There might be Heroes who raided Asrelia's Halls and took her treasures. They would be patrons of miners. Krarsht might be an interesting patron of mining, due to her many tunnels. Argan Argar or Lodril might be patrons of obsidian mining.
  9. There were some rules in RQ3, maybe in Elder Secrets, for Mostali. Your description looks close enough to those rules, I think. I would also probably say: Critical: You have thrown it into/under their armour Special: You have thrown it where you want it to be, without rolling for direction Success: You have thrown it around the intended target, so that the explosion affects the intended target, but roll for direction Failure: You have thrown it in a random direction based on the target, but far enough away so as not to harm them Fumble: You have dropped it into your boot, down the neck or other such place, or roll on the Missile Fumble Table.
  10. Have a nice hot beverage to make you feel better. May I recommend Hellwood's Moonfire Surprise?
  11. I would think infusing leaves, herbs, fruits, drugs and spices has been done forever. And I would think that shortly after cooking was invented someone discovered that infusions were easier and faster in hot liquids. Yes, although a lot of sites say there isn't evidence until later, I would expect them to be Stone Age at least. However, Glorantha is not the real world, so there is no reason why we can't have things like coffee in Glorantha. Similarly, tea is Asian in the real world, but should be able to be grown anywhere suitable in Glorantha, even in places that would not seem suitable when compared with the real world. In Glorantha, hot bull's blood, steeped leaves, crushed/mashed grains and much more could be the basis of hot drinks.
  12. I have spun out a separate thread for Hot Drinks of Glorantha.
  13. Over at the Podcast of Wonder thread, there is an interesting discussion about hot drinks. I would think infusing leaves, herbs, fruits, drugs and spices has been done forever. And I would think that shortly after cooking was invented someone discovered that infusions were easier and faster in hot liquids. Not sure I would use our world's timeline take on discovery to have much weight here, but having been around the fora for a while I am sure I will get disagreement on this. My take is all you need (as best I understand it) is a herder watching his goats (I will admit this could be hard) getting frisky munching on berries on a hill.
  14. HeroQuestor. I thought that coffee was earlier, but seems to be 15th century. Tea, on the other hand, was consumed in the Bronze age and cultivated before then, probably. According to wikipedia, chocolate was used from c1750BC with many peoples drinking it as a beverage, so that is Bronze Age.
  15. Summoning the dead is a very easy way of ruining a murder mystery scenario. Some things to consider: Summoning the recent dead might be taboo, as they might stay as a ghost to haunt the living If you summon the recent dead before they reach the Halls of Silence, have to broken their path and thus condemn them to an eternity of walking the earth? The recent dead might be suffering from a form of psychic shock, so might not remember the events leading up to their death The ghost might not tell the truth, or might just rant on about how they were murdered How easy is it to summon a particular dead person?
  16. Merrie England: Age of Chivalry has alchemy rules for BRP and Merrie England: Robyn Hode has alchemy rules for Revolution D100.
  17. There will be people in the audience who won't like any deviations in the poem, as they have themselves memorised bits of it. However, some performers will intentionally deviate, perhaps to give emphasis to an event or a participant. Over time, this becomes the norm for that area and different regional versions are made. These tales are very conservative, in that the stories do not change, but have many different variations. People who collect tales such as these look for the definitive version and treat everything else as being different, or lesser, versions. The reality is that there is probably no definitive version and all the versions are good ones.
  18. I've always thought the opposite. They are bitter that they know what should be done and can see their descendants not doing it right, but they can't affect it. That makes them bitter, complaining, interfering (where possible) old biddies, worse than the most annoying relatives that you can think of. give them a bit of power and they are the force of conservatism that does not allow your clan to change, as any change is a deviation from the customs. One thing that anyone who wants to change the clan needs to do is to convince the ancestors, which is not very easy at all. When a clan splits into two, some ancestors stay with the original clan and some go with the new clan. That can have interesting effects. When two clans join, or when a bloodline leaves one clan and joins another, the ancestors join and they will have different ideas about what the customs are, possibly pulling the clan in different directions.
  19. Glad to see you better and back drawing. The idea of Simon not drawing is a very sad one indeed.
  20. You are better off lobbying for Chaosium to allow Magic World to be included in one of the DTRPG Community Content schemes. They have done so well that Chaosium are withdrawing third party publication, presumably to encourage people to use the Jonstown Compendium or Miskatonic Repository. If Community Content scheme became available that included Magic world, you could easily produce a PDF fanzine for Magic World.
  21. Mythras uses 1/10 but always rounds up. Therefore 51% means a critical range of 6%. Yes, that is why I said that I just use the tens value. Having to divide in a game setting breaks things for some one my players, so I make it as easy as I can for them. Mythras rounds up, which means slightly more calculation than some of my Players like.
  22. Generally, you belong to a Tribe by belonging to a Clan. Your Clan belongs to a Tribe, so by joining the Clan you join the Tribe. By leaving your old Clan you leave your old Tribe. Anything is possible. You could be adopted by a whole Tribe and not be in a Clan. That would mean that Tribal laws apply to you but not Clan laws. You would be a very special case, though. Yes, by joining the Clan you automatically belong to the Tribe. People get adopted by Clans all the time. Normally, it is through marriage or the results of marriage. sometimes it is because your own Clan has been destroyed, or a Clan has split and you have been taken in by your new Clan. Sometimes, wanderers join a Clan just be being around the Clan. You could still retain the old Loyalties, or you could lose them and gain new ones. Some people are torn between their old Clan and their new Clan. Some people have been driven out of their old Clan and turn Loyalty into Hate, so they rename the Passion. I would handle this in-game, on a case by case basis, in consultation with the Players.
  23. They would spring into action for Initiates and higher. Humakti who join Yanafal Tarnils cannot use swords, as their swords shatter. Fortunately, scimitars are not swords and are fine (for those die-hards who still have scimitars in their games). Issaries merchants are probably OK to join Etyries, as Etyries is accepted as a subcult of Issaries. I think that Issaries worshippers are likely to remain in their cult and be associate members of Etyries. Lhankor Mhy worshippers would be affected by the spirits of reprisal, I think. Chalana Arroy cultists might be able to join Queen Deezola without penalty, I am not sure. They would definitely lose their Rune magic and Rune Pool. People paying lip-service, worshipping the old ways in secret. Some people would embrace the Lunar ways wholeheartedly, rooting out the secret worshippers of Orlanth. Temples would be closed, but not destroyed, as it takes a lot of effort to destroy a temple. People might sneak in to a temple to carry out illicit worship. Children would still go through the Initiation ceremonies, as nobody wants to emulate Lokamayadon and ban them. Even if they were banned, people can follow Harmast's path and still be initiated. Most coming of age ceremonies will result in children joining Barntar instead of Orlanth, but with a nod and a wink.
  24. I've been using Counting Up for years, it is easier for me. Mythras and Legend divide by 10 for Criticals. I just use the tens value of the skill for the Critical chance, so a skill of 51 or 59 has a Critical chance of 5, a skill of 110 has a Critical chance of 11 and so on, this means you can't critical with a skill of 01-09 but that's Ok with me. Revolution has an Advantage if the Tens die is higher than the Units die, so 10 is an Advantage but 12 isn't, 32, 54 and 83 are Advantages and so on.
  25. The original question was not "can they fly". By asking about a stall speed, it implicitly assumed they could somehow fly. The question was about their maneuverability, especially with a rider. In that case, I refer you to the documentary evidence already provided, of a clip of a Hippogriff hovering.
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