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Everything posted by soltakss

  1. From the base chance, so you would take 50 from the pool. I normally do it in a spreadsheet, with skill name, category bonus, base chance, background, profession, free and any other adds in separate columns, with a final total at the end. It makes it easier for me to understand. Each column takes from the appropriate pool. The cap includes the base chance, so a cap of 75% means that no skill can exceed 75% at the start of play. So, in your example, you can max your skills to 66%, as adding the category bonus brings the skill to 75%. The same with the other example, the total skill cannot exceed 75%. Of course, this means that any unused points can be used for other skills.
  2. As has been said, RQ6 would be fine for this. For multi-genre games, you would need to have different Backgrounds/Professions/Skills, but they are easy enough to put together. I'd allow the spending of a Luck Point to reduce the effect of a wound, "It's just a Flesh Wound".
  3. It makes sense for the Hoses to be near the lake, presumably for washing down the other animals.
  4. The more you play with it, the harder it gets. That's why I don't like updates, at work or at home,
  5. Congratulations! Why is it non-OGC? One of the strengths of Legend is that anyone can use the open content rules.
  6. There was a spell called Analyse Magic, for Gloranthan RuneQuest, which we used to see what properties a magic item had. Mystic Vision could also be used by sorcerers and I believe that is available in Basic Magic. I don't think there is a BRP equivalent, though.
  7. I had a filter for unread posts, from the old version, which didn't work, but the link above works fine.
  8. The New Content link doesn't work - You have to use http://basicroleplaying.org/new-content/ instead.
  9. I did, somewhere between 1 and 15, I think ...
  10. Guide to Glorantha is in: Best Cartography Best Production Values Product of the Year I couldn't find it in any other category.
  11. It is unclear for weapons, but clearer for shields. For ease of use, I'd just make the roll Difficult. But, that would be the same for someone who just misses out and someone who is way short, so you might want to make it harder for someone who is way short of the characteristics.
  12. I would suggest bringing her along, but I tried that and it didn't really work. Not your wife of course
  13. You can start with the Mercenaries Handbook, which contains everything you need to roll up Mercenaries. There are a few alien races and a neat way of generating a new alien race. The Galaxy Guide is basically a GM's Handbook with descriptions of some planets and some scenarios. The Xenopedia is a Monster manual of various alien species.
  14. I think that Paolo (RosenMcStern) has used Fantasy Grounds before. He published a couple of scenarios for Fantasy Grounds.
  15. I downloaded it and it looks OK, but I am not in a position to play it at the moment.
  16. If anyone want to put a copy of these documents online, I can make a space somewhere at www.soltakss.com to hold a copy of the downloads. That way, if files are corrupted again, all you need to do is to download the file and upload to BRP Central. Let me know if you want to do something like that.
  17. Probably because it is by Chaosium and this sale is by Solace Games.
  18. I've never really cared whether something is official or unofficial, to be honest. Chaosium have produced some good BRP material, but so have Alephtar Games. Would Alephtar's material be official? Maybe, as they are licensed. What about material in fanzines? For RQ, Tales of the Reaching Moon was unofficial, but had a lot of very good material. I can use unofficial material as easily as official material.
  19. In theory, they should port across OK. BRP has a monograph called Basic Magic, I think, that is effectively RQ3 Divine Magic for BRP. RQ6 Theism has a family tree that includes RQMI/II, which itself is loosely based on RQ3 Divine Magic. So, they are similar. You might need to decide which skills are used/affected, as BRP skills and RQ6 skills are not always the same. Also, the mechanism for overcoming resistance is different between the two systems. But, apart from that, they should be broadly OK.
  20. Yes, it would have been better to have a generic SciFi version of RuneQuest, then to have different settings that incorporate various aspects of the rules. Ringworld has a lot of things that might not be usable in other SciFi settings.
  21. Hmmm, I would like to see CoC brought into line with BRP, not vice versa, although I have not read any of the newer versions of CoC (past V1 or 2). CoC always struck me as a fun, simple game, with a very basic, cut-down form of BRP. The strengths of CoC are not in the system, but in the flavour, atmosphere and setting.
  22. That's one reason I only buy PDFs now - Nothing on the bookshelf, nothing coming through the post, no paper invoices and no easy way of finding out that I have bought it.
  23. Face to face, weekly at each others' houses. One of our players plays twice a week, once with us and once with another RQ group.
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