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Everything posted by jajagappa

  1. I'd be inclined to say a type of cabbage, grape leaves, or something like chard, perhaps wrapped around some chunk of meat, and served in a hot pot style.
  2. As @Oracle noted Greymane, and his sons, are dead. (Though of course YGMV) Queen Hendira is also dead, and the Red Earth Alliance destroyed. Esrolia, and by extension, Maniria, is in something of a jockeying for power post-Dragonrise. On the one hand, ruling Nochet and effectively ruling Northern Esrolia and leading the Old Earth Alliance is Queen Samastina. On the other hand, ruling Rhigos and leading the Warm Earth Alliance, with close ties to Caladraland, is the Demivierge of Rhigos. You can see these divisions reflected in the Homelands writeup in RQG. Now bear in mind that Esrolia is still dominated by 200 Enfranchised (i.e. noble) clans and their Grandmothers, who are realigning themselves towards one or the other of those two leaders. And they are extending their influences along the Trade Road to Maniria. Off in Maniria, there's the Queen of Handra, who has her own ambitions. And northward there is the Arstola Forest, and the elves have their own agenda (i.e. cover all of Maniria, and more, in wild woodland once again).
  3. Why? Beast seems perfectly reasonable for trolls. Just consider some of the variant troll forms like cave trolls or midget slashers (from the old RQ3 Bestiary).
  4. I was referencing the original, rather than the "Ongoing" thread. You can also do a Search for "1617" and find some of the entries directly. See: https://basicroleplaying.org/topic/7638-rqg-corrections-thread/
  5. I think that was noted as an error in the RQG Corrections thread.
  6. That's why they invented Illumination. 😉
  7. What Jeff and Jason have noted within the past month regarding the GM Pack is that it: "includes a sandbox setting in Dragon Pass, detailed locations including Clearwine Fort and Apple Lane,... and three loosely-linked scenarios appropriate for starting adventurers."
  8. The typical occupations for an Anthropologist would be: Professor or Researcher with a primary specialty in Anthropology. The former would have a more academic focus, the latter a field-research focus. You could also use Author for someone who's focused on turning their studies into best-selling works, or Explorer if they are bent on tracking down unusual and remote cultures.
  9. "Return to Apple Lane" in Sartar Companion is the one where the Lunars arrive to claim one of Gringle's magic treasures. The PC's are supposed to help Gringle escape. There was another Apple Lane scenario done somewhere set a few years after the Lunars had taken over, but I can't remember where, though I think it was in some fanzine.
  10. Correct. I was just referencing Irrippi Ontor. For other Lunar sorceries, we have the Major and Minor Class Schools, and the Carmanians. The latter would seem to have some focus on balancing dualistic powers (e.g. Natha) and powers of Darkness (e.g. from Spol) or Death (e.g. Humakt-related). As for the Minor Class School, we have this short description from HQG: "Lunar Minor Class Magician This male magician from a Minor Class unit is an initiate of the Spindle Hag, whose cultists explore the diverse horrors and solaces concealed within the mysterious realms of darkness and insanity. He wears long robes, a goatskin cloak over his shoulders and ankle boots with long curved toes. His horned headdress is fashioned from goat horns and ears." That suggests some combination of the shamanic practices of Jakaleel possibly with sorcerous rites. Could have spells related to disconnecting the spirit from the body, generating madness and hallucinations, etc.
  11. No probably not. But I'd certainly allow for dismissal of such based on the Lunar mastery of the Young Elementals.
  12. Irrippi Ontor would be easiest. Model on LM and possibly add spells that use the Moon rune (e.g. summoning dispelling Lunes).
  13. The latest Lunar fashion made with red moon dust, or a plot by Quicksilver Mostali to undermine human and duck cultures.
  14. If I recall, even other Storm Gods like Valind do not respond (and all winds die when reaching the Windstop). But other Bad Gods likely will.
  15. Yes, there will be a separate GM Book. That is downstream in the publication list as noted above. What is coming after the Bestiary is the GM Pack. That is what Jeff has noted has the Colymar sandbox + scenarios + calendar + GM screen. No. That will come later. That will be the GM Book. It would be less confusing if names were more distinct. Maybe it will be by the time it is released.
  16. I follow the same, and seems to be fine.
  17. I think MOB is incorrect on that.
  18. Looks like the Sky Bull is ready to come down and stomp on the unsuspecting walktapus.
  19. I like the eyelashes and disco. 🙂 And the duck on the Bestiary cover may simply be mimicking Orlanthi/Vingan styles. Btw, have you ever considered why the ducks can survive in the Upland Marsh/deal with Delecti? Somehow I contemplated this a few days ago - and the thought that came to mind is this: Delecti is actually a Duck! (And his ability to survive is somehow dependent on not harming them). Of course, that is likely to just be some horrible Lismelder rumor, but still...
  20. I always thought it did, or at least remember it existing, though can't find it now. But as an HQG GM, I do not allow it - as @David Scott has noted, it doesn't make contextual sense. Effectively, you're already using that keyword.
  21. This is the event with the assassination of Sartar's heirs by the Lunars, though! So, think Lunar Tarsh is correct, Old Tarsh is not.
  22. I've always interpreted this to mean that it is their normal attack, but that you have no response to it (i.e. you have no Dodge nor Parry). Free = Unopposed.
  23. The Sea Gods are the most obvious, including Heler. Consider Umath/Orlanth and the slaying of Faralinthor & Esrola. Also the Blue Hill story of Esrola and Uroth. (see Heortling Myths p.66, and the Flood Age map on p.74) The Serpentbeast Brotherhood seems likely. The Mostali, and also Zzabur. (see Heortling Myths p.76-77 re: Seravus the Enchanter who steals the animals) Lodril/Veskarthan. See reference to the Kitchen (Esrolia p.20), between the halves of the hill that Veskarthan broke. Veshkorgos took away the house of Lerena, and She Devourer ate the old Rolling Ground (Esrolia p.20) - the former could be Deshkorgos, or could be Veskarthan, but likely a Hell God of some type. She Devourer sounds like Kyger Litor, or some other Hell Goddess. Other Storm Gods. (Esrolia p.22) we have the Three Bad Men. One is Kodig, who would be the Vingkotling. But we don't know Herkool or Elaliol. And the next page adds the Axe Man, who sounds like an Earth deity. Also Voriof and Uroth, the Ram Gods, who get castrated, after which Nevela is tamed. All that sounds like struggles between various Storm tribes. (p.23) "Now there were four Bad Men, and they began fighting." The Axe Man (per footnote on p.23) might be Tereen (champion of Ter), or Terliol (blessed of Ter). We don't know who Ter is, but suggests it could be a rival Earth/Land Goddess.
  24. Nice! If you want brand new characters, this looks like a good and very Gloranthan scenario to run.
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