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Everything posted by jajagappa

  1. And don't forget Brolia! E.g. per the Guide, the city of Jornan where the Homecoming of Bisos occurred in the Grey Age; or Vornops, also called “Old Red”, which is best known for its redbrick temple to Esus and her son Bisos (also called Ernalda and Urox). Plus Worian where it is noted that the highlands of Worian are a stronghold of the bull folk, worshipers of Bisos and Esus. And the Darsen Hills where throngs of pilgrims travel each year to the Miringite Cave where Natha, Naveria, Oria, Bisos, Poralistor, and the other gods and goddesses came to the Surface World after being freed from the Fourth and Fifth Hells.
  2. Agreed. I have no interest in metal figures. Personally I'm looking forward to the Gods War figures from Petersen Games, and hoping that they might package some of the common figures for RQG.
  3. Though not necessarily all canonical there's a whole group of heroquests in Arcane Lore. http://www.chaosium.com/arcane-lore-pdf/ I ran the Crossroads Quest from there recently as a station/step when my player's were trying to get out of a Trickster's gut (he Swallowed them to help them escape from a Lunar stockade). There's a lot of material in the Book of Heortling Mythology, Glorious ReAscent of Yelm, and Entekosiad which could be turned into heroquests. Pdf's of all are available on Chaosium site in the Stafford Library. I've run part of the heroquest from HQG, but my players are still gathering information on how to try to find Orane.
  4. It also means you can play in the Hero Wars, rather than just the preliminaries. It's not just in Sartar, Pavis, or the Holy Country. The entire southern Provinces are in turmoil and confusion. You can become the new King of Saird (at least before Argrath gets there!), or reestablish the trade with the dwarfs of Imther, or unite the Aggari tribes against the chaotic hordes of Dorastor, or go questing for the followers of the White Moon, etc.
  5. And it also includes a section on the Gods of the Lunar Way.
  6. I agree with Peter's note. Do not draw on the HQ1 supplements - if you are writing content, you will need to follow the canonical sources. Greg's Lives of Sedenya published in Rule One magazine would also be relevant: http://ruleonemagazine.com/Iss5/Myth_LifeSedenya.php Another article by Greg in Rule One magazine on the The Great Temple of Rufdayen, Raibanth: http://ruleonemagazine.com/Iss6/Myth_GreatTemple.php There's a few other bits and pieces scattered around that can be relevant such as the Lunar Way chapter in Prince of Sartar: http://www.princeofsartar.com/comic/chapter-2-the-lunar-way/
  7. They've obviously heroquested to gain SIZ since the Lunars imposed the Duck Hunt. And they want vengeance.
  8. the same who get excited by a block of plastic called a Gelatinous Cube that cost ~$19.00 on eBay?
  9. On the last page of the Print and Play pdf, it shows the added cards with correct new pictures for the Sun Dome and Shadow's Dance, however, the text shows "Orkarl's Bull" and "Issaries Cattle Market". Any chance these can get corrected in the pdf?
  10. This may fall within the Mastery rune, which after all reflects Sovereignty (rulership) as well as personal mastery. You might also consider some of the original comments in RQ2, e.g. "it may also signify the independence of a Hero or magician from cult ties" or "As master of men, it describes a Hero." So you could end up with Mastery: Heroic, Independent, Authoritative, Just.
  11. Ah, but we have a perfectly good set of ancient debates in the Great Temple of Knowledge on the ancestry of Ducks! http://glorantha.temppeli.org/digest/gd5/1997.08/0740.html And not to forget Soltakss' various 'anthropological' ('anatopological'?) articles at: http://www.soltakss.com/indexmisc.html#Ducks
  12. I did receive mine today (though whether prompted by customer service email, I don't know).
  13. Sartar: Kingdom of Heroes or King of Sartar are probably the best current choices for Dragon Pass. King of Sartar includes the Composite History of Dragon Pass (plus gives you some of the Argrath saga on what is to come). The Coming Storm adds some more detail for the tribes around Jonstown.
  14. Brings back the good old days of the Glorantha Digest!
  15. Blackfang - probably Disorder Dorasta - Earth + ??? Geo - never stated that I recall; probably Issaries rune (or Harmony) Gerak Kag - presume Darkness (maybe + Movement?) Lamsabi - never stated, possibly Illusion Selarn - never stated, possibly Disorder Hykim & Mikyh - Beast Bolongo - Disorder, IIRC Shargash - Shargash rune, which may equate to Fire and Death Third Eye Blue - never stated, but likely includes Fire rune
  16. Pretty much. This is common to all the Stafford Library material. E.g. Entekosiad p.75 "Carmanos brought him out to confrontation. [*unfinished] After this great Act of Justicep." Or p. 86 "The site is near to *X, and *Y." Or Fortunate Succession p. 76 "*not finished by a long shot*"
  17. I have not yet received notice either, so have emailed customer service.
  18. Of course, mythically what comes from the North is Chaos, so he would have had to become Arkat the Devil well before the battle with Gbaji. Perhaps this is what Nysalor hoped for: it might have freed Nysalor from the taint of Gbaji, or simply destroyed the world.
  19. That Kodig and successors ruled in Esrolia is clear. It is noted in the Esrolia book that "[Orlanth] built a house north of where most people lived." I.e. they got Storm Hill outside of the main part of Nochet. This seems to be largely a small group of rulers. During the Third War, Rastagar led most of his men (presumably Vingkotling thanes) off to fight 'the enemy' and "most of them were killed. Only a few escaped, and they did not know their way home." While Rastagar got back to Nochet, he "had some new followers, but ... had only a few of the men from their homeland." It's also noted that "No survivors of the Kodigvari dynasty survived" following the Sword and Helm Saga. These bits suggest to me (though obviously not definitive), that there were not a large number of "Vingkotlings" among the Esrolvuli. I don't think they were all Durevings either. The presence of the Six Sisters suggests that Esrolia was a place where multiple tribes had come together (the Durevings being the followers of Orana, for instance).
  20. You may also want to pick up Sartar Companion as that provides some added settings (e.g. Jonstown), many encounters, and some useful scenarios. I'm assuming by Sartar Rising, you mean the first volume (Barbarian Adventures). If so, the Blood Feud scenario may be a good starting point. There's an annual horse racing fair at Larnste's Table in Fireseason (which is in Cinsina clan lands). Make the 'Hostile Clan' either the Dolutha, the Emerald Sword, or the Two-Pine. You'll need to determine appropriate Difficulty levels (assuming you are using HQG and not HW/HQ1). You could also draw from the Clan Activities section (perhaps the Blood Feud triggers a cattle raid on the Hostile Clan).
  21. Or the point value for extended contests (where you want to 'push' the opposition to 5+): Marginal = 1 Minor = 2 Major = 3 Complete = 5 After a session or so, this and what Ian noted above are pretty rote. The only charts I find myself occasionally referencing are the extended contest summaries for Rising Action and Final Resolution (where you check to see if the 'winner' took any level of 'hurt').
  22. I'd put this merging into Earthtongue at the end of the Adjustment Wars. The Heortling Kings have once again been thrown out. What better 'adjustment' than to reinvigorate the language with the power of the ancient Earth Queens? Now, that doesn't align as well with Jeff's initial chart. So, the next event that would have significance is the coming of Belintar. One way for the Grandmothers to 'resist' is to encourage the separation and distinction of Esrolian from Heortling (or perhaps it's the point where the Heortlings 'resist' the influence of Belintar by adopting more 'storm' elements?). The final merging of Earthtongue into Esrolian would appear to align with the reign of Queen Bruvala - another aspect of her long and wondrous rule.
  23. Agreed. This seems implied by the comment: "proclaimed himself the Jann of Afadjann and enslaved many of the cities of that land." It's likely to have suffered several changes in rulers: "Since 1518, whoever rules the city [Homboro Tondo] is the Jann, no matter what his other holdings (if any) amid the tumultuous civil disputes of the area." Zandorffo is noted as the first city enslaved. Garguna is another city likely conquered in this period. Possibly Tavu eb Teba and Temissrah as well. Sarro is another that is controlled by the Jann. The Jann also seems to have gained control the fortresses at the Foreign Legion Pass in the Eredoth Mountains.
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