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Bill the barbarian

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Everything posted by Bill the barbarian

  1. An underrated module, as many players seem to want to duck its subject matter.
  2. Well, if this is the character you are interested in, I hope @Crelwon't mind, but here is a little spoiler. You will want to get the month’s MotM! Shh, don’t tell anyone.
  3. Well, do give me a PM if you do, I would appreciate that! I bought it, but after being one of the few GMs in this part of the world in the 80s (Hell, nothing has changed, right now I am still one of the few GMs in this part of the world) ) I have GMed my fair share of games that I did not get to play first. Theoretically, I get a chance these days with online gaming to play first and I would love to take advantage of that.
  4. I will offer another opinion, if you only get one get the two part G2G. If you are going to get both, nothing wrong with getting the Sourcebook first if a choice must be made. Yep the art is lovely, nothing wrong with the art in G2G but... And they are heavy, sell your nautilus, this is all you will need for your exercise requirements.
  5. Give me a PM Nevermet, we have a small and good (personal bias, great) crew but let me know what you are interested in and what times are good for you. Or actually look below for our gaming times actually Still looking to join a Six Seasons game so I am tempted to say if you are running one I will get up in the middle of the night to play in one. Anything other than a 9 am to 1 pm Saturday time slot GMT -7 (the times we play).
  6. Don’t tell Joerg he can’t speak German, he might take it personal like.
  7. If they are above 80 they will have to have them tested whether they want them to be tested or not. They may ignore the results but then will suffer the penalty and possibly a reduction. It is one reason I warn folk about going above 80%. I do not like to arbitrarily tell a player this or her adventurer must follow a line, but if they choose the high passion after the warning what can I do?
  8. Why, my table never reads my posts and pay attention. Sides they are all too good as role-players!
  9. Or well enough to cause confusing but very interesting and fun problems for the adventurers. I have a few players convinced a brother and sister are incestuous based off a fumbled language roll!
  10. Yeah but it’s fantasy roleplaying, not science mon ami. the arguments just have to hold water and one is allowed to squint when deciding if it does. Sounds good, if it fits the table (the most important consideration after all). Yep, trouble seems to be a recurrent theme in DP. Don’t sweat the petty things and by all the gods and goddesses... don’t pet the sweaty things!
  11. Anything that has Patty involved has got to be great!
  12. And this is what my passionate (see what I did there, eh? :)) adventurer did with her rolls! She has yet to fail but uses the passions as her goalposts, so to speak. Each to their own, but I am with you David. Or use the handy dandy (and oh so good looking) GM’s Screen™
  13. Created topic that might have something to add to this one.
  14. Not sure I see a reason to slow down here, everyone is offering to help the good Chris Tooley...if he should wish it. Don’t see anyone being heavy handed. ETA Before this sounds all negative on you KPhan2121, you are right and we can continue to wait for Chris’s wishes and opinion.
  15. Man, talk about the pressure! No wonder they went nowhere... fast!
  16. Well than we just need a kick-ass! still not helping!
  17. One of our players brought that up in a downtime chat and then has been the best user of passions since. Has not slowed her down at all...I will cut and paste this and see if I can get a reaction for you.. ETA Of course one could say the same for all skills!
  18. Just a couple of thoughts to help out (I hope). Pros or Cons Dealing with the Solar worshipping horse riding Alda-Churans. I wonder if you would have to deal with the Dinacoli (the ranking power in this ‘hood) or with the Alone Undertribe, the neighbours. Do you have citations for the Dinacoli owning this area? I do not believe there are Lunars here post Dragonrise, but there are Telmori, Torkani (who do have blains to the territory) and possibly returning Maboder.
  19. Yum, roasted roots, especially parsnip! This topic has me salivating more that any since the Meals in Glorantha of a few years ago.
  20. Nice! If it was not @Joerg, it well could have been. What say you my german friend?
  21. Not an expert but from my read through of RQ 6, it is not only a modular system but it seems to me the authors encourage such thinking. Pop off rules that don’t work and snap on rules that do...
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