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Everything posted by Scotty

  1. It uses a variety of published sources, so it will quote what those say, so no. It's likely to be at the battle of Queens in Fire Season 1626 (Glorantha Sourcebook), Jeff clears it up in Round 4 & 6 here: No. This is an online only source that collates the available published material. It's been there since 1999, we're just replacing the sources that aren't available, updating those that are available (eg. KoS 2nd ed), and adding newer ones. It's been broken into separate pages to make reading easier. My thanks to @Oracle for his excellent work on this.
  2. https://discord.gg/9ETNEMyU But there's nothing happening there, as it it's over, we delete the channels.
  3. i've just had a look under the hood. There appears to have been a minor issue in the last few days. I'll investigate further.
  4. I've added the first part of the corrections that were on Greg's old site. I will hopefully get the rest up by the end of the week: https://greathall.chaosium.com/pendragon-corrections-and-qa/ Can anyone confirm exactly which 5.n edition these are for? and are there any more hidden updates I may have missed. Thanks to @vegas for bringing this to my attention.
  5. Welcome! My first CoC GM made me read a book of Lovecraft stories prior to playing as well. In hindsight it was an excellent idea.
  6. Any corrections and Q&A for RQG products can be found on the RuneQuest Glorantha Corrections and Q&A page If you spot issues or have questions, please use the RuneQuest Rules Q&A thread as usual.
  7. Any corrections and Q&A for RQG products can be found on the RuneQuest Glorantha Corrections and Q&A page If you spot issues or have questions, please use the RuneQuest Rules Q&A thread as usual.
  8. Any corrections and Q&A for RQG products can be found on the RuneQuest Glorantha Corrections and Q&A page If you spot issues or have questions, please use the RuneQuest Rules Q&A thread as usual.
  9. Any corrections and Q&A for RQG products can be found on the RuneQuest Glorantha Corrections and Q&A page If you spot issues or have questions, please use the RuneQuest Rules Q&A thread as usual.
  10. Any corrections and Q&A for RQG products can be found on the RuneQuest Glorantha Corrections and Q&A page If you spot issues or have questions, please use the RuneQuest Rules Q&A thread as usual.
  11. Any corrections and Q&A for RQG products can be found on the RuneQuest Glorantha Corrections and Q&A page If you spot issues or have questions, please use the RuneQuest Rules Q&A thread as usual.
  12. Any corrections and Q&A for RQG products can be found on the RuneQuest Glorantha Corrections and Q&A page If you spot issues or have questions, please use the RuneQuest Rules Q&A thread as usual.
  13. Any corrections and Q&A for RQG products can be found on the RuneQuest Glorantha Corrections and Q&A page If you spot issues or have questions, please use the RuneQuest Rules Q&A thread as usual.
  14. Any corrections and Q&A for RQG products can be found on the RuneQuest Glorantha Corrections and Q&A page If you spot issues or have questions, please use the RuneQuest Rules Q&A thread as usual.
  15. Any corrections and Q&A for RQG products can be found on the RuneQuest Glorantha Corrections and Q&A page If you spot issues or have questions, please use the RuneQuest Rules Q&A thread as usual.
  16. If you spot issues or have questions on The Smoking Ruins, please use the RuneQuest Rules Q&A thread as usual. Any corrections and Q&A for RQG products can be found on the RuneQuest Glorantha Corrections and Q&A page in this case specifically: CHA4039 The Smoking Ruin and other Stories – Q&A
  17. Any corrections and Q&A for RQG products can be found on the RuneQuest Glorantha Corrections and Q&A page in this case specifically (there are only a couple of entries): CHA4039 The Smoking Ruin and other Stories – Q&A If you spot issues or have questions, please use the RuneQuest Rules Q&A thread as usual.
  18. A reminder to all: Please make sure you read the Glorantha Canon doc: https://wellofdaliath.chaosium.com/home/gloranthan-canon/ Canon doesn't matter unless you are writing for an official publication. You are free to pick and choose whatever material you wish into your Gloranthan games.
  19. I've updated the link on our site to their new URL. (The old link is fine, just http not https, which causes some software to over react.)
  20. If anyone is interested in updating this using the RQG publications, please contact me.
  21. Seven Mothers cultists can summon elementals right out of the box already, page RQG page 303: There is no change to the rules.
  22. it's only "official in the Q&A thread. I answered here as I was summoned.
  23. Slings DB - see here. If you have question about anything here, please ask in the Q&A thread.
  24. This is such a good question, that i've added it to the Q&A :
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