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Judges Guild Locations in Sartar?


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Where would you place the old Judges'  Guild modules if you wanted to use them in Sartar? I'm not necessarily talking about the city of Lei Tabor, which is large and much more difficult to place (although if you have, I'd like to hear about it and how it went!), and more considering the Broken Tree Inn and the Hellpits of Nightfang, which are two of my favorites. (Hmm... Jennell Jaquays and Rudy Kraft, I guess I know why I liked them!)

My thoughts:

  • Broken Tree Inn (1979): the scenario places this between a "Human Empire" and "Tall Seed Forest," which is inhabited by elves. If the "Human Empire" is the Lunar Empire and the "Tall Seed Forest" is the Stinking Forest, then this could be placed near Slavewall or Goldedge (or between them), though that puts it perilously close to the Ivory Plinth and the Tusk Riders.
  • City of Lei Tabor (1980): capital city of the feudal Duchy of Lei Tabor, a semi-independent seat of power and religion. Using a mix of Gloranthan and non-Gloranthan cults, I never used this as it would have required too much work to integrate into my campaign. As "the last vestige of a once mighty empire that still dominates the area," you could use it in a part of the Holy Country that has started to fragment due to the disappearance of the Pharaoh.  It might also fit in Lunar Tarsh.
  • Duck Pond (1980): "destroyed by Mallia worshippers, Duck Pond was once the site of a small village inhabited by Humans." This could go on the western edge of the Upland Marsh.
  • Hellpits of Nightfang (1979): three limestone sinkholes that reek of Chaos. This is a good Chaos nest for a forgotten corner of your campaign. Snakepipe Hollow and Larnste's Footprint are both great possibilities; I think I used the former when I ran RQ3 back in the day.
  • Legendary Duck Tower and Other Tales (1980): "Long-lost ruined city and deserted citadel ... Tales of fabulous riches and terrible monsters ... Rumors of horrible dooms and powerful magic." This is a good candidate to go in the Upland Marsh proper.
Edited by AlHazred
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Running: 1870s Mashup Hero System | Playing: nothing | Planning: D&D 5E/OSE/Fantasy Hero Home Game

D&D is an elf from Tolkien, a barbarian from Howard, and a mage from Vance fighting monsters from Lovecraft in a room that looks like it might have been designed by Wells and Giger. - TiaNadiezja

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21 minutes ago, Bill the barbarian said:

Agreed: The duck locations are self evident I would guess. For me the Hellpits could go just down the road to the Upland March.

Actually, I decided to take a look at Duck Tower (I posted without actually checking my copies of the books) and I was incorrect with that one. The opening of the module notes that a group of Humakti ducks were expelled from their village and journeyed "several months" to the location of the Legendary Duck Tower. After settling there, the Tower was overcome by Zorak Zorani trolls who looted the place, killed everyone, and then left. The tower fell into ruin and has remained so for "104 years." That points to the possibility that the Legendary Duck Tower is in a region nearer to troll lands than the Upland Marsh. You could place it in the Stinking Forest, or put it in the western reaches of Dagori Inkarth.

Putting the Hellpits in the Upland Marsh isn't a bad idea. The pits are said to be the lair of a vampire, so there's a possible link to Delecti the Necromancer. Putting them in Snakepipe Hollow allows the vampire easy access to both the Lunar Tarshite and Sartarite sides of the border. Alternatively, the Hellpits also contain the last resting place of an ancient hero, so either the Hollow or the Marsh work, so long as we're talking a hero from the really ancient past, probably from EWF times or so.

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Running: 1870s Mashup Hero System | Playing: nothing | Planning: D&D 5E/OSE/Fantasy Hero Home Game

D&D is an elf from Tolkien, a barbarian from Howard, and a mage from Vance fighting monsters from Lovecraft in a room that looks like it might have been designed by Wells and Giger. - TiaNadiezja

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7 minutes ago, AlHazred said:

Actually, I decided to take a look at Duck Tower (I posted without actually checking my copies of the books) and I was incorrect with that one. The opening of the module notes that a group of Humakti ducks were expelled from their village and journeyed "several months" to the location of the Legendary Duck Tower. After settling there, the Tower was overcome by Zorak Zorani trolls who looted the place, killed everyone, and then left. The tower fell into ruin and has remained so for "104 years." That points to the possibility that the Legendary Duck Tower is in a region nearer to troll lands than the Upland Marsh. You could place it in the Stinking Forest, or put it in the western reaches of Dagori Inkarth.


I might be stretching here, but it aint tha foist time!

A ZZ raid is not impossible into the March... I could think of a few reasons they might wish to visit a tower in there

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... remember, with a TARDIS, one is never late for breakfast!

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I know Jaja has a map of his making of Jansholm (not ready to be shown) but I'd place the City of Lei Tabor there or at Duchamp, leaning toward Duchamp. The authors less GS will tell you its too Medieval to be in Glorantha but I fall back on the Sog City Keep, how it looks and think that an early Medieval Heartland Plateau is perfect for my Glorantha. The entire campaign my group has been working on is centered on Backford and would be early Medieval.

TT12 has some good stuff in it. The castle town of Durengard in there shows a strong Medieval feel? Lei Tabor has the look of a Stone Keep-Concentric combination in my mind.

image.png.700dc37d05310c3b60d20ef2fc2bc017.png image.png.ac6177cd5e645198c030f49916029977.png

image.png.3f7191cdd394b8a36d178a6be6bca0b8.png castle types

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8 hours ago, AlHazred said:

Broken Tree Inn (1979): the scenario places this between a "Human Empire" and "Tall Seed Forest," which is inhabited by elves. If the "Human Empire" is the Lunar Empire…

You seem to forget that the whole of Sartar was part of the Lunar Empire until recently, and the northern parts still are (unless you’ve played Black Spear or otherwise rolled your own version of 1627).

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14 hours ago, AlHazred said:


  • City of Lei Tabor (1980): capital city of the feudal Duchy of Lei Tabor, a semi-independent seat of power and religion. Using a mix of Gloranthan and non-Gloranthan cults, I never used this as it would have required too much work to integrate into my campaign. As "the last vestige of a once mighty empire that still dominates the area," you could use it in a part of the Holy Country that has started to fragment due to the disappearance of the Pharaoh.  It might also fit in Lunar Tarsh

I would have dumped this in Ralios myself.  Reworked the names to fit.

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14 hours ago, Erol of Backford said:

Here's one... RQA 06.


Thank you! That's a fantastic find!

Although, now I have to track down issues of a thirty-year-old fanzine... *sigh* Hey, @Rick Meints, how about a Gloranthan Classics V: 'Zine Compendium? RQ and Glorantha have had more fanzine support, I'd think, than any game other than D&D...

11 hours ago, Erol of Backford said:

I know Jaja has a map of his making of Jansholm (not ready to be shown) but I'd place the City of Lei Tabor there or at Duchamp, leaning toward Duchamp.

Interesting, especially if I use the more medieval Esvulari stuff from HW/HQ.

2 hours ago, Darius West said:

I would have dumped this in Ralios myself.  Reworked the names to fit.

Interesting. I'd like to use the JG stuff in Sartar, but Lei Tabor is weird and different enough that placing it in Ralios would work; different cultures and all...

9 hours ago, Nick Brooke said:

You seem to forget that the whole of Sartar was part of the Lunar Empire until recently, and the northern parts still are (unless you’ve played Black Spear or otherwise rolled your own version of 1627).

I mean, that's fair... *starts singing "A Cold Wind Over Sartar"*

Edited by AlHazred
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Running: 1870s Mashup Hero System | Playing: nothing | Planning: D&D 5E/OSE/Fantasy Hero Home Game

D&D is an elf from Tolkien, a barbarian from Howard, and a mage from Vance fighting monsters from Lovecraft in a room that looks like it might have been designed by Wells and Giger. - TiaNadiezja

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18 hours ago, AlHazred said:

Hellpits of Nightfang (1979): three limestone sinkholes that reek of Chaos. This is a good Chaos nest for a forgotten corner of your campaign. Snakepipe Hollow and Larnste's Footprint are both great possibilities; I think I used the former when I ran RQ3 back in the day.

Back in the day, I put the Hellpits in the Big Rubble (near the quarry, IIRC).

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1 hour ago, AlHazred said:

how about a Gloranthan Classics V: 'Zine Compendium? RQ and Glorantha have had more fanzine support, I'd think, than any game other than D&D...

Not something that Chaosium can do.  The articles in the zines are owned by the original authors so it's largely up to each of them as to whether anything gets reprinted.

Ian Thomson went through a lot of work to track down authors from the old Pavis works, get their agreement to include in his updated content, and restart that series.

I am bringing back pieces from my Imther-related works spread across a few zines into a new JC work.

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1 hour ago, jajagappa said:

Not something that Chaosium can do.  The articles in the zines are owned by the original authors so it's largely up to each of them as to whether anything gets reprinted.

This isn't somewhat that Chaosium could EASILY do, that's for sure. We would have to get permission from a LOT of authors and artists. Cool as such a project would be, it isn't something in the works, nor is it likely to be in the works. 

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Hope that Helps,
Rick Meints - Chaosium, Inc.

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3 hours ago, Revilo Divad Of Dyoll said:

Back in the day, I put the Hellpits in the Big Rubble (near the quarry, IIRC).

That's a good fit. There are a number of intriguingly-named Chaos spots in the Big Rubble that never got detailed; the Hellpits could easily be dropped in for any of them.


Running: 1870s Mashup Hero System | Playing: nothing | Planning: D&D 5E/OSE/Fantasy Hero Home Game

D&D is an elf from Tolkien, a barbarian from Howard, and a mage from Vance fighting monsters from Lovecraft in a room that looks like it might have been designed by Wells and Giger. - TiaNadiezja

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13 hours ago, Nick Brooke said:

You seem to forget that the whole of Sartar was part of the Lunar Empire until recently, and the northern parts still are (unless you’ve played Black Spear or otherwise rolled your own version of 1627).

We are starting in 1600, more fun, 30 years of game time!

At the left is the Bay, Minthos River, Duchamp, Uncertain Woods and the Mts. easy just rotate the map 15-20 degrees counterclockwise and call it a day.

I think I like Lei Tabor as Duchamp.

Now if Jaja could share he in progress map of Jansholm some day we'd be all set with major towns in Heortland!

I was reading in TT12 p.22 that the HQ of the Back Arkati was in Jansholm... (noncanon of course).

image.png image.png.9bf718cb067364f580b63e09b8d605d5.png

Edited by Erol of Backford
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On 12/22/2022 at 10:20 AM, AlHazred said:

Thank you! That's a fantastic find!  Although, now I have to track down issues of a thirty-year-old fanzine... *sigh* Hey, @Rick Meints, how about a Gloranthan Classics V: 'Zine Compendium? RQ and Glorantha have had more fanzine support, I'd think, than any game other than D&D...

There's a huge, huge amount of fan stuff published for Call of Cthulhu; mostly adventures, but some time period/setting books too.  

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I'm dropping the Hellpits of Nightfang near Adari. I have a Pavis-based game (timeframe 1611 - 1615, so far) and recently launched a vampire plot linking the abandoned tower (from Borderlands) the old sun dome (Avalon Hill, Sun County) and the Hellpits near Adari. It all started with a vampire in the crypts beneath Blind King's Hill.

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I used Hell Pits of Night Fang in the Big Rubble and it worked really well.

In Secrets of Dorastor: Hellwood, we put Broken Tree Inn near the edge of Hellwood, as we thought it fitted there.

I have used Duck Pond on the edge of the Upland Marsh, with the plinths reclaiming some of the marshland, and Duck Tower within the Upland Marsh, as the march reclaimed the land.

To be honest, I haven't used City of Lei Tabor in Glorantha, as, for me, it doesn't really fit.


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Simon Phipp - Caldmore Chameleon - Wallowing in my elitism since 1982. Many Systems, One Family. Just a fanboy. 


Jonstown Compendium author. Find my contributions here

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  • 1 month later...
On 1/2/2023 at 12:44 AM, Agentorange said:

I ran the hellpits in the Zola Fel valley...just on the edges of civilisation and vulture country.

I was going to do that in my 1990s RQ campaign, but the players shied off of going after vampires. And then we started a Dorastor campaign, and then the group fell apart...

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On 1/2/2023 at 2:11 AM, soltakss said:

I used Hell Pits of Night Fang in the Big Rubble and it worked really well.

In Secrets of Dorastor: Hellwood, we put Broken Tree Inn near the edge of Hellwood, as we thought it fitted there.

I have used Duck Pond on the edge of the Upland Marsh, with the plinths reclaiming some of the marshland, and Duck Tower within the Upland Marsh, as the march reclaimed the land.

To be honest, I haven't used City of Lei Tabor in Glorantha, as, for me, it doesn't really fit.


Yep, Duck Tower absolutely belongs in the Upland Marsh. And sure, Duck Pond could be nearby.

Broken Tree Inn was originally part of Snakepipe Hollow but could possibly be set anywhere near an elf forest.

Yea, City of Lei Tabor has a rather distinct flavor that would be hard to fit into Glorantha.

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  • 1 month later...
On 2/5/2023 at 5:43 AM, ffilz said:

Yep, Duck Tower absolutely belongs in the Upland Marsh. And sure, Duck Pond could be nearby.

Was Duck Tower settled on as to likely location in Glorantha and I missed it and if not did anyone suggest Odd Tower for Duck Tower? Reading in Wyrms Footnotes 15: Odd Tower - During Starbrow’s rebellion part of the Lunar army made a feint across the River at Two Sisters and constructed a number of towers by the Marsh. This tower is the only one to have survived from that time. It is still used by the Lunars as an observation post.

This doesn't fit with the Duck Tower having been there for 100 years or more and so possibly the remains of an old fort was there and the Lunars added to it (not likely) or maybe the name was actually Old Tower and the map authors copied the name wrong somehow?

If not then maybe Alric's Fort is Duck Tower as its not on the Wyrms Footnotes 15 map, Alric isn't in the GtG nor is the name in the Well of Daliath?


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On 3/11/2023 at 8:31 PM, Erol of Backford said:

Was Duck Tower settled on as to likely location in Glorantha and I missed it and if not did anyone suggest Odd Tower for Duck Tower?

Odd Tower is definitely not Duck Tower.

In my Glorantha, Duck Tower is an abandoned tower deep in the Upland Marsh. It won't be on the map anywhere, so GMs should place it wherever they want.


Basically, I ignore the text from Legendary Duck Tower and change it to:


Long ago, a Durulz Clan who worshipped the god Humakt, were sent by Sartar to defend against the Upland Marsh. They built Duck Tower as a ward against the Upland Marsh, reclaiming the land around it. Their happiness did not last forever, though, A large army of Trolls worshipping Zorak Zoran attacked the Upland Marsh and, in a fairly short siege, captured the Tower and killed and ate the Durulz who remained, the rest fled into the Upland Marsh. The Trolls quickly looted the Temple and moved on to attack Delecti's Army, and their corpses remain loyal soldiers of Delecti to this very day. 

The undead magicians reclaimed the land and turned it back into marsh and Duck Tower itself became a decaying ruin. Occasional Adventurers visited Duck Tower, when exploring the Upland Marsh, looking for treasure, but it was soon forgotten again. Recently records of the location of Duck Tower have been rediscovered and Adventurers have started to explore that part of the Upland Marsh. In fact, parties of Durulz have begun to visit the place in search of lost treasures.

Duck Pond, in my Glorantha, was opened up when part of the Upland Marsh failed.

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Simon Phipp - Caldmore Chameleon - Wallowing in my elitism since 1982. Many Systems, One Family. Just a fanboy. 


Jonstown Compendium author. Find my contributions here

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