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Corrections thread - Cults of RuneQuest: The Lightbringers


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Heler Cult: (p. 99)


Celestial Body: Lorion
This special body is a bright constellation of nine stars that is visible year-round, with New Year Day marked when the sun rises to perfectly align with it. In mid-summer, it sits low in the southern sky, partially obscured by the horizon; in fall, it marks the western Dusk Gates; and in midwinter, it sits high in the north, above the Ice Palace. Lorion is usually considered to be a Water God and lord of the celestial river.

"sits low" and "sits high" doesn't quite work out with the mechanics of the sky dome tilt and rotation.

In mid-summer, at midnight Lorion sits fairly high in the southern sky as the tilt of the Sun Path and thereby Polaris is either vertical or slightly to the north.

In mid-winter at noon, unless you are a Yuthuppan Star Seer you don't get to see Lorion quite high in the northern sky because his light is outdone by that of Yelm, although you get to see the blue color that he carried into the sky. The tilt of the Sunpath and Polaris is considerably to the south, spilling the celestial fire into the Nargan and beyond, making the Sky Dome experience colder everywhere. As a result, objects on the low edge of the sky when they pass the two gates of Dawn and Dusk are elevated quite a bit on their daily pass through the northern sky.

Unless of course I got the tilt of the sky diametrically wrong: both the wikia and this thread agree with my conclusions above, but further down in the thread Nick got second thoughts. Although looking at the second image Nick sent to my reply, the considerations above still seem to agree with my observations, and the text inherited from before anybody checked the mechanics (as presented in Elder Secrets) doesn't seem to have taken these mechanics into account.

Edited by Joerg

Telling how it is excessive verbis


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6 hours ago, Steve said:

p.15, Kero Fin and Orlanth both have a “4” label which seems redundant.

It’s not redundant, the 4 on Orlanth indicates that 4. Orlanth is the offspring of Umath and 4. Kero Fin (unlike 1. Kolat from 1. MoS or 2. Storm Bull from 2. Mikyh). Where it gets extra confusing is that 1 and 2 are then reused for Ernalda and Fralar/Himile- should likely be A/B or I/II for the additional instances. Might also be clearer if the parent number came after the name and the child number in front. 

Edited by Jens
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10 hours ago, Jens said:

It’s not redundant, the 4 on Orlanth indicates that 4. Orlanth is the offspring of Umath and 4. Kero Fin

But there's a vertical line clearly showing that Orlanth is the son of Umath and Kero Fin. What information is the "4" adding?

The other numbers are needed because the spouses aren't individually shown so do not have individual vertical lines from unique parents. It's redundant for Orlanth.

Edited by Steve
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I was just going to ask what the numbers meant but I think I've figured it out.

Where a partnership line has multiple numbered partners, the offspring are numbered the same. So Storm Bull (2) is child of Mikyh (2), but Vadrus, Humakt, Ragnaglar are from others (3). Orlanth is numbered 4 because Umath has multiple partners, even though the positioning of the lines implies that already. I guess if he wasn't numbered then you could infer that by proximity, but the line layout may have changed over time.

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15 hours ago, Steve said:

But there's a vertical line clearly showing that Orlanth is the son of Umath and Kero Fin. What information is the "4" adding?

That she is a 4th spouse of Umath. Yes, the line goes direct, but because of placement on the page, it's a useful reminder when you reach Orlanth that he does connect back to that level of parentage.

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p31. Last paragraph "and which he kept for himself and his personal favorites." - I suspect this should instead read "kept for himself as his personal favorites." (especially given the preceding paragraph's last line - " instead retained as the god’s personal favorite."


(otherwise, who are these 'personal favorites'??)

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On 9/13/2023 at 11:54 AM, andyl said:


p.77 "Note that Barntar is worshiped using the Worship (Orlanth) skill."

p.78 Summary box (top left) says Initiates get "Worship (Barntar) +20%" (also "Cult Lore (Barntar) +15%" although I am not too fussed about that)

Relatedly, p77 also says 'often worshipped as a subcult of Orlanth Thunderous and/or as a subcult of Ernalda.

Presumably that should either be 'associate of Ernalda', or 'worshipped using either the Worship (Orlanth) or Worship (Ernalda) skills.'



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p. 132 2nd column "Skills"
"Initiates are taught for free... Sense Chaos..."

(along with other Skills).

But in the boxed text immediately below, "Sense Chaos (Magic, Base 00%)" says it "... can only be increased by experience -- not by training or research."

These appear to contradict one another, as "taught" (in the 1st instance) seems to be used synonymously with "train" (in  the 2nd instance).  There is a similar issue in RQG corebook, but the language isn't quite so acutely contradictory.

Suggest either:

  • omitting Sense Chaos from the list of Skills that are "taught"
  • adding to the boxed text something along the lines of "skills of starting characters are presumed to be gained via experience, rather than teaching."

Or anything else, really, that resolves the discrepancy.

C'es ne pas un .sig

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p72 Lankhor Mhy Rune Priest - these are titled Sages.  However, in canon there is at least one instance of a Lankhor Mhy follower being termed sage who is not Rune Priests - Jorjera Latish in Starter Set book 2 - she has POW 12 so cannot be a Rune Priest.  Is there a specific term for a proper LM Rune Priest?   Alternatively, is the Starter Set wrong?

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