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Everything posted by soltakss

  1. Well, yes and no. Orlanth went to Hell several times in the God Time and his magic wasn't stopped. The Greater Darkness was not caused by Orlanth disappearing, but by the Spike exploding. The Lesser Darkness was caused by Orlanth killing Yelm the Emperor. But, killing Orlanth and sending him to Hell has certainly caused his magic to stop.
  2. We houseruled that an Adventurer going to 0 HP died in CON SR afterwards, so Healing and First Aid could be performed in that time period. So, it gave a round and a bot for most people. We also made sure everyone had healing salves and at least heal 2, so we could slap a bit of healing on.
  3. Thanks, I didn't know about this. I have added it on my PC and will upload it once I have added the newest TDM supplements.
  4. You can run any scenario from any RQ-like game with any other RQ-like game with varying levels of difficulty. Mythras/Legend/RQ6 - Very Similar/Easy to use RQ2/RQ3 - Very Similar/Easy to use RQ2/3 with BRP or OpenQuest - Similar/Fairly easy to use Revolution is similar to Mythras/Legend/RQ6, but treats skills quite differently, so is a bit harder to fit into Mythras/Legend/RQ6, but should be easy enough to use Mythras/Legend/RQ6 for Revolution. After all, does it matter that a troll NPC in RQ3 has Sneak rather than Move Quietly, or a troll in Legend has Stealth, or a troll in Revolution has Stealth [Move Quietly]? As a GM, not at all. What I do when using supplements written for one system in another is: Use Characteristics/Skills/Hit Points/Armour/Hit Locations as they are in the supplement, no need to convert, no need to recaulculate Use spells as they are in the rules you are using, if the spell isn't there then use the original spell description Recalculate Strike Ranks, if your systems use different types of Strike ranks, so for RQ2/3 keep them the same, Mythras/Legend/RQ6 keep them the same, but using an RQ2/3 scenario with Mythras/Legend/RQ6, recalculate them. Do all recalculations on the fly, rough and ready, they don't need to be exactly right
  5. No, can't remember the source, but we always played it that way as it was mentioned somewhere.
  6. I have used Communites as HeroQuest characters for a long while. In the Birchbark Chronicles supplement for Mythic Russia, I have Cities and Rivers as HeroQuest characters that can be used to augment, assist or oppose Adventurers. The beauty of HeroQuest is that you can use Abilities and Breakouts to customise these and make them very personalised, bringing out what is important to those places. You can use the same principles to describe a Clan, a Kingdom, a City, a River, a Mountain or whatever you want.
  7. I agree. Nysaloran Illumination was something you could have just by answering a few riddles and meditating on it. Going around the Puzzle Canal gives you an increase in your chance of becoming Illuminated. Soltak Strormspear, my main PC, became Illuminated by meeting Nysalor on the Spirit Plane and speaking to him, he gained his Riddles by meeting him again, but he never answered a single Nysalor Risddle or studied the mysteries of the world. Gaining Wisdom might lead to a different kind of Illumination, or deeper knowledge. I have always believed that those who study/concentrate on/embody/whatever certain runes could get some deeper understanding of those runes, through Mysticism. So a Suberer cultists might concentrate on Darkness and gain some deeper understanding, The Old Wind mystics did the same by concentrating on Air/Srtorm, Yelmalio worshippers concentrate on the Light and Truth runes in their retirement towers and so on.
  8. Welcome to the world of GMing. You always feel stressed, worry that everyone is having a good time and feel you mess up the sessions. If players keep coming back for more, seem excited about the game and seem to be having fun, then you are probably doing it right.
  9. Does it matter? Characteristics don't affect too much in RQG, someone with really good stats is going to be , maybe, 20% up on some skills, with a better damage bonus, but that's about it. I'd just say 25D6 and separate into groups for each characteristic. Easy enough, but you need 25 D6s for it to be easy, unless you write them down and choose that way.
  10. I know people who do this. It makes my skin crawl. I have to do addition every time I roll a skill, not a problem skillwise for me, but it just adds complicaton every time and makes me have to remember to do it.
  11. The RQG rules PDF comes with the Character sheet as a separate PDF. However, I wouldn't use it in my games - Too much white space, weapons don't make sense, laid out differently to what I prefer, HP/MP tracker grids rather than just a place to record and so on. I have very firm expectations on character sheets that most commercial sheets don't meet, so normally make my own.
  12. Not really, but they use +5% for every 4 points above a certain limit, so a Great Troll with STR 28 would have a +15% to Agility, +15% to Manipulation, due to STR. A Great Troll with high INT/STR/DEX/POW/CHA would have good bonuses in verything but Stealth, due to primary and secondary characteristics. As always, it is easy to houserule that Secondary characteristics can give a maximum +10% increase.
  13. Yes. Reading the whole thread, it is something you are not keen on, in which case just use the RQ2 stacking/variable limits. It won;t change the game at all doing that. However, RQ2 variable spells had varying limits for variable spells. Some spells were limited to 4 points, others weren't. So, I could cast Dispel Magic 9 in RQ2 but only Bladesharp 4. I did like the increasing cost of variable spells in RQ2, but the RQG economy is very much a low-coin economy, so I am not sure what the costs for Heal 4 should be, with an RQ2-like spell progression.
  14. In RQ3, a limb is cut off, maimed or mangled, if you do double the points, so someone with a 9 point leg needs Heal 9 to put it back together again, at least, that's how we played it.
  15. At its core, HeroQuest is a simple system that can be used for anything. It takes, what, 5 minutes to learn how to play and, maybe, 10 minutes to generate a PC, so you can be up and running in 15 minutes with a new PC for a player who has never played the game. What slows it down are all the artificial stuff that has been bolted on to model various things. Restrictions on what can and can't be used, for example. My rules for HeroQuest: All abilities are treated the same You can use any ability to counter any ability, but it might have a penalty Everything is Simple Contests or just straight rolls with penalties/bonuses
  16. Probably going to come out in the supplements. RQG is very much human-centric, with other races barely mentioned. This is a shame, because RQ has always been a game where you can play pretty much any race, some with game support and some without. That, for me, has always been a defining point of RQ.
  17. I just lump all the D100 games together for these purposes. These points make the RQ Family different from many games, including HeroQuest. Many other games have taken some of these on board and have produced similar styles.
  18. Not necessarily a good thing, that could have been condensed very easily.
  19. Oh, we have a lot more rules, they are just different rules.
  20. Although the design philosophy is that RQ3 introduced some changes that didn't work well, it is not a case of RQ3 bad, RQ2 good. Sure, as would I. A surprising amount. INT/SIZ use 2D6+6 Acolytes have been renamed God talkers, but are substantially the same Spirit Magic is used instead of Battle Magic and has no limits on Variable spells Rune Magic has no limits to Stackable spells Enchantments are more similar to RQ3 than RQ2 Temples are pretty much as RQ3 Towns and Cities are pretty much as RQ3 Game System uses incremental percentile skills, rather than multiples of 5 Experience/Training/Research is mostly as RQ3 Non-Combat modifiers are generally as RQ3, even with the Dropped Lantern Table. In fact, I am very tempted to use RQG as the base to future RQ campaigns, instead of RQ3, as it is better in many ways, and I am speaking as a huge fan of RQ3. If you liked the changes brought in for RQ3 then you will probably like the rules in RQG. Some things are different. The Resistance Table goes up to 95, as in RQ2, instead of 99, as in RQ3. Divine Magic is Rune magic, as in RQ2. Sorcery is enough like RQ3 to be easy to convert, but different enough to fit into RQG better
  21. Similarly, some subcult magic would work and some wouldn't. I'd say that cults such as Barntar would still provide magic that worked, even though Barntar is the son of Orlanth and Ernalda, he is a different entity. Simialrly, if you have joined the Magical Weapons Subcults, then your magic might work, as they derive from the Magical Weapons themselves. Associate Magic would still work, if given from someone other than Orlanth/Ernalda. But, in RQG, you have Rune Points for your cult, so I would say that you couldn't use/replensih your Orlanth or Ernalda Rune Points, so you might not be able to cast Subcult or Associate Cult Rune Magic unless you had Rune Points for the subcult or Associate Cult.
  22. p47 The Runes & Cults Table doesn't include Foundchild, although Foundchild is included in the 2 Cult Lists/Writeups later on p379 - The Black Fang cult has a section on Rune Priests that says "Spirit cults don’t have proper Rune Priests, so Priests of Black Fang are shamans, instead. Like most shamanpriests, they can sacrifice POW for the cult’s Rune points.", but the previous section on Spirit Cults has Shamans, with "Rather than traditional Rune Priests, in these cults the shamans tie themselves to the spirit, gain what few Rune spells are available, as well as the ability to teach the spirit’s magic to their followers.", so just replace "Rune Priests" with "Shamans" in the Black Fang writeup and amend the paragraph. p416 "However, any ability listed on the adventurer sheet at or above 75% with an experience check box cannot be trained—it must be improved through experience." and p417 "As with training, an ability listed on the adventurer sheet at or above 75% with an experience check box cannot be researched—it must be improved through experience.", but p417 under the Training Cost Table has "* If ability can be trained above 75%.". These are inconsistent statements. p417 "No characteristic may be increased for any reason (except through magic) beyond the maximum amount rollable on the characteristic dice (in most cases, 18 for humans) plus the number of dice rolled (2D6+6 counts as 3 dice for SIZ and INT, and 3 dice for the rest). Thus, humans may not normally have any characteristic higher than 21.", but p418 has "To determine if POW increases, add the adventurer’s maximum rollable POW not including any Rune characteristic modifier (i.e., 18 for humans) plus the minimum rolled POW (3 for humans)." and "Example: Harmast wishes to increase his DEX through training and research. His species maximum for DEX is 18, and the minimum is 3. Together, these equal 21. ", the last 2 are not consistent with the first. The first is the RQ2 way, the last two are the RQ3 way.
  23. Character generation says that you can choose or roll handedness. It says that dragonewts are left handed, but doesn't mention that chaos is left handed, as was the case. We always used to joke that it was easy to detect an ogre as it would be left-handed.
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