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Everything posted by soltakss

  1. It looks useful, thanks Why does it have a line through the ENC column?
  2. Simply break the enchantment to free the spirit, then use Command Cult Spirit to put it into a new binding enchantment or crystal.
  3. I always love the inclusion of the word "needlessly" in these geases. It's a Get Out of Jail Free Card for most Adventurers.
  4. They are draconic in nature, so could be devolved Dragonewts, but I find that a bit boring. Maybe they all hatched from immature Dragon Eggs, like the Dragonewts, but the eggs were bad.
  5. I just used a canvas kit bag for my RQ2 books. Canvas is great at not getting holes poked in it by corners.
  6. I need to get better at Not Doing That. I enjoy participating in it much more than watching it.
  7. Sailors are so superstitious that they are likely to have their own totem spirits. Ship Crews are also likely to worship Spirit Cults, perhaps using the Captain in place of a Shaman. I can see them honouring the Seas in which they travel, major currents, dolphin spirits and so on.
  8. Yelmalio, when he visited Prax. Or Yamsur the Splendid. Maybe they worshipped Yamsur then switched to Yelmalio. I don't know, it was a long time ago. If you like. I see Yelmalio as having been brought to Prax to assist Joraz Kyrem, when he HeroQuested to Dragon pass for allies against the Praxians. I don't see any reason to say they worshipped Tharkantus or any other name, except when using that as a pseudonym for Yelmalio. If you like. I have no problem with Elves worshipping Yelmalio the Forest Sun and the people of Balazar worshipping Yelmalio,. In fact, giving them all different names for no reason except to make them different, is tiring for me. The Sun Domers of Sun County came to Prax during the Second Age. The Ostrich Riders were in Prax long before that and worshipped Yelmalio the Rider, who had come to Prax during God Time. They believe that Yelmalio used to ride birds, then switched to horses later on. Who is to say they are wrong? Yelmalio the Rider. They recognise that it is the same deity as worshipped by the Sun Domers. They just know that the Sun Domers don't worship him properly. They don't ride ostriches, for a start. That is a matter of opinion. Monrogh declared that the Little Suns were Yelmalio, or some such nonsense, and everyone believed him. There are lots of holdouts that don't believe that, of course. In my opinion, the Sun Domers worshipped Yelmalio before Monrogh, he just used a trick to show that a lot of cults were part of the same whole. If you like. Personally, I think that Yelmalio has been known to the Sun Domers for centuries and they called him by the name Yelmalio. The Ostrich Riders have had contact with the Sun Domers for centuries and recognised that the two cults were the same, long before Monrogh's revelation.
  9. I am not that familiar with the setting, but am familiar with D20, which is fairly similar, I think. If a Class in D&D has abilities and skills, just have them as Breakouts from Keywords. So, looking at Rogue, we have: Skills: Acrobatics, Appraise, Bluff, Climb, Craft, Diplomacy, Disable Device, Disguise, Escape Artist, Intimidate, Knowledge (dungeoneering), Knowledge (local), Linguistics, Perception, Perform, Profession, Sense Motive, Sleight of Hand, Stealth, Swim, Use Magic Device Feats: Sneak Attack, Trapfinding, Evasion, Trap Sense, Uncanny Dodge, Master Strike, Masterful Talent So, use some of those as the basis of the Breakouts. Have Rogue (Acrobatics, Climb, Escape Artist, Evasion, Stealth, Swim, Trap Sense), or Rogue (Appraise, Bluff, Diplomacy, Disguise, Escape Artist, Intimidate, Linguistics, Sense Motive, Evasion, Uncanny Dodge), both are Rogues and both are very different.
  10. One thing that I forgot to mention was that you could also take ideas from other games. So, for a Gloranthan game, I use spells and skills from RuneQuest but in unusual ways. So, I could have Death (Bladesharp, Sever Spirit, Crush), Orlanth (Wind Words, Flight, Teleport) and so on. For a SciFi game, take skill names and packages from something like Stars Without Number and have each Expert Package as a Keyword, so Bounty Hunter (Combat/Blaster, Navigation, Persuade, Survival) or Xenoarcheologist (History, Perception, Science, Tech/Alien). That way, you have readily-available templates that PCs can use as guidelines for the skills they have. You can vary them and have other Keywords and Breakouts, but it should be fairly easy to do.
  11. In my Glorantha they follow Yelmalio the Rider. Yelmalio. I agree.
  12. Yes, there are male UzUz. Arkat and his Companions were UzUz and some of them were male. The Uz are probably disappointed if an UzUz is born male, as they value females much more highly. I cannot remember if Pikat Yaraboom is an UzKo or an UzUz, he makes sense as either. However, he would be a good example of a male UzUz born in Time.
  13. Ancestral Trolls are much older, if they are still alive, and are likely to be very powerful. Other than that, no, there is no difference. UzUz have definitely been born, or created since Time began. Arkat was reborn as an UzUz, as were his Companions. I seem to remember there was an UzUz born relatively recently in Dagori Inkarth, but I can't remember the details. No, UzUz are not Immortal. Many UzUz have been killed and not returned. Do UzUz die of old age? Probably, but it says somewhere that most have HeroQuested to the point that they are immune to that form of death. It is worth using some of that material for gaming purposes, as it is OK. As for the make UzKo HeroQuesting for a way to stop the Curse of Kin for one person, that is entirely possible. The male would not approach things is the same way as a female (By putting themselves between Gbaji and Korasting, for example. or taking the wound into herself) so would need a different way around the Curse. The trick is to generalise that, so that it affects a group of people, an Uz clan, or the whole of Uzdom.
  14. Yelmalio fans never stop whingeing.
  15. For QuestWorlds, I would stick with the Keyword (Breakout) format, where your Keyword is you magic system and the Breakouts are spells or effects. So, if you have elemental-based magic, then each Element would be a Keyword, so you might have Earth (Wall of Earth, Sucking Mud, Dirty Hands), Fire (Scorching Tongue, Burning Glance, Hot Head) and so on. If your magic was grimoire based, each Grimoire would be a Keyword, and the spells in the Grimoire would be Breakouts, so Book of Joy (Happy Place, Love Everyone, Kumbaya) might work. Things like Knave just become Keywords, so you might have Knave (Seducer, Cad, Climb) or Swashbuckler (Swing, Jump and Fight, Witty Insult). Sometimes you just need the core concept and flesh that out later.
  16. Sometimes a Player has such a loss in their Adventurer's backstory, in which case I use it. Do I, as a GM, actively make bad things happen to Adventurers' families and clans? No. Are Adventurers' families and clan immune to bad things happening to them? No. If I have a plot that impacts an Adventurer's family or clan, then the Adventurer is part of that scenario and can try to stop it happening. If they fail, then fair enough, I won't pull any punches, but I give them the chance to succeed. Zak, one of the Adventurers in our old RQ2 campaign said that he had killed his parents and family. When asked why, his Player said "So that the GM can't take advantage of them and use them against me". When we pointed out that his attitude meant that he was unlikely to have helped them anyway, he shrugged and said "GMs can force you to do something you don't want to do, this way they can't", which was a fair point. This was before Kinstrife was a big thing, by the way. It also showed that even in the 80s, Players felt that GMs would pick on their Adventurers' families as plot points.
  17. Nochet would have a lot of crime families. In my opinion, they might worship common thief deities, but many of the families would worship their own thief spirit, maybe a founder or ancestor, maybe just another spirit that they lucked into. Some might even have several spirit patrons. Their worship would be as a very minor cult, or perhaps as a Spirit Cult, granting one Runespell and maybe teaching specialised Spirit Magic. Lanbril and Eurmal the Thief would be commonly worshipped. I don't know of any sources, offhand.
  18. Me too, but a lot of people won't go anywhere near them.
  19. In my games, you can gain the Master if [Rune] ability by reaching 90% in the rune and then connecting with the raw rune itself,. normally on a HeroQuest. By HeroQuesting, by reaching the source of the Rune. Perhaps you emulate how someone gained the Rune, or you walk your own path to the Rune. That depends entirely on the Rune, how you reach it and, more importantly, your GM and how your campaign works. The Owners or Founders of the Rune. So, the Celestial Court, the Greater Deities and so on. Maybe you find the Rune itself, as an impersonal power. I give them a freeform ability to manipulate the Rune. However, you could go down a route similar to Shamanic Abilities, by having Levels in the Rune and unlocking some powers per level. If you treat the Levels as a Rune Pool, some powers might cost more Rune Points than others to use. I don't play it that way. However, if my Adventurers unlock an ability, they can use that ability from that point afterwards. One Rune Mastery at a time, because you are questing to that Rune. You are unlikely to be able to HeroQuest to the Owners, or Source, of multiple Runes at the same time, as few Deities are the Sources, or Owners, of multiple Runes. If you have proven yourself to the Rune, in some way, or have shown your mastery of the Rune to the source, or done something similar, then you gain Mastery of [Rune]. You can then put points into that to increase your understanding and power over the Rune. You can then wield the Rune. So, if you were Master of Earth, you could raise a wall of earth, collapse a fire into the earth, open up a pit in the earth and so on. A Master of Truth could see through illusions, tell if someone is lying, force someone to tell the truth, read a book without knowing the language it is written in, and so on. In HQ/QW, I would give someone a Keyword of Master of [Rune] and have the various abilities as Breakouts of the Keyword.
  20. Yes. HQ/QW is a game system, in the same way that RQG is a game system. HeroQuesting is something that can be done in HQ/QW, RQG, 13AG and any other game system. It is a framework of approaches to the subject. At least, that is what I hope it will be.
  21. Spoilered for Bill. I am not allowed to read most of the new material, in case our GM runs something from them, so I can't comment on the new RQG books.
  22. Kyger Litor lives in all the Castles of Lead, however she lives in the deepest parts of them, in Hell. She rules the Castles of Lead, as they are her home. She also rules Dagori Inkarth. However, she has no interest in the day to day affairs of folk, leaving that to lesser folk. She provides guidance and leadership. She whispers into the ears of the oldest of the UzUz, who whisper in the ears of other UzUz, who whisper in the ears of the leaders of the Uz, who tell the Uz what to do. There are lots of places where that message could be garbled and changed. But, does Kyger Litor care than the Redstone tribe lost a monopoly to another tribe? Not at all, such things are beneath her and, to an extent, beyond her understanding.
  23. https://web.archive.org/web/20160818094256/http://www.colinabrett.me.uk/htdocs/storm.html The Wayback Engine is your friend ...
  24. Not HeroQuest the game, but HeroQuesting. HeroQuest the game had very little to do with HeroQuesting.
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