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Gloranthan Furries (was Beastman and human interaction)


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These questions came to me while responding to "Women in Glorantha".


How do minotaurs procreate?

All the minotaurs we find as sample characters or NPCs are male. They appear to be human-compatible (see Morak, Noralayeep's little brother), but their normal bovine-headed shape may result from them humping cows.

From the herder's perspective, a cow giving birth to a minotaur is the loss of a bull calf but the blessing of the bull god for this cow's future offspring, so not really a bad thing. The cow's milk will be available to the herder, too.

Intercourse with beastmen is at best mildly scandalous - like the story of Yoristina's attraction to a centaur.

Edited by Joerg
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1 hour ago, Qizilbashwoman said:

o god Gloranthan furries

I wish you had not phrased it like this...

But yes, there is this safer version of mating with beast-headed or beast-legged demi-humans than discussing broos.

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3 hours ago, Qizilbashwoman said:

o god Gloranthan furries

This is the real reason elurae/fox women had no stats until RQG. 

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 "And I am pretty tired of all this fuss about rfevealign that many worshippers of a minor goddess might be lesbians." -Greg Stafford, April 11, 2007

"I just read an article in The Economist by a guy who was riding around with the Sartar rebels, I mean Taliban," -Greg Stafford, January 7th, 2010

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28 minutes ago, Eff said:

This is the real reason elurae/fox women had no stats until RQG. 

Oh come on - Glorantha has been able to satisfy anybody's fantasy to seduce (or be seduced by) Daisy Duck for ages. (NB: Duck, not Duke. The latter doesn't need any monster description.) And Yinkin has been at play for how long?

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FRPG's  "cat people"  memespace seems pretty filled-up by the two extremes of leonine Kzinti-like beings, and usually-fetish-y "catgirls".

I notice a slight blip for the minimax DEX-and-movement builds around D&D "Tabaxi," where even the minimal "Roleplaying" of the memes mentioned is secondary to the minimax considerations...  But at least it's a 3rd trope.  Sort of.



It's true that for Glorantha, the archetype is Yinkin's "tomcat" trope; so good on Greg & Glorantha!  Still, I note that the major feature of Yinkin & Yinkini IS that sexualized thing...  Whereas humans are, in fact, more sexual than any cats (and more than most mammals, for that matter).

Edited by g33k

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56 minutes ago, Bill the barbarian said:

See Joerg resistance was futile .

We are the Joerg, you will be assimilated.

In the West, Joerg -- also now deprecated, but the echoes live on -- we'd say that resistance is feudal.

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3 minutes ago, g33k said:

In the West, Joerg -- also now deprecated, but the echoes live on -- we'd say that resistance is feudal.

Resistance is now Greco-Bactrian or Indo-Hellenic, citizen. Kindly report to Slon for reprocessing.

I always thought Minotaur (WF 12) preserved the traces of a formerly viable cult that degenerated into a monster type. He looks a lot like the Bison Founder counter so this might have once been a ritual status that people across the bull belt could incarnate under the right conditions . . . maybe by mastering the Battle Rage / Eternal Battle, weeping and sleeping it off to digest the insight. (In this scenario we would expect to find at least the potential for Beast Folk mirroring the other extant Founders.)

Founders mate with Protectresses so I would expect to see baby minotaurs emerge from a cow, sort of a gentle country veterinarian scenario but the calf you reach in there to turn punches you in the hand. The cow's owner then has some complicated choices to make but in minotaur regions there's probably a traditional understanding where you leave babies on a rock or something and the tribe comes to claim them. Maybe the baby remembers you fondly and you can be friends years from now. Like you say it's also a compliment to your cow.

I don't see minotaurs pursuing human women but it's a big world.


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17 hours ago, Joerg said:

These questions came to me while responding to "Women in Glorantha".


How do minotaurs procreate?

All the minotaurs we find as sample characters or NPCs are male. They appear to be human-compatible (see Morak, Noralayeep's little brother), but their normal bovine-headed shape may result from them humping cows.

From the herder's perspective, a cow giving birth to a minotaur is the loss of a bull calf but the blessing of the bull god for this cow's future offspring, so not really a bad thing. The cow's milk will be available to the herder, too.

Intercourse with beastmen is at best mildly scandalous - like the story of Yoristina's attraction to a centaur.

Wait on that last part? What? She was attracted to a centaur (Ooh the Tula gossip if that got out).


34 minutes ago, scott-martin said:

Resistance is now Greco-Bactrian or Indo-Hellenic, citizen. Kindly report to Slon for reprocessing.

I always thought Minotaur (WF 12) preserved the traces of a formerly viable cult that degenerated into a monster type. He looks a lot like the Bison Founder counter so this might have once been a ritual status that people across the bull belt could incarnate under the right conditions . . . maybe by mastering the Battle Rage / Eternal Battle, weeping and sleeping it off to digest the insight. (In this scenario we would expect to find at least the potential for Beast Folk mirroring the other extant Founders.)

Founders mate with Protectresses so I would expect to see baby minotaurs emerge from a cow, sort of a gentle country veterinarian scenario but the calf you reach in there to turn punches you in the hand. The cow's owner then has some complicated choices to make but in minotaur regions there's probably a traditional understanding where you leave babies on a rock or something and the tribe comes to claim them. Maybe the baby remembers you fondly and you can be friends years from now. Like you say it's also a compliment to your cow.

I don't see minotaurs pursuing human women but it's a big world.


 I don't know how this works in GLorantha, but honestly I kind of like the idea of a cow dropping a mintaur calf and the owner of the cow going :Oh my... a mintotaur got in with them again, puts a ribbon the youngster and heads to BullHead hill, where there are mintaur centries who park themselves there in shifts and watch for the per-arranged sign, to pick up the youngster.

Unless the cow's owner keep him and uses him as a excellent field hand? ( I assume Glornatha Minortaurs are intelligent)

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3 minutes ago, HeartQuintessence said:

Unless the cow's owner keep him and uses him as a excellent field hand? ( I assume Glornatha Minortaurs are intelligent)

"Clem, by now you probably figured you ain't really mine and Ma's boy. We ain't got no seven-foot nine-year-olds in either line. How I put this? You're Bessie's. But we done raised you as our own. Maybe we done wrong not giving you to your own folk but we loved you so."

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3 minutes ago, nabda said:

The cliche protective farmer with a sword telling the handsome stranger staying for the night he better not lay a finger on his precious Uraldina-Mae, but she's a prized cow not his daughter.

Nice early post, keep it up.

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... remember, with a TARDIS, one is never late for breakfast!

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51 minutes ago, scott-martin said:

"Clem, by now you probably figured you ain't really mine and Ma's boy. We ain't got no seven-foot nine-year-olds in either line. How I put this? You're Bessie's. But we done raised you as our own. Maybe we done wrong not giving you to your own folk but we loved you so."

"You there! The, erm, the horned farmhand. Yer not, uh, full-blood Colymar, are ya, kid?"
"Well, they dun said that I was born from a union 'tween a minotaur 'n' Bessie our milk cow, but all I ken tell ya is that the man who dun taught me to mend fences and chop wood and be honest and guard the tula is a Colymar, and as far as I reckon' he's my Pa, and the woman who done cleaned my britches as a young'un, and who packed me this here lunch and taught me to share it with travelin' fellers is my Ma, as Orlaynth 'n' Ernalder is my witnesses."


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11 minutes ago, Sir_Godspeed said:

"Well, they dun said that I was born from a union 'tween a minotaur 'n' Bessie our milk cow, but all I ken tell ya is that the man who dun taught me to mend fences and chop wood and be honest and guard the tula is a Colymar, and as far as I reckon' he's my Pa, and the woman who done cleaned my britches as a young'un, and who packed me this here lunch and taught me to share it with travelin' fellers is my Ma, as Orlaynth 'n' Ernalder is my witnesses."

Son, we need to get you to an elf glade or you have an Orlanth-all chance of either dying in a bungled lunar kidnapping once they find out about you or worse, actually getting shipped north.

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2 hours ago, g33k said:

I don't think his bloodline was ever laid out clearly.

He could even have had some sort of demigod / etc for a father.

What's the difference? Minotaurs as a race are avatars of their ancestor, the Storm Bull.

Telling how it is excessive verbis


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