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Running Borderlands in RQG (Borderlands spoilers within)


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2 hours ago, Darius West said:

I agree.聽 And if not an official from Sun County, then definitely an Argrath adherent.聽 Really the GM just has to replace a few NPCs to make it work.聽 Personally, I tend to upgrade the settlement a bit as well as Raus obviously put some effort into building up Ronegarth as his new seat.

I wanted my PCs to be able to "upgrade" the settlement (and get useful NPCs) but couldn't come up with anything 馃ぃ

What do you upgrade? I need material to steal hahaha 馃檪

"It seems I'm destined not to move ahead in time faster than my usual rate of one second per second"

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On 3/30/2022 at 9:36 PM, icebrand said:

I wanted my PCs to be able to "upgrade" the settlement (and get useful NPCs) but couldn't come up with anything 馃ぃ

What do you upgrade? I need material to steal hahaha 馃檪

Well Rausfort needs to turn into at least a manorial holding.聽 The crucial first steps for the settlement are obviously to create a working economy, because Rausfort cannot grow if it isn't producing money with which to build and develop.聽 So, the first thing it needs is to put in crops, and that requires fields, and this has already been done at the time when Borderlands is set.聽 So too we have a fort, which has stone towers, and a well, and what amounts to wicker gabions and earthwork on the cliff-sides, which can be upgraded to adobe.聽 This implies laborers, a stone mason, and a carpenter.聽 That's 3 NPCs who are crucial to any future building, and will be around for a long time.聽 The walls of the fort will likely need to be expanded to protect the projected settlement.

As cottages are put in, the settlement will require a thatcher, who can harvest reeds from the banks of the Zola Fel and put cheap but effective roofs on the buildings.

Likely, when the settlement is first created, everyone came down-river by barge, and there is close contact with Pavic fishermen, and friendly newtlings who will be bringing in fish to feed the settlement.聽 This will creates a need for at least rudimentary boat facilities on the river.聽 It is a very good idea to clean and scale fish by the river, and not in the settlement due to the smell, even though fish guts make good fertilizer (or garam when properly prepared).

Rausfort is an agricultural settlement.聽 There may be mining possible in the area, but that is entirely at the GM's discretion.聽 As an agricultural settlement, Rausfort has to compete with all the other regional agricultural settlements for the best grain price.聽 Sun County and the settlements around New Pavis like Garhound will largely have this situation stitched up, but Duke Raus likely had some support from the Lunars in the crucial set-up period to give him a priority grain supply contract for the garrison to make his settlement viable.聽 Given the poor quality of the majority of the soil, it may become worthwhile for the settlement to perform some measure of herding, but this is fraught because of Praxian nomads and their raiding culture.聽 Thus the choice of animal becomes important, and it may be that pigs and chickens are a wiser choice than cattle and sheep.聽

Beyond this, going forwards, the settlement will need a smith, a potter (for grain storage), a healer, a leather-worker (cobbler/armorer/bag maker/tailor as leather is cheap in Prax), and of course religious specialists such as an Earth priestess and a Zola Fel representative.聽 It is also likely that the settlement will have an Issaries rep to manage the market and perhaps run a warehouse or store who is responsible for bringing in goods the settlement doesn't make (but needs).聽 The settlement may well have a brewer who runs a local tavern as the settlement finds its feet.

There is also the issue of Weis.聽 In my game I played Weis for laughs, with an emphasis on the idiocy of rural life.聽 The idea being that anyone who had decent stats had long since left the area of their own accord or been taken as a slave by Praxians in raids.聽 The folk of Weis probably weren't originally Oasis people, but they might as well be now.聽 Tarnak is the titular village head-man, and is a bit of a sleaze-bag.聽 I also had a fellow called "the gaffer" who was the Weis equivalent of the village wise man, who knew a spell or two, and who had travelled a bit but had fled back to Weis due to trouble with the law decades ago.聽 The village was also plagued by a very loud, aggressive rooster (simply called The Rooster) who was a rune-lord and champion of Yelm (but nobody knew), who treated the entire settlement as his coop. The Rooster would sometimes still be piously crowing at 11am, having been fervently praising Yelm for 5 hours. There was also the village idiot, who was a very large, very strong but very dim fellow called Jub whose main job in life was to battle the rooster when it wouldn't stop crowing, by popular demand, often damaging the houses in the process (hence why, to a large degree, Weis looked run-down).聽 The locals were all unctuous, ugly and overly flirtatious towards outsiders, giving visitors the creeps.聽 My players actually sympathized with Muriah a bit about growing up in Weis.聽 The prospects for developing the settlement were considered difficult and somewhat distasteful.聽 Weis really couldn't defend itself against anything Prax could throw at it, and its earnings in terms of tax are minimal, as it is so easily raided or extorted by tribes in the area.聽 Weis literally relies on these tribes to protect it from destruction by broos.聽 While the Duke could work to make Weis better, this would require the creation of a garrison and defenses as a precursor, and then he would have to take full responsibility for protecting the settlement, which isn't easy, but then that is what scenarios are all about.

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As to upgrading Rausfort...

First you have to look at the Holy Trinity of settlements first... Food, Water, Shelter.

Then the secondary issues: defenses, external relations, magical support, and internal stability.

Presuming that Raus is ousted [say that three times fast...], there are still a BUNCH of Lunar settlers in the Grantlands. So a PC taking over as 'laird o' th' manor' is gonna have some VERY sticky issues to deal with. These include, but are not limited to:

- Religion. So, about this Seven Mothers thing...

- Slavery. THERE'S a sticky one...

- Relations with the nomads

- Relations with Sun County

- The scattered nature of the settlements; these are not farm villages, with fortifications nearby. These are slave plantations, with each family having their tiny little fortlet... most of whom couldn't withstand a determined assault by Chaos or nomads. This is a formula for having your micro state looted in detail every time a crop comes to harvest.

There's a lot of headaches being The Boss. And it leaves very little time for adventuring.

Edited by svensson
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4 hours ago, svensson said:

Presuming that Raus is ousted [say that three times fast...], there are still a BUNCH of Lunar settlers in the Grantlands. So a PC taking over as 'laird o' th' manor' is gonna have some VERY sticky issues to deal with. These include, but are not limited to:

- Religion. So, about this Seven Mothers thing...

- Slavery. THERE'S a sticky one...

Yes, the political dimensions of this are very interesting svensson and well pointed out for purposes of scenario building.聽聽

If icebrand wants to make it easier on the players, it could well be that Raus created a plantation-style of settlement, but used slaves taken from Orlanthi territories, who are subsequently freed.聽 While many may want to pick up and go home, perhaps enough might wish to stay, given that if the new local leader is Pro-Argrath, and the Zola Fel Valley is now under Whitebull control/protection, the area might be considered more peaceful than Sartar is likely to become.

While I like to opt for more rather than less political complexity, the idea of starting a Pavic-style Orlanth clan, potentially with good relations with Count Rurik of Sun County, seems potentially interesting.聽 As to Lunars in the Grantlands, well, that depends on whether you think Argrath had them massacred by White Bulls (because Lunars worship Chaos), or they were captured and ransomed en masse, for a ton of money.

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38 minutes ago, Darius West said:

As to Lunars in the Grantlands, well, that depends on whether you think Argrath had them massacred by White Bulls (because Lunars worship Chaos), or they were captured and ransomed en masse, for a ton of money.

Well, despite my pro-Orlanthi sympathies [all that Scandinavian /Scots blood in my system and all], there are two things about the Lunars that should be made clear...

a] Virtually none of them 'worship Chaos' per se [the Pola plantation nonwithstanding]. Most worship the Seven Mothers, with a large leavening of regimental wyters from various Lunar veterans. The Lunars see Chaos as part of the world, provided it's controlled. But whatever Red Goddess worship [where out-and-out Chaos is most likely] there might be in Prax is pretty low-key. There was never a Temple of the Reaching Moon anywhere nearby.

b] Unlike the confiscations after First Moonbroth in the Scritha watershed, the Lunars in the Grantlands settled unclaimed territory... they didn't displace anyone. They therefore have committed no crime against the peoples of Prax.

And Argrath is an Illuminate. He can set aside all the sturm und drang of Storm Bull and Orlanth see the benefits of a Zola Fel valley that produces goods and generates tax income rather than just fish and mercenaries. I can honestly see a scenario where Argrath takes the Grantlanders under his protection, provided they convert to an acceptable faith, and appoints a player character to 'put things in order'. The PC's job is to protect the settlers to a certain extent and convert them to the Lightbringers.

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19 hours ago, svensson said:

a] Virtually none of them 'worship Chaos' per se [the Pola plantation nonwithstanding]. Most worship the Seven Mothers, with a large leavening of regimental wyters from various Lunar veterans. The Lunars see Chaos as part of the world, provided it's controlled. But whatever Red Goddess worship [where out-and-out Chaos is most likely] there might be in Prax is pretty low-key. There was never a Temple of the Reaching Moon anywhere nearby.

I disagree.聽 Let me explain.聽 The Red Moon Goddess has the chaos rune.聽 Those who follow her are chaos worshippers.聽 Those who support her are supporting chaos.聽 Remember that to Stormbull worshippers any chaos is all chaos, there are no shades of grey in this black and white argument, and the White Bull Army are Stormbulls.聽 We, as GMs know that this isn't quite true, but we are not the blood-mad berserkers of Prax intent of cleansing their land of the curse of Lunar Chaos.聽 Also, the Stormbulls may have a point... What is the long term plan of the Lunars?聽 They could decide to topple the Block and release Wakboth.聽 That card is in play.

19 hours ago, svensson said:

b] Unlike the confiscations after First Moonbroth in the Scritha watershed, the Lunars in the Grantlands settled unclaimed territory... they didn't displace anyone. They therefore have committed no crime against the peoples of Prax.

The Praxians have no love for the Lunars.聽 See above.

19 hours ago, svensson said:

And Argrath is an Illuminate. He can set aside all the sturm und drang of Storm Bull and Orlanth see the benefits of a Zola Fel valley that produces goods and generates tax income rather than just fish and mercenaries. I can honestly see a scenario where Argrath takes the Grantlanders under his protection, provided they convert to an acceptable faith, and appoints a player character to 'put things in order'. The PC's job is to protect the settlers to a certain extent and convert them to the Lightbringers.

It is precisely BECAUSE he is an illuminate that Argrath has to double down on being an exemplary member of any cult he joins. The Gbaji path is to ignore the attitudes and restrictions of a cult when they become inconvenient, and Argrath needs to keep his elan strong, not reveal his illumination, and not turn into Gbaji.聽 Cult restrictions exist for good reasons for the most part.聽For Praxians, fighting the Lunars is a holy war against chaos under the sign of the prophesied White Bull (who is Argrath). There has been much debate about whether Argrath as portrayed would be merciful to the Lunars or whether he would massacre the Lunars of New Pavis. In many ways it isn't going to be his call, as the duty of care will fall to the White Bull commander who is sent to pacify the Grantlands, and the level of resistance shown by the Grantlanders to the new situation.聽 It is far more likely that the Lunar Grantlanders, who are not very numerous, will be marched to Pimpers Block, to be ransomed and/or sold to Etyries merchants who can repatriate them into the Empire if everyone is feeling super merciful.聽 Argrath isn't likely to tolerate a 5th column element like the Lunar Grantlanders sitting in the middle of his new territory.聽 Besides, there are plenty of Esrolians displaced by the war who would likely jump at the opportunity to settle free/cheap land in Prax if they knew the locals wouldn't massacre them just for being there.

Edited by Darius West
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On 3/9/2022 at 3:51 AM, Squaredeal Sten said:

You could always run Borderlands at its original date, rather than the standard RQiG date of 1625ST.聽 Character family history would have to be different but there is an early family history available on Jonstown Compendium for a good price.聽 That would mean you didnt have to reimagine the Duke's status and also the political聽 alignments of the tribes.聽 Altogether a much simpler campaign start.

As for npc stats, not much difference except you should give them appropriate rune magic.聽 And change the occasional reference to chain mail.聽 You will find you have to roll some聽 stats not provided, like STR and SIZ for those ankylosaurs that almost got聽 Jajagappa's character, but that would have been the case running RQ2 also.

Prax does need a 1625ST update.聽 But for you to update to include Argrath's 1625 status and the absence of the Lunar Empire would be too much of a project, essentially a 75 percent rewrite.聽 Something for a team of Glorantha grognards, which I understand is taking years under contract to Chaosium.

The RQ3 Borderlands is essentially the RQ2 Borderlands.聽 Same with Big Rubble.聽 Don't think you need those old updates.聽聽

This is basically what I have done. PCs are Kenstone Islanders, orphaned by a Wolf Pirate raid and fostered in one of the petty baronies in the March. Ejected from their roles as members of the baron's mercenaries when the old baropn dies, and his son returns from Refuge with his cronies from the flesh pots and gambling dens.

They get hired by Daine as bodyguards to accompany him and Jezra to the duke's domain, as she has been recalled from her studies in Jonstown after disgracing herself.

This was with a bunch of RQ newbies, so it allowed them to be realistically clueless about much of the outside world, having grown up in a backwater, and meant that they would be focused on making their way in the outside world as they had no clan or family to fall back on.

We did all of Borderlands apart from Condor Crags and Goon Orta, which I am keeping in my back pocket for if they have to flee Pavis, which is where they are now, as they had pacified much of the land successfully, and after the first caravan of settlers arrived, the Lunar army escort was being garrisoned in the domain, leaving them with little to do in the duke's employ.

You basically just thrown Rune Points at the characters in the Source material and improvise.

They are now in Pavis, having escourted Jezra to resume her studies there at the start of 1616 ST, and we're doing Pavis and the Big Rubble in the original time setting.

TBH I vastly prefer the original setting, with a Lunar army of occupation, and no massive heroic events or hyper-level NPCs in the mix. Doubt I will do the Cradles scenario as it seemed to be a roll play fest rather than role play.

They are currently having to figure out what the hell to do with the map of Balastor's Barracks they picked up in the Rabbit Hat Farm scenario I put them through enroute to Pavis, having realised the a/ it might not be accurate, b/ if it is then the Pavis cultists and Lunars are interested in it, with the risks and opportunities this entails, c/ if it is, then they don't just turn up in swords and armour, they need to have a fully-equipped expedition to do the digging and hauling d/ that the Rubble is full of people who can coitus you up just for being in their territory, let alone if they know what you are after or might have spent the past week digging up and finding, e/they will need to enlist skilled help to find the surface entrance, let alone hunt to carry shit, which means they have to decide who to trust, f/ that it might not just be a really cool magic item they can use or sell without questions being asked, possibly with edged weapons, but actually something which might use them...

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Another "upgrade" would be to recruit/sponsor an Ernaldan priestess & temple, to get some hardcore crop-blessings.

And/or go into ranching / breeding -- likely a modified form of ranching -- with the aid of an Eiritha priestess ... Ronegate is rather close to the Eiritha Hills!

Work to make the site a regular destination for Issaries traders; a nexus between Corflu, Pavis, the Paps, and anyone who managed to sneak a chip off the ol' Block ...

Edited by g33k
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On 4/10/2022 at 3:03 AM, g33k said:

Another "upgrade" would be to recruit/sponsor an Ernaldan priestess & temple, to get some hardcore crop-blessings.

And/or go into ranching / breeding -- likely a modified form of ranching -- with the aid of an Eiritha priestess ... Ronegate is rather close to the Eiritha Hills!

Work to make the site a regular destination for Issaries traders; a nexus between Corflu, Pavis, the Paps, and anyone who managed to sneak a chip off the ol' Block ...

How well would an Ernalda temple 'work' in Prax? It was ritually blasted of most of its Fertility [Rune and literally] in the Gods Age, after all. And one wonders how the Paps Mothers would react, given an 'competing' temple so close to their center of power.

Ranching with the aid of the Eiritha /Paps complex would be politically easier, but very difficult to sustain given the nomads history of rustling everyone. A bit of advice from Garhound and Indagos would be necessary there, I think.

And lasty, PAVIS is the trade point for most of the goods of Prax. And the Issaries temple and oligarchs there certainly aren't going to take well to a permanent market on their turf. Although I could see anyone settling the Zola Fell Valley taking an interest in the secondary market at Corflu. After the sudden departure of the Etyries temple staff, that's going to need some attention.

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19 hours ago, svensson said:

How well would an Ernalda temple 'work' in Prax?...
And one wonders how the Paps Mothers would react, given an 'competing' temple so close to their center of power.

Ranching with the aid of the Eiritha /Paps complex would be politically easier, but very difficult to sustain given the nomads history of rustling everyone...

And lasty, PAVIS is the trade point for most of the goods of Prax. And the Issaries temple and oligarchs there certainly aren't going to take well to a permanent market on their turf.

Although I could see anyone settling the Zola Fell Valley taking an interest in the secondary market at Corflu...

You're... uh... really making my point for me, there.
What marvelous story-hooks you're developing!

C'es ne pas un .sig

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1 hour ago, g33k said:

You're... uh... really making my point for me, there.
What marvelous story-hooks you're developing!

I call them 'plot harpoons' 馃榿 It's more truthful that way...

"That meaty *thwack* sound you just heard was the plot harpoon sinking in..."

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6 hours ago, svensson said:


"That meaty *thwack* sound you just heard was the plot harpoon sinking in..."


I think I may just use that line, next time I see the dawning looks of horror/amazement/etc
when my players Finally Figure It Out (tm).

Edited by g33k
only I'll probably use the "schwunk" sound-effect.
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On 4/12/2022 at 4:14 AM, svensson said:

How well would an Ernalda temple 'work' in Prax? It was ritually blasted of most of its Fertility [Rune and literally] in the Gods Age, after all. And one wonders how the Paps Mothers would react, given an 'competing' temple so close to their center of power.

Ernalda is one of the many Earth Deities at the Paps, not the most important one, but she is there.

Sun County should have an Ernalda Temple, as many of the women worship Erlanda.

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Simon Phipp - Caldmore Chameleon - Wallowing in my elitism since 1982. Many Systems, One Family. Just a fanboy.聽


Jonstown Compendium author. Find my contributions here.聽

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22 hours ago, soltakss said:

Ernalda is one of the many Earth Deities at the Paps, not the most important one, but she is there.

Sun County should have an Ernalda Temple, as many of the women worship Erlanda.

Certainly. No matter what you define as 'food', its ultimate source is Ernalda in one way or another.

As for Sun County, I would think that every village would have enough initiates to rate a shrine or minor temple. If Clearwine and Jonstown can host major temples, I would think that the Prax Sun County would host one as well... the populations are of comparable magnitudes and while comparatively few males worship Barntar, Yelmalio is still a Husband-Protector. It would follow that there is some devotional energy from that relationship. It does make you wonder where the Sun County Ernalda Temple is, though.

BUT I can also see the differences in Ernalda worship in Orlanthi and Yelmalion cultural areas. Orlanthi recognize Ernalda as the queen of her own fully functional pantheon, Orlanth's equal partner. Yelmalions tend to see her in a more subservient 'good wife and mother' role, and her pantheon is only tolerated... like a set of in-laws you don't like. The authorities are perfectly willing accept Voria the Spring Maiden and Asrelia the Treasure Crone, but you can bet your last Wheel that the Gor sisters won't get much play! I can see a scene where one of the Militia files intercepts a Babeester Gor Axe Maiden on the road and hustles her along to the nearest border checkpoint.

With all that baggage, I don't think that it would be easy converting 7M worshipers to 'Sun Ernalda' given that they've all been raised in a feminine mystery cult. And there might be some blowback from the Paps Mothers about accepting worshipers who used to accept Chaos, no matter how 'repentant' they are.

So maybe it IS worthwhile for the projected 'Duke of the Middle River' to establish and endow an Ernalda temple centered more on Earth practice rather than Sky/Fire.

Edited by svensson
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On 4/11/2022 at 8:14 PM, svensson said:

How well would an Ernalda temple 'work' in Prax?

It's worth noting, though, that (like the Paps) the Zola Fel valley is fertile and productive...

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for me Ernalda is the wife and the mother every where she is worshipped

but that doesn't mean women have the same political role / impact聽 everywhere she is worshipped

From my perspective,

In Sartar, Ernalda聽 is the "equals" of Orlanth, the local political power is shared between wind priests and earth priestess. Of course at the end of the day, women have the true power, but an hidden one.

In Esrolia, Ernalda is superior, her husbands are just "tools", earth priestess have the true power, and everyone knows that.

In Sun county, Ernalda is inferior, Yelmalio is The Husband, the protector, the leader, the alpha and omega, and let her wonderful wife manages his house with honour, loyalty and... silence woman! keep inside and obey. Earth priestess聽 have no power, even hidden.

Now there is another mother and wife, dedicated to the praxians, Eiritha. I think that the role of Ernalda, is the same role than any woman's mother, once the woman is married.

As the mother, she is important.

she is invited to Eiritha house and do her best to help her daughter (anywhere in prax), she doesn't lead, she advices:

Of course, continuiting the IRL聽 analogy, she may live in a flat in her daughter house (part of the paps, few sacred places elsewhere in prax). Then yes, she decides in her flat but not in the rest of the house.

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On 3/30/2022 at 5:36 AM, icebrand said:

I wanted my PCs to be able to "upgrade" the settlement (and get useful NPCs) but couldn't come up with anything 馃ぃ

What do you upgrade? I need material to steal hahaha 馃檪



The original fort just has tents inside.聽 IMG each season these get upgraded: first a real house for the Duke? Then barracks and a cook house.聽 Later when colonists arrive more buildings outside the fort and perhaps an outer wall around the settlement.聽 A corral and barn .聽 Granary as the settlers raise crops.聽聽

People - well a redmsmith would be appropriate and the Praxian tribes would owe favors for his services.聽 A Potter.聽 Maybe priests or shamans as the garrison grows and the settlers arrive.聽聽

Edited by Squaredeal Sten
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  • 1 month later...
On 4/2/2022 at 3:13 PM, svensson said:

b] Unlike the confiscations after First Moonbroth in the Scritha watershed, the Lunars in the Grantlands settled unclaimed territory... they didn't displace anyone. They therefore have committed no crime against the peoples of Prax.

Yes, farmers blocking the migration routes of nomadic herds (such as ranchers), or of hunter gatherers following such herd routes, has always been a victimless crime, hasn't it?

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Telling how it is excessive verbis

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On 3/30/2022 at 11:36 AM, icebrand said:

I wanted my PCs to be able to "upgrade" the settlement (and get useful NPCs) but couldn't come up with anything 馃ぃ

What do you upgrade? I need material to steal hahaha 馃檪

Perceforest for Mythras has an excellent system for domain development. So too has Crusaders of the Amber Coast for BRP although that is out-of-print. The Riskland Campaign in RQ3 Dorastor has a domain system that is less medieval than the first two mentioned.

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I have run it in an RQG setting, but in 1615ish. 聽See聽https://beer-with-teeth.games/updating-borderlands-i-mechanics/聽for details.

My GM had him exist in 1626 as someone who had already dug in his castle and would take a huge amount of effort to move, and was also useful to Argrath. 聽Other options including him moving into a 'haunted' fort (explaining why others were not there) or him being completely exiled from Lunar lands and maybe on the run, so he can be an ex Lunar.

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  • 10 months later...
On 3/28/2022 at 5:49 AM, svensson said:

As for Prax and so forth, @Ian Thomson is currently writing an update on the RQ2 Pavis and Big Rubble boxed sets. They will include two adventures during the time of God Learners and Robcradle and one [or more] adventures in 1619 to tie it all together.

In regards to your Condor Crags and Fly concerns, those can be quickly solved. One of the Condors has an awakened intelligence and is Rune Priest of Yelm.

That is a great solution, and I have a different one (to the Condor Crags problem) which will be in Vol. 04 of the P&BR Companion Director's Cut: 'Secrets of the Borderlands'

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Former Issaries Inc. 'Pavis Expert'

Some of my creations and co-creations:聽https://preview.drivethrurpg.com/en/browse?keyword=Ian Thomson

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 3/8/2022 at 10:28 PM, Graeme P said:

If you are happy to go back to the 1610s then River of Cradles has a great advanture which is for beginning characters and introduces the PCs to Raus Fort, so it and then Borderlands would work well.

We ran this campaign arc and called it Face Down in the Mud. It was an awesome and epic campaign that spanned years. Did River of Cradles, Borderlands, Strangers in Prax, Griffin Mountain, and the Cradle Adventure. It kept going on from there but, those were the big moments.聽

I strongly suggest going with the 1610's time frame. Way way less work to dive right into gaming with tons of books and stuff to play through.聽

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4 hours ago, HreshtIronBorne said:

We ran this campaign arc and called it Face Down in the Mud. It was an awesome and epic campaign that spanned years. Did River of Cradles, Borderlands, Strangers in Prax, Griffin Mountain, and the Cradle Adventure. It kept going on from there but, those were the big moments.聽

I strongly suggest going with the 1610's time frame. Way way less work to dive right into gaming with tons of books and stuff to play through.聽

Wish I'd played in that one. That would have been fun, even if RQ3 was ticky/tack as Hell.

Did the players meet the Coders or Baran? Either one would have been fun, if for VERY different reasons.

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On 4/12/2022 at 5:14 AM, svensson said:

How well would an Ernalda temple 'work' in Prax? It was ritually blasted of most of its Fertility [Rune and literally] in the Gods Age, after all. And one wonders how the Paps Mothers would react, given an 'competing' temple so close to their center of power.

Prax is a large region and Ernalda is worshipped as a wife to Yelmalio in Sun County. The sartarites living in and around Pavis is also probably worshipping Ernalda. But Eiritha is much more important in the less fertile parts of Prax.

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On 3/23/2022 at 7:50 AM, icebrand said:

5 eyes is... Dare i say impossible? With a party of 4 initiates (but also i use my NPCs very well, and our dungeons are no hidden rolls, and everyone including me plays to win).聽

My first ever RQ character got...


fried by the dragon

...within our first half-hour of gaming here (after I had spent at least that long rolling him up and creating a basic backstory). Leaving me with only one other option as a character to play - Stifftail the leader of the Newtling boaters. He was very useful in exploring the caves, and assistance in exploring underground waterways and providing knowledge on newtlings.

Oh yes, and I remember the GM introduced him to the party who were still exploring the cave entries by saying something like: 'The leader of your newtling rafters runs up to you with his trident, rather out of breath: "Apologies fine sirs. It appears that enemy newtlings just killed all of my comrades and I am indeed the only survivor. I hope we can negotiate only a partial refund for rafting services."

He also miraculously went on to survive the whole campaign that extended into Pavis and beyond - I still remember my stated intent every time the party hit combat: "I dive for nearest cover". (Not as useless as he might sound - he became an excellent scout, and renowned skirmisher with aimed shots to the head.)

Edited by Ian A. Thomson


Former Issaries Inc. 'Pavis Expert'

Some of my creations and co-creations:聽https://preview.drivethrurpg.com/en/browse?keyword=Ian Thomson

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