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Everything posted by rsanford

  1. I don't know G33. In Dallas where I live (in a suburb) being called privilege is usually meant as an insult and as a way of saying that a person's voice doesn't matter (because they aren't inclusive). I wouldn't be surprised if a lot other people feel that way too. And a large number of political conservatives in the US would say that inclusivity is just a phrase used by liberal elites to elevate some people while ignoring others. I understand your opinion as you are trying to define inclusivity in its truest sense; however I bet the word's most common use is by politicians to describe something that some group of people (maybe deplorables or others) lack. I do know that it wasn't many days ago that a person on this site was called out for being priviledged and being not inclusive. That is a pretty new phenomena on this site and not everyone is going to enjoy seeing that.
  2. I saw this on drivethrurpg and it looked interesting. I read three reviews about it and two of them were complimentary but the last one was much less so. Anyone run or play it? Anyone with opinions?
  3. Some people use CoC rules for science fiction especially when it uses horror. Check out Cthulhu Rising or New Horizon (which is fan created).
  4. Cakebread & Walton produce some good stuff. I particullarly like Dark Streets (Make sure and get 2nd Edition as they sell both 2nd and 1st) -> https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/156813/Dark-Streets-2nd-Edition--Core-Rulebook
  5. Lots of people like being divisive. You’re not the first.
  6. It’s an expression but if you have to know, says me!
  7. You guys aren’t making friends arguing this on an RPG site.
  8. I don't have the Guidebook to London but The Golden Dawn is outstanding. The only problem is that print copies tend to be expensive these days...
  9. If you don’t mind modern, try Ladybug, Ladybug, Fly Away Home by Stygian Fox. There are two potential monsters and some cult members but I ran it for two groups and neither involved combat. Plus it’s one of the all time great CoC scenarios.
  10. Hey Sean, I am a big proponent of Magic World and have applied the rules (with help from the Big Gold Book) to all sorts of different genres. I also was the first that I am aware of that did a review of the book on RPG.net (And it had some mistakes in it). The problems with Magic World are really two-fold (in my view). The first are errors in the text, poor organization and weak layout. The second is a feeling that the setting material (which is good) is just bolted on and not particularly applicable to the rules. For example Magic Word differs from many rulesets by having outstanding naval rules yet the setting doesn't leverage any of those rules. Do you agree with this assesment and if so will you be addressing these issues in the next version?
  11. I don’t know any RPG stores but I feel for you. Vegas is brutal in July!
  12. Just remember the flattery in today’s game 🙂
  13. Thanks! I think I am going to find my PDF and do some catch up reading.
  14. Hey Atgxtg can you give an example about how the games lethal aspects were toned down? Maybe you mean the stun mechanic. Just trying to refresh my memory!
  15. It has been a while since I have read Superworld (Or what I am about to reccomend) but you might think about picking a more gritty and less 4 color setting that is a match for Superworld's inherent lethality. I recommend Fainting Goat Games' Extreme Earth: A Dsytopian Superhero Setting. You can get it here -> https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/144378/MM3e-EXTREME-EARTH-A-DYSTOPIAN-SUPERHERO-SETTING?src=hottest_filtered. What sets Extreme Earth apart is that is is designed to emulate bronze or iron age comics as opposed to silver or gold age comics. So think less of Superman or Wolverine and more of The Shadow, Watchmen and Batman. In these comics getting shot by a machine gun is likely to be lethal something easily modeled by Superworld. You can find some details about the bronze age of comics here -> https://davescorneroftheuniverse.wordpress.com/2014/11/10/what-is-comics-iron-age/ Woops - I forgot something. The version of Extreme Earth I linked to is designed for Mutants and Masterminds but there are several versions (Alas no Superworld option), you can find them on DriveThruRPG
  16. Unfortunately I don't have a spare copy or I would sell it to you. I will say that it is a thing of beauty. Alephtar, Pete and Loz really did a good job on it. Its one of the favorite books in my collection.
  17. You're a good man Nick! I take back half the things I have said about you!
  18. Thanks Raleel! Somehow I never realized you work for TDM. Great group of guys! I will make the order now, Ronnie
  19. Come with the PDF or do I need to put that in my cart seperate?
  20. I use Magic World as the base rule set. Its mostly Stormbringer rules with a little BGB mixed in.
  21. Isn’t the demon in Magic World originally from the BGB? Or was it from Stormbringer?
  22. Yeah Magic World is already super similar to CoC 6th edition and earlier so there’s really no work to be done. Just use the character creation rules for CoC. Nick I remember when your character had a bout of insanity and started shooting his gun in the car. You are great at roleplaying but I should have rolled to see if you hit someone!
  23. You won’t be disappointed with Stygian Fox. Everything they touch turns to gold!
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