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Everything posted by soltakss

  1. All Duck merchants carry a small box or stepladder for exactly that reason.
  2. Tiger Son Vampires get doubled STR and doubled again in Tiger form. Just saying. Shark Men Vampires get doubled STR and 2.5x STR in Shark form, but we won't discuss those, due to them being restricted to marshes and swamps.
  3. The Fireblade spell says: The section in the errata referred to says: That would imply that slashing and impaling damage is done using the Fireblade damage, not the normal weapon damage. Had it been the normal weapon damage, an iron weapon would have hurt trolls and elves. The section on Impaling and Slashing damage in the rulebook says: So, both a Slash and Impale do double damage. Assuming this is not the weapon damage, but the Fireblade damage, for the reasons suggested above, the damage is 6D6 on a slash/impale. Firearrow says: So, that is pretty much the same as Fireblade.
  4. Even murderhobos need healing. Wandering Adventurers are not always a bad idea, in fact they are often a good idea. Although tying Adventurers into a Clan is one of the cornerstones of RQG, sometimes you have a band of Adventurers wandering around. I see no reason why a Chalana Arroy Initiate can't join them. Even a Priestess makes sense, if the Priestess is not tied to a temple, she can be a wandering healer, able to serve those not able to get to a temple.
  5. I had this issue with a Jonstown Compendium supplement. After a lot of stress, I found that creating a new document based on the original template, copying and pasting the cover page and then copying and pasting everything else seemed to work.
  6. One thing that I quickly learned when drawing up equipment for SciFi is that you don't really have to. Armour is designed to stop the stuff that is going to hit you, so it doesn't have to be continually increasing in effectiveness. As for weapons, I normally just have bands of stuff, so a Blaster is a Blaster no matter what tech level, it might be slightly lighter or have more charges as a higher tech level, but you don't need it to give a bigger blast, that's what Heavy Blasters are for.
  7. Presumably, it is missing Advanced Helmet, Heavy with 6 AP. Personally, I take equipment lists as guides, as they won't include everything. If something isn't there and seems reasonable then why not have it?
  8. I might be old, but am not elderly. I called my GP about a flu jab and they said I'd have to wait a week because the elderly need it first. Boy, was I happy!
  9. Small world. As long as he doesn't lick spirits, he should be OK.
  10. I love the map, it shows how much of the Spirit Plane is a blur and that important locations have their own areas of the Spirit Plane.
  11. The Summons of Evil ritual is a HeroQuest that brings whatever is going to hurt your clan to your clan at a time of your choosing. Think of it as "lancing the boil", you gain control of when you are going to be attacked, so that you can control the fight. Normally, the Clan Ring, but anyone with the spell can cast it. Clan members might not be too pleased if a rogue Orlanthi cast this without the knowledge of the Clan Ring. Enemies of the Clan. Old enemies, new enemies, internal enemies, may be even personal HeroQuest enemies. Although it might be possible to direct the HeroQuest so that it brings particular enemies, one of the beauties of the HeroQuest is that any enemy might appear, maybe even a new one that you have not yet encountered, or perhaps several enemies at once. If the clan has traditional enemies, perhaps through a feud, they will probably show up. In the particular example, the kinstrife might manifest as people who are causing the strife to appear, or to mobilise and come out into the open, rather than operating in the shadows or in secret. It might be used to force them out to have a "once and for all" contest. This goes back to "lancing the boil", you pull the curse into the HeroQuest and it manifests as an enemy to fight, rather than lingering on all year round.
  12. You're correct, in my mind Temporal and Stackable mix... I know the feeling. I have RQ2/RQ3/Legend/Mythras in my mind when thinking about RQG and it sometimes gets confusing. The restriction seems odd. I mean, the Crimson Bat is the steed of the Red Goddess and she's illuminated... The rationale in Cults of Terror was that Illuminates must not be allowed to gain control of the Bat, for fear of what they might do with it. Maybe the new revelations about the Red Goddess, over the last 40 years, have tempered that a little, so that "Good Illuminates" are OK.
  13. You are going to have to do a lot, lot better than that, I am afraid. One of our Players, who has played a lot of D&D, thinks that Cults in Glorantha are a lot like Character Classes in D&D. That is probably why 13th Age Glorantha works so well. That is really something that should be answered at the gaming table and is different for every game. For me, a Chalana Arroy cultists being a pacifist means they don't fight, except against Undead and Chaos. They are happy for other people to fight. Some might even be happy to help other people as medics, or similar. That is the attitude I am taking when I play my Chalana Arroy cultist. I'm not aware of that but I think it could be possible, to make a CA cultist a bit more viable in a more combat-heavy campaign, that the GM allows CA characters to have non-lethal combat skills and techniques.... mmmh 🤔 I have considered that, using Grapple to restrain combatants, but I am torn with it being something sensible to learn and going against the non-combat principles. Similarly, using a net to capture and restrain opponents.
  14. I thought that had been clarified, that the Extension is stackable but the other spell doesn't have to be.
  15. Congratulations! Let's hope we see much more in the way of scenarios through Jonstown Compendium.
  16. They could well be slightly wrong, especially if weapons stats changed during the writing process. Stats are notoriously difficult to get 100% right. As Phil says, this is likely to do with her mount. Most mounts are big, so have SIZ SR of 0, but are not nimble, so have higher DEX SR. Yes, that is probably right. You are correct. Some people don't mind and just use the stats in the book, regardless of whether they are right, RQ works perfectly well if the stats are not exactly the same as the rules would imply. However, when learning a new system, it can be jarring if the rules say one thing and Pregenerated Characters say another, especially if they are used as good examples of the rules. I am sorry to say that you are likely to find many such examples when going through the rulebook.
  17. Many thanks. I am now planning on where/how to use the images and will send you a copy when I have finished it. Excellent, thanks again. I will buy and use any art packs for Jonstown Compendium. I might not use all of the art from every pack, but will definitely use some of it.
  18. I love the whole scenario on 6 columns of double-sided paper. Can you fit a call of Cthulhu character sheet on one column? If so, that is very impressive. Do you have any Word Templates that you would be able to share?
  19. Illuminates are forbidden to join the cult, to prevent them from becoming Priests and gaining control of the Crimson Bat. Of course, they could trade for the spell, given a friendly Issaries Cultist.
  20. Have we stopped getting notifications for Likes? I used to like them coming through now and again, but haven't had any since the upgrade. The Notifications settings doesn't seem to have a section for Likes.
  21. Why not were-rabbits? I am sure that I have seen a film about them i have were-gophers in Pent (The Gord-Un have them) and played in a memorable Funfair scenario, where we investigated a series of murders that coincided with a travelling fair, we played all the games and came away with goldfish as prizes, only to find that they were were-goldfish assassins who transformed overnight back into humans and attacked us in our beds.
  22. Well, the Orlanthi of Dorastor are named after their Founders, so that could well be the case elsewhere.
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