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Everything posted by soltakss

  1. What are the Sixths called? Land Goddesses generally share names with their lands, so the 6 Goddesses might share names with the Sixths.
  2. In my Glorantha, Annilla was born when Yelm's Light mixed with the Darkness of the Styx and Lorion was born when Anilla enveloped Yelm as she was born. However, my Glorantha varies.
  3. I think all of this boils down to "Illumination is objectively bad, unless you are Illuminated in which case it's OK".
  4. Or, "Wow, that went far better than we thought possible"
  5. I ran the LBQ for a HeroQuest game, so I have a pretty detailed writeup that might see the light of day. It is based on lots of published writeups, though. The one in King of Sartar might be the best published one.
  6. Because it's funny. Because I can. Because nobody said I shouldn't. Because you didn't really mean it when you said I couldn't, you were joking, weren't you?
  7. Sureshot works best in adverse conditions. You fire through dense woodland in a fog in the dark at a target that is jinking about, you apply all the negative modifiers and still hit on 01-95. But I'd use French Desparate Windchild's idea about still hitting a random hit location if your called shot would have failed.
  8. Anyone using Sword Trance is probably going to have a great big Death Rune, and probably a Truth Rune, emblazoned on their armour, helm or shield. Humakti are not hard to spot. Yes, good warriors often don;t advertise, to stop young bucks from challenging them all the time. However, I am reminded of the Faculty from Discworld who had to disguise themselves as not wizards for reasons I can't remember. They just couldn't grasp the idea. "What do you mean, take off my pointy hat? I am a wizard", "Take off my robes with the stars on? Whatever would I wear" and so on. They compromised by wearing little twisted wires coming from their ears to their beards, so the guards thought they were disguising themselves badly as wizards, "Come on, I can see the little wires holding your beards on". Disguising is not something that everyone can do or is willing to do. One of the PCs in our RQ2 Campaign was a SIZ 40 Great troll with a Giant's Thigh Bone as a club. He used to go through the Rubble wearing a baboon costume as a disguise. The guards at the gate used to let "The baboon" through without comment, as they didn't want him to tear their arms and legs off. also, Broze Demonslayer, played by the same Player, once famously disguised himself and assumed a false name, "Ezorb," he said, fumbling his Disguise Skill, "Ezorb Demonslayer".
  9. We have that using RD100 Advantages. It is funny watching Players' faces light up as they roll 01 then get sad as they realise it is just a normal roll.
  10. I wouldn't know, as I haven't played or read Ars Magica. It is how my 2nd RQ group played, though.
  11. Yes, the name for the open licence version of HeroQuest. It hasn't appeared yet.
  12. Why not? nothing in the description says it cannot be burned. If you boil a water elemental it will be hurt. You could say that a Fire Elemental in water is deprived of air and so cannot burn as effectively. What I would do is to allow the Fire Elemental to damage the Water Elemental as normal, but perhaps make the Water Elemental take half damage. Also, make the Fire elemental take damage as if by drowning, as the Water Elemental cuts off its air supply.
  13. The thing about Eurmali is that they are not all the same. Some will behave one way and some another. At some points, yes, for example they must betray the Lightbringers on the Lightbringers Quest. However, do all Eurmali betray their masters? No, I don't think so. Can they? Yes, of course, and that might even be expected of them. Some Eurmali don't betray their masters to go against the tradition that they should. Not necessarily, but they often do. They are not bound to their community, so why not betray them? It really depends on how they are treated by their community and also on how strong their tie is to the Disorder Rune. They might have Passions that almost force them to betray their community. Do practical jokes count? Giving the whole village a strong laxative would be an Eurmali thing to do, it is a betrayal of the community but not a very big one. No, but there is nothing to stop them doing so. Glorantha has healing spells, so hurting someone is only temporary. No, but why wouldn't they? One of their weapons is their tongues, so why not use that? Betrayal is part of an Eurmali's being, but that comes in many guises. Making love to a friend's spouse, backing a gang of bullies who are assaulting a friend, standing by when a friend is being shouted at, all are forms of betrayal that an Eurmali could do. Almost certainly, but only up to a point. "Don't peek at my wife while she is bathing" might be a command that an Eurmali disobeys on a regular basis, whereas "Don't kill my friends" might be something that the Eurmali saves up for special occasions. Maybe, most Eurmali are selfish but some might not be. not being selfish because Eurmali are expected to be selfish is a perfectly valid stance for an Eurmali. Yes, of course they could. Eurmal has many Aspects, Trickster, Thief, Firebringer, Illusionist, Murderer, Seducer, Liar, Clown and so on. Someone could concentrate on the Clown Aspect and be a Jester without wanting to be a Thief or Murderer. If we are talking about the entire breadth of Eurmal, then a good Eurmali would tell lies, seduce people, steal things and kill people, but not all Eurmali embrace the whole of Eurmal.
  14. When Sheng Seleris conquered Dara Happa, he was not accepted as Emperor and specifically did not become Emperor. In fact, the Red Emperor knocked off Sheng Seleris' nephews when they tried the Ten Tests. The Shah of Carmania did not become the Emperor when he conquered Dara Happa, in fact he HeroQuested and re-enacted the Dividing of the World to split the lands between his sons. So, since the Red Emperor became Emperor, nobody has become Emperor.
  15. We just use a lookup table for RQ. In fact, we use the Advantages from Revolution D100, which works really well.
  16. But, the Countermagic of the Shield blocks the Dispel, as Dispel is just another Runespell until it has an effect. The Countermagic blocks it before it has an effect. You need to boost it with MPs to allow it to get through the Countermagic.
  17. In our RQ2 Campaign, we could gain Hero points from HeroQuests, normally 1 per HeroQuest. We played that you could use 3 Hero Points to increase a Characteristic Species maximum by 1, but only ever once. Soltak Stormspear used 3 Hero Points to increase his species Maximum POW to 22, another 3 Hero Points to increase his Priest POW Gain roll Bonus by 5% and another 3 Hero Points to reduce his Priestly POW Minimum to 17, so he could be a Priest at 17 POW, had a Species Maximum POW of 22 and had a +30 bonus rather than +25, so effectively had a 55% chance of a POW Gain Roll. Wayhay!
  18. Our RQ2 Campaign was a multi-GM Campaign. Every GM had their own little area for play, some preferred Prax, some Sartar, some Sun County and so on. I preferred Dorastor. Curly Andrew preferred The Acid Pits, which was his own little invention and was nastier than it sounds. We generally didn't impact each other's NPCs or Plot Lines and rarely went into each other's areas. After a number of years, we agreed to be able to use each other's monsters but not major NPCs. Then we agreed that some major NPCs could be used, with some cooperation. It worked out really well and lasted for several years.
  19. Storm Bull and Zorak Zoran are Associate Cults, so the Storm Buller can just join Zorak Zoran to get Seal Wound. Yes. It stops Walktapus Regeneration, as far as I know, That isn't natural healing. Seal Wound and Crush 20 is a good combination, except that it takes forever to roll the 20D4.
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