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Everything posted by soltakss

  1. He probably inspired them, or sent them to do it.
  2. Didn't Yelornans have stars, which were small silver coins? Or were they small gold coins? I can't remember.
  3. The God Time was shattered beyond recognition during the Gods War. Heroes reconstructed it to make Time. When they did so, they did it in their own way, which caused some inconsistencies and contradictory myths.
  4. I don't have any particular insights, except that some people think that Draconism was forced upon Orlanth and some think that his Inner Dragon was always there, waiting to be awakened. He made people think it was bad for Orlanth to be Draconic. However, once Orlanth's Inner Dragon was awakened, it was always present. after the Breaking of Dragons and the Dragonkill, it was severely weakened, as very few Orlanthi worshipped or followed it, but it was still there, followed in secret by Draconic Orlanthi mystics. Argrath did several Draconic things: Found the EWF Battle Banner Owned the Dragonteeth Warriors Spoke to the Dragons on the Ship Raising HeroQuest Awakened the Brown Dragon at the Dragon Rise Caused the True Dragons to pull down the Red Moon Personally, I think that he encountered some Orlanthi Draconic Mystics and learned their secrets, allowing him to access some of the EWF Powers.
  5. In my Glorantha, Teleport makes the air to flow in, as it rejoices in Orlanth's power. The visual effect of Healing is of the wound knitting itself together very quickly, then disappearing. Humakti and Waha Healing always leaves a scar of some kind. For spells the PCs haven't seen before, I describe the effects, but don't bother after that,
  6. For me, it is about intent. If you HeroQuest as Ragnaglar and rape Thed, then you are doing a Chaotic thing, as Ragnaglar did a chaotic thing. similarly, if you devour a book as Thanatar did, that is Chaotic, if you impregnate someone to breed a chaos monstrosity, that is Chaotic, as Ragnaglar did it. However, Unicorns impregnate creatures and they give birth to unicorns, sometimes, so that is not, in itself, Chaotic. Eating a fellow human is not necessarily Chaotic. Rape is not necessarily Chaotic. Torture is not necessarily Chaotic. The problem happens when you consider sympathetic magic, assuming that is the right word for this. If you eat someone, that is not necessarily Chaotic, but you are, in some way, emulating the eating of someone that is a Chaotic act. So, you are mirroring that act and, therefore, giving it mythical power. If you give a Chaotic event on the God Plane strength, then are you not performing a Chaotic act? I would say that if you are emulating a non-Chaotic being who did a non-Chaotic thing during God Time, then you are not doing a Chaotic thing. If you emulate a Chaos act during God Time then you are doing a Chaotic thing. The trick is to find a deity that did something in a non-Chaotic way and invoke that. The other trick is to prove that the non-Chaotic Deity actually did a Chaotic act, so anyone from now on who invokes/emulates that act is making a Chaotic act. That is one of the things that makes HeroQuesting so fun.
  7. That's how I describe it. You are walking and moving slowly, as if walking through water, or treacle. I don't really look into it any further than that.
  8. Whew, I was starting to worry there. I always include 0 and started to wonder whether I should be doing that.
  9. In the Tale of the Arganauts, our last Gloranthan Campaign, the PCs were working to resurrect Genert. One of the steps was to sacrifice 1,000 people, making a 10x10x10 cube of their bodies. They took it in their stride and it became a logistics exercise about how to source 1,000 people to sacrifice, not whether it was OK to sacrifice them.
  10. One of the PCs in our RQ2/RQ3 campaign HeroQuested and got permanent Bless Woad equal to his POW, also stackable with Woad. It just meant that he had to be naked to fight. However, his PC was notoriously shy and hated being seen nude, so kept asking Orlanth if it was OK to keep one sock on.With permanent, non-dispellable woad 19, I'd have taken my kit off all the while.
  11. Orlanthi see the Lunar Empire as bad because the Red Goddess embraces Chaos. She rode out on the Crimson Bat and sent a whole host of people mad just by seeing her. They could probably forgive a lot of the lunar stuff, but that is the defining moment. Of course, things like Ogres, Broos and Scorpionmen serving in the Lunar army and the Lunars training the Vampire Legion don't help matters.
  12. We disallowed that in our RQ2 campaign, except for Trog. Trog was a Minotaur and used to go into Battle rage at the drop of a hat. He also had INT 6. as most of his weapon skills were above 100%, he only had a 6% chance of increasing them, so we allowed him to drop weapons and pull out new ones in combat. The only time we allowed it was when fighting creatures not affected by certain weapons, so if we used a spear and some skeletons attacked then it was OK to switch to a sword.
  13. soltakss


    If you want Sunspear and Trurespear then go and join Yelm. What, your father wasn't a Yelm cultists? Tough, stop whining about it, then, or HeroQuest to join Yelm anyway. Yelmalio fans cannot stop whinging. He doesn't get Shield. He doesn't get Truespear. He has nasty geases.
  14. If anyone has any doubts, the You Tube Channel is well worth watching. I found it very accessible and interesting. He even makes Call of Cthulhu sound fun to play. Of course, I know differently!
  15. Yes, a shaman can become an initiate of certain cults. As David says, Praxian shamans can be initiates of Daka Fal or Waha. Not really, they still have to spend POW to gain Rune Points, still have to progress in Runes, same as anyone else. They do have certain advantages that other members don't have, due to their shamanic abilities. It isn't that overpowering. Also, a shaman of Daka Fal worships ancestors and doesn't have much time for anything else. Don't forget that Shamans can start spirit Cults and get powers and spells from various deities and powerful spirit Lords. That is actually a more powerful benefit than joining Daka Fal. No, that just gives you an unaligned Shaman. It is not better or worse, just means the Shaman can't be a follower of Daka Fal or Waha, which is odd and restrictive. Absolutely, yes.
  16. Right, I didn't realise it was a chaos god there. I still like the version in King of Sartar that said Orlanth had a really bad headache and threw off a big, dark, violent thunderstorm that was Urain.
  17. Urain - The dark god of the violent storm, Orlanth's foul temper on a really bad day, the dark thunderstorm, all ripping and blasting. Vadrus/Valind/Gagarth - All bad winds, but all available to Orlanthi who try hard Abduction Myths - The Orlanthi have loads of abduction myths, where they take the women of other tribes, Vadrus and the Blue Woman, Orlanth and the Scarf of Mist and the Storm Gods fathering the Cetoi are just some examples. Murder Myths - Humakt, Orlanth's brother, committed the First Murder and Orlanth killed Yelm are two examples of good old-boys murdering other deities. Blood Feud - Orlanthi have a tradition of continuing blood feuds with other clans for centuries, they killed one of ours so we must kill one of theirs, repeated ad infinitum. Outlaws - An outlaw cannot claim help from clan members, so is forced to act outside the law, so by outlawing someone for, say, banditry, they are encouraging them to become bandits Nobody Can Make Me Do Anything/Violence is Always an Option - Orlanthi often resort to violence and are pig-headed because it is a religious duty of theirs There is Always Another Way - Orlanth is ruled by Ernalda, which makes him a big Mother's Boy, or maybe Yes Dear, a henpecked husband
  18. No, Horned Man is the first Shaman, whereas Daka Fal organised the Spirit World but is not a Shaman. Woah, that's pretty harsh, if it's as literal as that implies. I suppose you could say "I didn't let it go out. I just walked away and let nature take its course". Like "Never let a horse suffer" doesn't mean you need to take every horse under your wing and protect it from harm for ever. Does the geas still include the word "needlessly"? We loved that as Players, as we would always find a reason why the horses needed to suffer.
  19. It depends who you ask. It was a chaos god in Book of Drastic Resolutions, but I never liked the rationale. I much prefer it being the dark, unrestrained violent temper of Orlanth, which can cause problems when allowed to rage unchecked. Yes, of course. It is unusual but not impossible. I'd ignore that. Someone with Movement and Mastery would still be a reasonable Orlanthi, but without Storm Powers.
  20. Urain might be a good fit. He was the dark and angry cloud that came out of Orlanth when he had a really bad headache. He is the god of violence for violence's sake, the dark storm cloud that blocks out the sun. He is like an Orlanthi Zorak Zoran.
  21. In my Glorantha, the Dragonrise released a lot of draconic energy into the world, revitalising many lost or almost forgotten draconic subcults, mysery cults and hidden sects. also in my Glorantha, the Boatrise took a True Dragonship and brought it across the Sky, also adding to the draconic power. These allow draconic magic to be used far more easily than before.
  22. Is he Huey and Luwey's brother? So no one's ever managed to interact with the Wyter? One Lhankor Mhy Hero wrote an Inventory that contained a list of all the books in Lhankor Mhy's library. another wrote a book of all those books that listed themselves. another wrote a book of all those books that did not list themselves. An Eurmali asked if the book of all those that did not list themselves listed itself in the book. Lhankor Mhy scholars still HeroQuest to find out the answer. Irrippi Ontor sages simply said that the book does not belong in Irrippi Ontor's Library.
  23. Yes. Yes. Yes. Eurmal is not a chaos god. He is Disorder, not Chaos. Yes. Surely the Orlanthi don't view it as murder, exactly? It was an honorable killing in a lawful duel. So honourable, in fact, that it caused Humakt to sever all associations with Orlanth out of the shame of letting Orlanth do such a despicable thing with his new power. Humakti have no doubt at all that this was a dishonourable act.
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