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Everything posted by soltakss

  1. RuneQuest Glorantha p 396 says: RuneQuest Glorantha p356 says: RuneQuest Glorantha p358 says: So, fetches and shamanic stored POW regenerate Magic Points but enchantments containing magic points don't because they don't have POW. A reasonable extrapolation is that Bound spirits have POW and so regenerate Magic Points. They did in RQ2 and RQ3, so why not in RQG?
  2. If it says Spirit Combat Damage 2d6+3 then the GM knows exactly what needs to be rolled. However, I see your point that it doesn't match the rules so there is a disconnect. I come at it from the position that I have RQ2, RQ3, MRQI, MRQII, RQ6, Mythras, Legend, OpenQuest, Renaissance, Revolution and more RQ-like games running around in my head and if I run a scenario written for any of those then I have to make far more mental gymnastics than checking Spirit Combat damage.
  3. In any other game, I would say that the GM and Players want to keep the Adventurers alive, so why question attempting First aid several times? However, this is call of Cthulhu, where Narrators and Players expect Investigators to die or go insane, so that impetus is simply not present.
  4. I am currently not allowed to read Smoking Ruin, but I guess it is based on MPs instead of POW. Sometimes, NPCs in scenarios do not always follow the rules exactly. This really annoys some people and confuses others, but I just assume that there is a hidden reason that has not been shared and move on.
  5. Personally, I wouldn't use the weapon damage against spirits rule, unless the Adventurer had an ability to do that. In RQ2 spirits were scary and dangerous. In RQ3 less so, as 0 MPs did not mean PC death, but they were still major threats. In RQG, anyone with reasonable weapon magic just basically slices them up without needing Spirit Combat.
  6. Unfortunately, a leaky pipe destroyed all the extra copies of the materials for Who Wants To Become the Moonson?, a May 22, 1997 con game in Hawaii. So it's hard to get hold of the materials if you weren't there. Ah, I've never heard of that.
  7. I normally have a scaling factor, so a person with a Blaster isn't going to do noticeable damage to a Battle Cruiser, but a Battle cruiser is going to annihilate a bunch of Adventurers if it hits them with a major weapon. Also, for me, things like force fields and shileds work in different ways: Force fields just add to the Armour of a ship, so basically increase Hull Quality, if you use those rules from ships Shields absorb damage, spending energy to do so. This happens after it gets through a forcefield, or maybe before it even reaches the forcefield
  8. Where did you get these Tests? I have been trying to find a definitive version of the 11 Tests for a long time.
  9. There is a big difference between a Deity/Demigod/Hero who has an ability and those who grant that in the form of magic. Many powerful beings have more abilities than they grant as spells. HeroQuestors can pick these up as abilities by performing HeroQuests. Also, the Lunars don't share all their spells, in the same that the Lightbringers don't. The Seven Mothers cult is unusual as it is made up of spells from other cults. But Hon-Eel having a spell does not mean that all Lunar cults get it, in the same way that not all Lunar cults have access to spells from Etyries, or from the Seven Mothers.
  10. I can't remember when I last used INDEX, I don't really understand it. Once you do that kind of thing, it becomes really powerful. Sure, it can bloat your workbook with lots of sheets, but that doesn't matter as they tend to be small in size. XLOOKUP? Why, that is amazing. No more VLOOKUP for me! Thanks for mentioning that. Using XLOOKUP and INDIRECT makes Excel very powerful.
  11. I glanced at it when I bought it and thought that it would be great for RuneQuest NPCs, all a GM needs to do is add a few stats. But, from what I read, most of the plots don't involve the NPCs to be around, so you don't need stats for them.
  12. I do love beautiful maps. Thanks for sharing these.
  13. I would do it in Excel, or Google Sheets My trick in Excel is to have some tabs to contain the formulas. Don't make them too complex, but you can link two cells with formulas to make a more complex one. Also, if I have a cell with a drop-down, I have the same cell in a different sheet that contains the link to where the drop-down comes from, then link to that cell with an INDIRECT statement in the data formatting. That makes it much easier to handle. Also, if you are making decisions based on drop-downs, for example choosing a Profession and getting a list of weapons, then VLOOKUP and a separate sheet of lists by profession is your friend. Drop me a PM if you like. I have some Excel sheets that I use in gaming and they might have some useful ideas, if you can work out what I was trying to do with them.
  14. soltakss


    If you are ransomed, would you expect to walk away with all your equipment intact or would you be stripped of all equipment?
  15. RQ Classic (RQ2) had movement modifiers for terrain and I thought it included marshes, but it seems to only have hills, forests and mountains. i would say that a Marsh reduces movement by 2/3. RQG has Movement rates on p 102, but does not mention marshes. I would use the rates for mountains, so 8km per day mounted, 5km by foot and 0km by wagon. maybe a small boat would be faster at 10km. Maybe, unless you were on dry land. There are a lot of islands in marshes and nobody wants to fight, or travel, while wading through mud. They get muddy and wet. After a while, their hooves begin to rot. Again, you try not to ride through the wet and muddy bits, where possible. That's why you have guides, to keep you from the soggy areas. That would be useful. It is also possible to find friendly ducks or newtlings as guides. For me, the water and mud are just obstacles that slow you down. The real dangers are the denizens of the Upland Marsh: Outlaw ducks Rogue newtlings Water folk Zombies/Skeletons/other minor undead Revenants Vampires (they can move freely across marshes) Daughters of Darkness Gorp Broo Walktapi In my Glorantha, people who wear duck masks are not assaulted by Delecti's Zombies or Skeletons, as they are commanded to let ducks pass without harm. Yes, marshes are not homogenous places, they have very different types of terrain. You took samples from the Upland Marsh?! There are rules for Quicksand in Borderlands, I seem to remember. The trick is to lie on your back and float. Until the zombies grab you and pull you under, of course. Oh, I like that. you make a Morass vs SIZ roll to see if it breaks. So, you might have a penalty to Boating for the surrounding terrain. That makes a lot of sense.
  16. I saw a post from Jeff on Facebook that was saying about how they might have cracked Malkionism. He sounded quite enthusiastic about it.
  17. That is exactly how I play it. That approach is simple and works really well.
  18. It is coming up with title not available. This happened with Six Seasons in Sartar earlier this week. It looks like an issue with DTRPG and the solution was for them to toggle it off and back again and that seemed to sort it out.
  19. Beyond those in the "Conversion Guide"? {Quoted below - page 437} Probably, yes. Those are fine, but I don't think they offer enough advice on how to convert a sorcerer PC from RQ3 to RQG. They certainly don't answer icebrand's questions or address such problems. Thanks for the quote, that is very useful. So, have that as a house rule. Problem solved. Sorted, why not do that, then? No, currently GMing for a landlord, architect, DHS clerk and translator/teacher, previously a manager, accountant/finance director and chemist in the nuclear industry. In my experience it doesn't matter who is at the gaming table, unless you are GMing a Mythic/alternate Earth game with archaeologists, history teachers and experts in mythology.
  20. If you are a big fan of Glorantha then the Guide is well worth buying, if only as a PDF. Everyone who plays scenarios in RPGs develops an alternate history. Some GMs try to keep it to close to the actual history and some don't.
  21. Bob the Janitor is very good at what Bob the Janitor does, but not particularly good as what Bob the Janitor doesn't do. A good GM would not allow Bob the Janitor to use Janitor for everything, unless the Player came up with a good enough rationale. For example, knowing how to play the piano "because I used to stand and listen while the kids performed" is going to be a big stretch, but playing "because I played when the kids had gone home" might work.
  22. These things sometimes happen, unfortunately. You can still hear the bleatings of Yelmalians, crying that Yelmalio doesn't get Shield, for example. There are several ways to approach this: Accept it and carry on Add a house rule that allows PC Sorcerers to cast spells the way they used to Add RQ3 spells that now don't exist back into RQG Don't forget that the new rules are guidelines, in the same way that all previous rules were guidelines. The worst way to convert PCs is to scrap what was previously there but is no longer in the rules. If spells are no longer in the rules then use the old version or invent new spells to cover them. I think that icebrand is saying that the PCs they already have use sorcery and now that sorcery does not exist in the same form. Maybe we need some advice on how to convert PCs from old systems that use Sorcery. So, houserule it as in (2) above.
  23. Of course not. Anyone who's been running RQ as long as you have should have no problem adapting RQ3 sorcerers into RQG. At the bare minimum you could just keep using the RQ3 sorcery rules for that character, why not? The RQG core rules are for new adventurers. It claims some compatibility with RQ2, but not RQ3 which was very much a compromise and went in several directions that turned out to be bad ideas. Some great stuff, and I personally love the RQ3 sorcery, but it was never all that popular. Any adapting of a PC has to be done carefully. Version changes alwaymess up existing PCs and it is sometimes difficult to convert them.
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