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Starter Set non-human pregens


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While the biggest question many of us had about upcoming publications has been answered (*see "The Cults of Runequest"), I'm wondering about a small scale addition that was first announced well over a year ago: the non-human adventurer pre-gens! (For anyone who doesn't know about this or remember it, hark and attend to this blog post: https://www.chaosium.com/blogcoming-later-this-year-for-the-runequest-starter-set-14-more-pregen-characters-nonhuman-adventurers/)   Is this still a project that's intended for our greedy hands and minds within the year or has it been put on the proverbial back burner for the foreseeable future?

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19 hours ago, Beoferret said:

While the biggest question many of us had about upcoming publications has been answered (*see "The Cults of Runequest"), I'm wondering about a small scale addition that was first announced well over a year ago: the non-human adventurer pre-gens! (For anyone who doesn't know about this or remember it, hark and attend to this blog post: https://www.chaosium.com/blogcoming-later-this-year-for-the-runequest-starter-set-14-more-pregen-characters-nonhuman-adventurers/)   Is this still a project that's intended for our greedy hands and minds within the year or has it been put on the proverbial back burner for the foreseeable future?

"Great Minds," &c ... I too have been wondering about those non-human adventurers!

I think we tag @Jason D on this one.  IIRC he was the one doing it.

I expect -- given the recent "Age of the ORC" announcements -- that these pre-gens have had zero attention since the OGL pushback on WotC began.

Once that new edition of BRP gets completed, he'll be free(er) to do other things, but I'm unclear whether those freebies will be at the top of the pile... I presume the push there will have postponed other (for which read:  salable) products.  Chaosium has gotta keep an eye on the bottom line, after all!

Maybe whichever ones that are complete could be released sooner, with plans to complete the set piecemeal over time?  Or maybe none of them are "complete" -- the Starter Set existing folio's all have that glorious artwork, and maybe (since the characters aren't done, as a project) Chaosium hasn't advanced to getting art for any of them. 

Edited by g33k
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  • 2 weeks later...
On 3/30/2023 at 1:24 AM, g33k said:

"Great Minds," &c ... I too have been wondering about those non-human adventurers!

I think we tag @Jason D on this one.  IIRC he was the one doing it.

They are complete. The art is done. Layout has been the bottleneck. 

Here's a sample character: 


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What layout?  I recall the pregens being a full page illustration and a template that coud be filled in with whatever text and values.

The more I hear about this queue, the more it sounds like Chaosium puts things in a strict first in, first out order, regardless of the relative size of the projects.  That seems odd to me, indefinitely delaying something that might take an hour until something that might take 150 hours is completed.

I'm open to and happy to be corrected if this isn't accurate.  It's something I've thought about several times and I decided to say it out loud this time.

Edited by Jason Farrell
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2 hours ago, Jason Farrell said:

What layout?  I recall the pregens being a full page illustration and a template that coud be filled in with whatever text and values.

The more I hear about this queue, the more it sounds like Chaosium puts things in a strict first in, first out order, regardless of the relative size of the projects. 

The new layout format for the pregens is more complicated than that, and our primary layout person is shared between RuneQuest, Pendragon, and Rivers of London

They have also been working on four Cults of RuneQuest books for almost half a year. 

We brought in someone else to work on BRP specifically to not upset the production queue. 

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Well, the rose colored shades [Andy Warhol anyone?] and the Moon Rune pendant....

And @Agentorange it isn't the rose colored glasses, my friend, it's having to separate them from lava lamps, black light velour posters, and corduroy pants zip-zip-zipping down the street. Oh, and white dudes with afros that are starting to morph into mullets...


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16 hours ago, Jason D said:

Here's a sample character: 


Looks carefully at necklace pendant. Wait ... is that a Lunar trollkin? Do those rose-tinted glasses mean that they like to see the whole world as if they were within the Glowline?!

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An Unofficial Buyer's Guide to RuneQuest and Glorantha lists everything currently available for the game and setting, across 60 pages. "Lavishly illustrated throughout, festooned with hyperlinks" - Nick Brooke. The Voralans presents Glorantha's magical mushroom humanoids, the black elves. "A wonderful blend of researched detail and Glorantha crazy" - Austin Conrad. The Children of Hykim documents Glorantha's shape-changing totemic animal people, the Hsunchen. "Stunning depictions of shamanistic totem-animal people, really evocative" - Philip H.

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30 minutes ago, Brian Duguid said:

Looks carefully at necklace pendant. Wait ... is that a Lunar trollkin? Do those rose-tinted glasses mean that they like to see the whole world as if they were within the Glowline?!

We are all Us. And that includes Uz.

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  • Scotty changed the title to Starter Set non-human pregens
On 4/7/2023 at 9:57 AM, Jason D said:

... Here's a sample character ...

Excellent, and TYVM for sharing!!!

A question, though:

I'm planning to start sharing some BRP & RQ stuff with some of my not-yet-RQ gaming friends (pitching the system to them) so I want to be accurate in my shares:  are these pregens planned to be a freebie add-on to the "Starter Set"?

Or will they be a separately-purchased item?


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Is that bug a giant version of something? Or is it a very small trollkin? 😛

More seriously, is there an agreement with anyone (like MadKnight) to get miniatures made of them? (for that matter, what about some of the other pre-gens that weren't made (AFAIK))?

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16 hours ago, g33k said:

I'mlanning to start sharing some BRP & RQ stuff with some of my not-yet-RQ gaming friends (pitching the system to them) so I want to be accurate in my shares:  are these pregens planned to be a freebie add-on to the "Starter Set"?

Or will they be a separately-purchased item?

The announcement here said they were coming (later in 2022, but never mind) for the Starter Set; and all the human pre-gens for the Starter Set can be freely downloaded. I'm adding 1+1 to make 2, but Your Arithmetic May Vary. :-).


An Unofficial Buyer's Guide to RuneQuest and Glorantha lists everything currently available for the game and setting, across 60 pages. "Lavishly illustrated throughout, festooned with hyperlinks" - Nick Brooke. The Voralans presents Glorantha's magical mushroom humanoids, the black elves. "A wonderful blend of researched detail and Glorantha crazy" - Austin Conrad. The Children of Hykim documents Glorantha's shape-changing totemic animal people, the Hsunchen. "Stunning depictions of shamanistic totem-animal people, really evocative" - Philip H.

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20 hours ago, g33k said:

Excellent, and TYVM for sharing!!!

A question, though:

I'mlanning to start sharing some BRP & RQ stuff with some of my not-yet-RQ gaming friends (pitching the system to them) so I want to be accurate in my shares:  are these pregens planned to be a freebie add-on to the "Starter Set"?

Or will they be a separately-purchased item?

The goal was to have them free and based on the Starter Set. So they won't have any spells that aren't in the core book, for example. 

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  • 2 months later...

+ping+ @Jason D --

On 4/7/2023 at 9:57 AM, Jason D said:

... Layout has been the bottleneck ... 

I presume (since the downloads for the Starter Set still don't have the nonhumans) that layout is still the bottleneck.

Have you considered a sword?

But in the meantime... is there any sense, there @Chaosium, of when we might hope to see these released?
These were announced well over a year ago, for release (sometime) in 2022...


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  • 5 months later...

And -- it being 6 months further on, and noting Chaosium's self-declared "production&layout logjam" of the Cults books having been broken -- I reiterate my last post in thread, summarized as:

PING   @Jason D -- any ETA or further word?

Edited by g33k
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