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Bolo Lizards? Illo's w/ or w/o riders?


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15 hours ago, Runeblogger said:

I thought "bolos" was a typo for "bolas". :-)

It's a variant spelling. English chases other languages up dark alleys and mugs them - the proceeds aren't always consistent.

15 hours ago, Runeblogger said:

But isn't the hyphen here meant to indicate that "bolo" has to do with the lizards, and not their riders?

I don't believes the lizards can use bolas...


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On 12/14/2016 at 1:29 PM, M Helsdon said:

It's a variant spelling. English chases other languages up dark alleys and mugs them - the proceeds aren't always consistent.

I don't believes the lizards can use bolas...


Hence their name (Dictionary.com):

verb (used without object), boloed, boloing.
to fail to meet the minimum standards of marksmanship. 
1915-20; said to be after Bolo Pascha (died 1918), German agent inFrance during World War I
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11 hours ago, Byll said:

Hence their name (Dictionary.com):

verb (used without object), boloed, boloing.
to fail to meet the minimum standards of marksmanship. 
1915-20; said to be after Bolo Pascha (died 1918), German agent inFrance during World War I

Those lizards are darn near unteachable!

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18 hours ago, Byll said:

Hence their name (Dictionary.com):

verb (used without object), boloed, boloing.
to fail to meet the minimum standards of marksmanship. 
1915-20; said to be after Bolo Pascha (died 1918), German agent inFrance during World War I

Is that really what English native speakers read in the Bolo-Lizard name?  

So is "Bolo" here a pun on bolas and bad marksmanship?

Read my Runeblog about RuneQuest and Glorantha at: http://elruneblog.blogspot.com.es/

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2 hours ago, Runeblogger said:

Is that really what English native speakers read in the Bolo-Lizard name?  

So is "Bolo" here a pun on bolas and bad marksmanship?

In Byll's reference it is.  Bolo is military slang for a large hunting knife/machete in service in the US Army from the late 19th century through the end of WWI, used by soldiers to clear their fields of fire of shrubbery and other obstacles.  But the reference for the lizard is likely to the prehistoric reptile genus Bolosaurus.

Edited by Yelm's Light
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4 hours ago, Runeblogger said:

Is that really what English native speakers read in the Bolo-Lizard name?  

So is "Bolo" here a pun on bolas and bad marksmanship?

It could also be the neck-wear that the nomads decorate their favourite mounts with....

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5 hours ago, Runeblogger said:

Is that really what English native speakers read in the Bolo-Lizard name?  

So is "Bolo" here a pun on bolas and bad marksmanship?

It is the name of a lizard. That is all it means to me. For me, it has no more meaning.

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Simon Phipp - Caldmore Chameleon - Wallowing in my elitism since 1982. Many Systems, One Family. Just a fanboy. 


Jonstown Compendium author. Find my contributions here. 

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I had always presumed "bolo" to be the alternate spelling for "bola/bolas," the tethered pair of weights used as a weapon or capture-tool, and that "bolo-lizard" was just a derived name from the tribe who used the "bolo/bola" as their signature tribal tool.

Learning of the "Bolosaurus," I conclude at this point that it was just a bad pun:  since dinosaurs were ALREADY a part of Glorantha, to make a Bolosaurus-riding tribe of bolo-wielders.  That said, my understanding (of the CURRENT understanding of the "Bolosaurids") is that they aren't suitable candidates for the "Bolo-Lizard" Praxian riding-beast.

YGMV -- mine certainly does, as the "bad pun" origin (and lack of real-world cognate) has nothing to do, now, with the in-game reality of the tribe.

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C'es ne pas un .sig

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6 hours ago, g33k said:

I had always presumed "bolo" to be the alternate spelling for "bola/bolas," the tethered pair of weights used as a weapon or capture-tool, and that "bolo-lizard" was just a derived name from the tribe who used the "bolo/bola" as their signature tribal tool.

Learning of the "Bolosaurus," I conclude at this point that it was just a bad pun:  since dinosaurs were ALREADY a part of Glorantha, to make a Bolosaurus-riding tribe of bolo-wielders.  That said, my understanding (of the CURRENT understanding of the "Bolosaurids") is that they aren't suitable candidates for the "Bolo-Lizard" Praxian riding-beast.

YGMV -- mine certainly does, as the "bad pun" origin (and lack of real-world cognate) has nothing to do, now, with the in-game reality of the tribe.

Yep, the Bolosaurids were theoreticallly not much larger than normal lizards, but that doesn't mean the Gloranthan equivalent couldn't have been named after them because it looked like them.  Imagine the Gloranthan bolo-lizard as a gila monster on steroids.

Edited by Yelm's Light
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IIRC (without references to hand), they call themselves Bird Lizard Folk, it's outsiders who call them Bolo Lizard Folk. I have a vague memory that Greg called them Bird Lizard Folk and there was a typo that changed it.

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Search the Glorantha Resource Site: https://wellofdaliath.chaosium.com. Search the Glorantha mailing list archives: https://glorantha.steff.in/digests/

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  • 4 weeks later...

As I mentioned earlier in the thread the marauding Bolo Lizard Folk are a stretch goal in the Khan of Khans Kickstarter, running right now!

I said the artwork was nice; here it is: 

NB The other "minor" tribes that will come into play when the stretch goal is reached are Rhino Riders, Pavis Survivor (Zebra), Unicorn Women and Ostrich Tribe. Big versions of these illustrations are shown here.

Screen Shot 2017-01-12 at 1.44.35 pm.png


Edited by MOB
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Greg himself has explained that he sort of goofed when naming this Praxian Minor Tribe.

They are a people who ride Lizards, and use the bola as their preferred weapon. If he had to do it over again, Greg probably would have just called them "Lizard Riders" or similar and not mentioned their favored weapon in the tribal name. It's one of these quirky inconsistencies of Gloranthan writing. I recommend embracing it and coming up with a fun explanation. 

Edited by Rick Meints
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Hope that Helps,
Rick Meints - Chaosium, Inc.

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BTW, BOLO LIZARD is the last slot remaining of our top tier backer level at the Khan of Khans Kickstarter. So you still have a chance to have your name immortalized forever in the Khan of Khans rule book as "Great Khan of the Bolo Lizard Folk".

(BTW, this pic is confirmation dinosaurs in Glorantha have feathers. Or was the bolo lizard hurt and is wearing a big collar to stop it chewing at its stitches? We'll ask the Great Khan...)




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On ‎19‎/‎12‎/‎2016 at 2:33 PM, Tindalos said:

Maybe "bolo" is a way of describing the lizard's strange ululations when hunting. A sort of "bololololo."

Or it could be an onomatopoeic description of the noise made by those springy saurian legs as they dance across the chapparal - Bo-Lo, Bo-Lo, Bo-Lo

Maybe we should understand it as the singular term derived from the Lunar peltasts' reaction to the plural in battle formation - "Oh BOLOx"!

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