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Third Hand Illumination Town


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3 minutes ago, Akhôrahil said:

Third-hand illumination has been proven to have serious mental health risks.

Fixed it for ya!


Edited by g33k
Smiley'd, in case joke wasn't evident.
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C'es ne pas un .sig

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I could see the point in Third Eye Illumination, but Third Hand Illumination sounds very much like gaining the chaotic feature of a third hand. Like those Lunar assassins (mortal minions) in Sandy Petersen's Gods War game.

Telling how it is excessive verbis


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From my own thoughts at:


I think the Undragon Land is where the Red Emperor made the Emperor's Reply dispelling the Dragonewt Dream.  As a result, the Dmeon Orxili is present in this place.  It would be done on some place with strong association with the EWF such as the site of the Golden Dragon Temple in Raibanth perhaps.

Madness College is an asylum associated with the Lunar University where the Dangerous Illuminates are kept confined.  I think it lies within Glamour.

The Broo Regiment Headquarters would be a former holy site to Uryarda, the Goat Goddess, perhaps the remains of Zulox (Done to punish Imther for Jannisor perhaps?)

The Dislocated Zoo is a confinement ground for all the people, creatures and plants that have been devoured by Chaos and brought back by Lunar magic.  All of them are extremely chaotic and very dangerous.  I'm thinking it was done by Artifex to bring back his supporters from the Nights of Horrors and so would lie somewhere within the Oraya Satrapy.

The Third Hand Illumination Town may be some demented plan to reconcile Lunar Wisdom with Kralori Mysticism.  It may be associated with the demon that Tatius sent against Agrath Whitebull's army (it had two arms and an extra one).  The cultists are all bashit chaotics, which means the plan was an unqualified success in Lunar terms.  I again place it in Oraya (because the Kralori and Ignorants are there).

I find the plural of the Mad Sultanates to be interesting.  That implies more than one Mad Sultan.  Apart from the one in Dorastor and maybe several in Tork, I think there should be a third Mad Sultanate elsewhere.  I'm thinking eastwards of Tork in somewhere around the Elf Sea.

Lastly the Beyond Nightmares are probably the remains of Parg Ilisi's demented tyranny in Twice Blessed.  Parg Ilisi is still there at its center


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  • 5 years later...

Beyond Nightmares is specifically outside the Empire, so probably not in Twice Blessed.

All the others are as good a guess as we have.

Its also worth noting that here and elsewhere they refer to the Mad Sultanates plural, but only Tork, the first (and probably largest), has its location documented as far as I know. The escape that devastated Tarsh and killed the king around 1448 may not have been from Tork, but elsewhere? One may have been somewhere in the Arrolian reaches before the Syndics Ban? Any other suggestions? 

I recently learned that at least three of these other Mad Sultanates were created by mistake, but at least twice deliberately, probably by Lunar Magicians experimenting with the phenomenon. So to the list of 'intriguing Lunar Chaos sites not located on a map' we can add any other Mad Sultanates. I suspect Sultans are optional (at least when created - they might turn up through mythic resonance or something). The first Mad Sultanate contains (and seemingly concentrates) Lunar magic, but was not created by it - Jannisor likely used ancient Earth magic AFAIK to bind it. 


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1 hour ago, davecake said:

The escape that devastated Tarsh and killed the king around 1448 may not have been from Tork, but elsewhere?

Almost definitely came out of Tork. But assuming the Mad Sultan went with it, that would leave behind a second Mad Sultan(ate) still in Tork. I believe the first ended up in Dorastor (or perhaps Ralzakark sent it beyond Kartolin Pass and there is one lurking in eastern Ralios?).

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I expect it's one of many places of extreme magical experimentation inside or adjacent to the empire. Kind of like a chaotic magic version of Bletchley Park - small communities dedicated to extreme philosophical and magical exploration, funded by military or civil research grants, or rich patrons. 

When you think about it, one of the major lessons of the goddess is that by judicious use of chaos you can achieve apotheosis. So why not try to follow her path, or forge a new path? The Lunar pantheon is full of immortal Lunar heroes who were mortals who made it, achieved permanent residency on the moon. For every notable hero I'm sure there are plenty of wannabes inspired by their example - people who see the Lunar mysteries as a path to unlimited power and prestige. 

This hypothesis also potentially helps explain why the Monster Empire became such a raving cesspit of unconstrained horror - as the war turned against them, the search for super weapons to stop the barbarians would have risen in priority, care and concern about contamination and consequences would have diminished, and their many breakthroughs would have flooded the empire with horrible magic. 

Edited by EricW
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10 hours ago, EricW said:

the search for super weapons

The losers will have their Wernher von Braun — “a man whose allegiance is ruled by expedience” (Tom Lehrer) — and the winners likely their Oppenheimers. What happens to the “rocket scientists” and “bomb makers” who survive the Hero Wars?

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16 hours ago, mfbrandi said:

The losers will have their Wernher von Braun — “a man whose allegiance is ruled by expedience” (Tom Lehrer) — and the winners likely their Oppenheimers. What happens to the “rocket scientists” and “bomb makers” who survive the Hero Wars?

When Wakboth ate the other world there was very little left - Humakt survived, at least until the point he was plunged into the body of the serpent. The dragons survived. Trickster might have survived, he wasn't in the net when Wakboth started munching on the gods. And Argrath "distributed that which was good" from the dead body of the serpent - though I'm guessing those who fought for the wrong team weren't head of the queue for that handout of magical goodies. 

I guess it really hinges on what was left. Did those who were extraordinarily powerful retain a connection to what was left of the otherworld? Were those heavily invested in Lunar magic crippled by the Moonfall? What magic did Argrath have left after Orlanth was eaten? Did he retain his draconic powers, and whatever he scooped out of the remains of the serpent, or was losing those powers and becoming a mortal again the price of liberating Shargash? 

Even if gods and paths to the otherworld survive, are they paths that any mortal can discover and walk? 

What happened to all those Orlanthi who took to the air when the moon was torn asunder? Did they all suddenly lose their magic while cruising in the middle air? 

Edited by EricW
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20 hours ago, mfbrandi said:

The losers will have their Wernher von Braun — “a man whose allegiance is ruled by expedience” (Tom Lehrer) — and the winners likely their Oppenheimers. What happens to the “rocket scientists” and “bomb makers” who survive the Hero Wars?

There's two big questions to answer here.  Is Argath and the Devil canon?  Is the idea that the Red Moon still exists but is invisible canon?  Does the Red Moon return as the white moon?  Does Moonfall basically wreck Peloria?

Okay, four questions.

Things which apply to all scenarios:

  • Draconic Mysticism has no reason to go away
  • Neither does Spirit magic.  (The survival of spirits probably played a key role in surviving the Great Darkness)
  • Sorcery doesn't need the Gods either, it's still there.
  • The real question is what happens to stuff derived from Theistic Heroquesting and Theistic magic.
  • Illumination doesn't go away, either
  • Chaos still exists.  

Let's work through this. 

Some percentage of the Oppenheimers are dead.  The percentage of dead ones rises if Moonfall basically turns Peloria into a charnel house the way the impact of such an object would in reality.  But some interpret this as 'The Red Moon dies and kind of goes poof'.  More survive if that's the case.

Any of the ones who are mainly theists lose their power if Argath and the Devil is canon.

If the Red Moon takes a new form, this probably screws over old lunar magic, forcing adaptation.  But If you accept Argath and the Devil, the Red Goddess may survive but can't do squat and neither can her worshippers.  Either way, this hoses some of the Oppenheimers.

I expect a large amount of the oppenheimers are dead and if Argath and the Devil is true, a lot of them are now powerless and basically useless.

Killing the Gods does not, however, eliminate all magic.

The West barely notices.

The East notices more, but is okay.

The South and Center are far more hosed.

If Argath does become a God, either Argath and the Devil isn't true or he's an impotent god, worshiped by idiots.

The loss of theistic magic hoses the theism areas, who see population decline, yields diminish and their ability to defend themselves diminish.  We can expect the Praxians and Pentans to basically kick everyone in Central Genertla's ass and take over.

The West goes on with its own problems.


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9 hours ago, EricW said:

What magic did Argrath have left after Orlanth was eaten?

Argrath and the rest of us. Well … mysticism and sorcery? “All the gods are dead? Doesn’t matter to us. BAU.” 😉

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On 6/22/2024 at 10:52 AM, John Biles said:

There's two big questions to answer here.  Is Argath and the Devil canon?  Is the idea that the Red Moon still exists but is invisible canon?  Does the Red Moon return as the white moon?  Does Moonfall basically wreck Peloria?

Okay, four questions.

Things which apply to all scenarios:

  • Draconic Mysticism has no reason to go away
  • Neither does Spirit magic.  (The survival of spirits probably played a key role in surviving the Great Darkness)
  • Sorcery doesn't need the Gods either, it's still there.
  • The real question is what happens to stuff derived from Theistic Heroquesting and Theistic magic.
  • Illumination doesn't go away, either
  • Chaos still exists.  



I remember Hearing that somebody asked Greg what the fourth age of glorantha(so the time after the hero wars) looked like and he said it's like real life, so I doubt that any kind of magic exists after the hero wars

Edited by theconfusingeel
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2 hours ago, theconfusingeel said:

I remember Hearing that somebody asked Greg what the fourth age of glorantha(so the time after the hero wars) looked like and he said it's like real life, s i doubt that zany kind of magic exists after the hero wars

He did say that, but there's no logical reason why spirit magic and sorcery would go away, unless other disasters eliminate them.


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