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Release of RQG delayed to next week


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4 hours ago, Mac said:

I am presently trying to deal with Chaosium direct. I already have two full paid up hard copies, one being leatherette, so, as you may imagine, a third does me no favours. 

Too much stuff, eh? I'm tempted to say "First World Problems".

Off hand, I'd say it shouldn't be a problem. Remember, you're getting it for free. If you really can't use it, you can:

  1. Give it to a friend, preferably one who's curious about RQ/Glorantha. Maybe you'll make another convert!
  2. Give it to an already RQ gaming friend who's been unfortunate enough not to have had the same problem as you.
  3. Sell it on E-bay or take it to a convention and sell it there for around half price. It's in near mint condition, right? You can use the money to buy something from Chaosium that you haven't got two copies of.

Or some other way. Basically, you can give it away or sell it, both should be easy enough to do. And both should be productive. You'll have helped somebody else play RQ. Not everyone finds it that easy to blow $55 on a game, you could help one of these people out.

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Thanks guys and I assume gals.

When I got up on my soap box I thought I was making a preemptive strike to protect a bunch of what I think are cool hobbyists maybe making a bit of pin money and a few others maybe making a living putting out a game I have loved for 2/3 of my life. Seems all of you are keeping this in mind and being nice with our "FRIENDS". They are (rarely and not much in use as a business model anymore) friends whom we have yet to meet. I have never a geek I could not at least relate to if not outright like. And I know this to still be true decades on!


... remember, with a TARDIS, one is never late for breakfast!

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15 minutes ago, Steve3742 said:

... Not everyone finds it that easy to blow $55 on a game, you could help one of these people out.

Yeah, that's my situation for sure.

I count 5 copies "wanted" of the RQG rulebook, if I sell my campaign to them as one they're really interested in (counting 1-2 as "unlikely players, but I'd like 'em to have the book anyway; such as my son, who now lives 3 timezones away from me).

They'll give any RPG a session or three, but won't necessarily "stick with" it.  But I expect to sell RQG successfully... except OWW that stickershock!


C'es ne pas un .sig

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14 hours ago, styopa said:

You're in a pretty unique situation, having already bought 2 copies. I imagine they'll try and help you if they can.  But imo it's a little harsh to start out expecting disappointment.  Why? Have they actually disappointed you already?

Sadly, they have.  I wish for them to succeed and I really want to give them my money.  I also don’t want them give me freebies to make me happy!  However, consider any other company that gives you product information which directs your product purchases, and then they say “oops, to bad so sad, we can’t do what we promised.  Oh well,  not our fault, it’s a contractor beyond our control.  If you give us a little more money we’re willing to give you something extra.”  So, yes, disappointed that they didn’t think this through, that they are behaving like a large monopolistic company, and seem to be ducking the issue, both in forums and personal contact.  So, while I have been a huge Chaosium fan/booster, they are leaving me feeling they are crossing a corporate line.  I have/had every expectation that we can work it out without it costing Chaosium, however, they are not getting back to me!  

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There are no free books here. If you already bought the book and want the slipcase then you have to buy the book again. Chaosium promised that, if you bought the book, you would be able to get the slipcase without buying the book again. Someone has to yield here. Either the customers who require a slipcase with one empty slot have to realise Chaosium is a little, fragile company doing the best they can and they just buy the books - forgoing the slipcase, or Chaosium has to work out a way of getting the slipcases to people who don't require all three books (as Chaosium promised).  Personally I go with the first option because Chaosium create amazing stuff and I want them to  do well. But I absolutely understand people being annoyed by chaosium "changing the goal posts" after extracting money from people!

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If the choice is between:

1) buy the slipcase with all three books and have to pay for another extra copy of the RQG rules or

2) buy the RQG Bestiary and RQG Adventure book without slipcase

I'll choose #2. Much as I'd like the slipcase, I don't see a need to buy RQG again.

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46 minutes ago, goldenwheeldancer said:

There are no free books here. If you already bought the book and want the slipcase then you have to buy the book again. Chaosium promised that, if you bought the book, you would be able to get the slipcase without buying the book again. Someone has to yield here. Either the customers who require a slipcase with one empty slot have to realise Chaosium is a little, fragile company doing the best they can and they just buy the books - forgoing the slipcase, or Chaosium has to work out a way of getting the slipcases to people who don't require all three books (as Chaosium promised).  Personally I go with the first option because Chaosium create amazing stuff and I want them to  do well. But I absolutely understand people being annoyed by chaosium "changing the goal posts" after extracting money from people!

I don't like that they had to backtrack on what they promised and though it isnt ideal as it is still an additional cost for Chaosium offering those of us who already used our core book coupon an additional coupon that can be utilized to get another physical book at cost is at least a compromise in favor of the customer. It doesn't help Chaosium to sell additional books at what is very likely cost. At least with the initial order the PDF is free with the book anyways so selling PDFs early that count towards the physical is a form of pre-order so the amount of money made is the same but it gets buzz generated for your physical product earlier. This time around they are eating their profit on the additional cores so while im not excited at having to pay more for the slipcase set I am at least getting a favorable deal out of it and can then pass on my old core to someone else in my RuneQuest campaign.

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Please note, it is no longer April Fool’s Day here in Australia, even if it still April 1st in other parts of the world. Since RQG goes on sale this week we didn’t want to delay the latest news.

We have been working with our fulfillment partners to accurately ship and safely pack the full range of RQG products as follows:

  • RQG core rulebook
  • RQG core rulebook leatherette
  • RQG Bestiary
  • RQG Bestiary leatherette
  • RQG GM Screen Pack
  • Full slipcase sets (Rulebook, Bestiary, GM screen pack) in hardcover and leatherette
  • Empty slipcases (chaosium.com only)

(nb we previously announced we would not be selling empty slipcases, due to the logistical challenges involved. After further discussion with our fulfilment partners we now are able to.)

Our planned release date is Wednesday April 3rd. Prior to the release, we are providing coupons for individual items and for slipcase sets by email, based on past PDF purchases on chaosium.com. 

Please note the following:

  • We are selling slipcase sets (containing core rules, Bestiary, and GM Screen Pack), the individual books, and the empty slipcases. 
  • We are not selling "partial" slipcase sets.
  • The empty slipcase will be available at a special discounted price for a limited time.
  • We will not run out of slipcase sets any time soon.
  • We have no doubt that some of our most loyal purchasers will require custom coupons, especially if you ordered different products with different accounts, or want to merge items. Custom coupons can be requested by emailing customerservice@chaosium.com.

This will be our most complex coupon process ever, so we ask for everyone to please be patient!

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Hope that Helps,
Rick Meints - Chaosium, Inc.

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1 hour ago, Rick Meints said:
  • We are selling slipcase sets (containing core rules, Bestiary, and GM Screen Pack), the individual books, and the empty slipcases.
  • We are not selling "partial" slipcase sets.
  • The empty slipcase will be available at a special discounted price for a limited time.


So, if I buy the Bestiary and GM Pack (using up my pdf coupons in the process) and buy an empty slipcase, how is this not a partial slipcase set?

This isn't a hypothetical question. It's what I intended to do up until last week, when I was given the impression that I couldn't. I was resigned to having to buy a full slipcase and figured that I could find a good home for the old RQG Rules (Player's Handbook?), but now it seems I don't have to (and that the extra discount for having to buy a second Player's Handbook has also gone, which makes it a less attractive offer). But it does seem that you are selling partial slipcase sets - or, at least, that you'll sell an empty slipcase and two of the books that go in it, which is a partial slipcase in all but name, as far as I can see.

This is kind of confusing. I guess I'll wait to see the order form (and prices) before I decide.

On which subject... Any idea what the "special  discounted price" for the empty slipcase will be? I have the other prices from a link somebody else provided.

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1 hour ago, Steve3742 said:

So, if I buy the Bestiary and GM Pack (using up my pdf coupons in the process) and buy an empty slipcase, how is this not a partial slipcase set?


On which subject... Any idea what the "special  discounted price" for the empty slipcase will be? I have the other prices from a link somebody else provided.

The price that I've seen for a slipcase set is basically the same price as the books that it contains (I don't actually know if that price is correct though). The difference is that the empty slipcase will have a price tag of its own, and might be shipped separately depending on box sizes available. So you've answered your own question, I think.

I'm just going to buy a full slipcase, even though I bought one rule book of my own and another that I gave to my main players.

Edited by PhilHibbs
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2 hours ago, Steve3742 said:


So, if I buy the Bestiary and GM Pack (using up my pdf coupons in the process) and buy an empty slipcase, how is this not a partial slipcase set?

This isn't a hypothetical question. It's what I intended to do up until last week, when I was given the impression that I couldn't. I was resigned to having to buy a full slipcase and figured that I could find a good home for the old RQG Rules (Player's Handbook?), but now it seems I don't have to (and that the extra discount for having to buy a second Player's Handbook has also gone, which makes it a less attractive offer). But it does seem that you are selling partial slipcase sets - or, at least, that you'll sell an empty slipcase and two of the books that go in it, which is a partial slipcase in all but name, as far as I can see.

This is kind of confusing. I guess I'll wait to see the order form (and prices) before I decide.

On which subject... Any idea what the "special  discounted price" for the empty slipcase will be? I have the other prices from a link somebody else provided.

We define a "partial slipcase set" as a SINGLE bundled item you can put into your shopping cart. Many months ago we thought of having the printer bundle together the GM screen Pack and the Bestiary into a slipcase with a cardboard spacer for where the rulebook would normally go. Unfortunately, we knew that would in all likelihood lead to too many shipping errors and confusion with the full and complete slipcase sets.

Semantics aside, yes you can buy one or more items that would normally be included in the full slipcase set and refer to it as a "partial slipcase set", if you so choose. Chaosium isn't calling an adhoc group of items by that name. You can buy an empty slipcase, you can buy a Bestiary, you can buy the core rulebook, you can buy the GM screen Pack, and you can buy full slipcase sets. We would expect that this wouldn't be seen as a problem.

If you want to buy a rulebook and an empty slipcase and refer to this as a "partial slipcase set", feel free to do so. If you want to buy a GM screen pack and an empty slipcase and call it a "partial slipcase set", more power to you. If you want to buy a Bestiary and a GM screen pack and call those two things a "partial slipcase set", that's fine too. What you will NOT find on chaosium.com is a single item of any kind with the name "partial slipcase set".

Hope that Helps,
Rick Meints - Chaosium, Inc.

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Out of interest how are vouchers sent out?  Do they come from a specific email address?

Just wondering as they've never got to me in the past.  Dustin's always been great in sending them when requested, but just wanted to see if I could pre-empt that by white-listing a particular email address.

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18 hours ago, Andy Evans said:

Out of interest how are vouchers sent out?  Do they come from a specific email address?

Just wondering as they've never got to me in the past.  Dustin's always been great in sending them when requested, but just wanted to see if I could pre-empt that by white-listing a particular email address.

I'm pretty sure you should be asking Chaosium (probably Dustin) directly, not asking the Forum generally.  Going through all the chaff means sometimes they miss the kernels.

C'es ne pas un .sig

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20 hours ago, Andy Evans said:

Out of interest how are vouchers sent out?  Do they come from a specific email address?

They are sent out by email just prior to the products being made available for sale on the website. (If we sent them any earlier, we'd just have people trying to use them and not finding the products available, which would lead to poor Dustin being inundated with questions.)

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