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Everything posted by soltakss

  1. Yeah, I just looked that up. Power Rune pairs all start at 50/50, so a low Fertility Rune is just what it looks like. Is that the case? I hadn't realised that. So, I have to buy an element or form Rune up to 50% but my Power runes all start at 50%? Hmmm ...
  2. Pregens are always a balance between what the rules say and what makes for an interesting character. It may be that the author simply allocated more points to make a more experienced character.
  3. Yes, it isn't very useful. In Secrets of Dorastor, I suggest an alternative, where the Transform Self spell transforms Hsunchen into their totem animal and the Transform (Body Part) spells can be used to enhance the transformed beast. Yes, having played werewolf it is a little unsatisfying, eh? I used to play a werewolf, but I'm all right noooooowwww. Sorry.
  4. I don't think that follows. If I have Death 95% Fertility 5% then I have a low Fertility Rune, OK fair enough. However, if I do not have a score at all in Death and Fertility, I also have a low Fertility Rune, in fact Fertility 0%. Does that mean I have zero fertility? Most people would have a low Fertility rune, as most people are not Initiates or above in a Fertility Rune cult. I think that the Fertility Rune can be used to enhance your Fertility, but does not describe how fertile you are. Having a high Fertility Rune makes you more fertile.
  5. Personally, I am not keen on absolutes with regards to runes., so I am not keen on the idea that a high Death Rune means low fertility. It does mean a low Fertility Rune, which also means it is difficult to use the Fertility Rune to boost fertility. For example, worshippers of Foundchild would be expected to have a high Death Rune, as Foundchild has Death and Harmony as Runes. But, Foundchild's Death rune indicates killing beasts through hunting and giving their souls back to the Great Mother of Prey, so very much part of the Circle of Life. so, a Master Hunter with 90% Death would have that integrated into life, with no real effects on Fertility. Looking at the RQG Rulebook, the cults described with the Death Rune are: Babeester Gor, Foundchild, Humakt (double), Maran Gor, Seven Mothers, Storm Bull, Waha and Yelm. Of those, Seven Mothers and Yelm also have Fertility, which probably makes them have to choose between Death and Fertility, or to concentrate on different subcults emphasising each Aspect. So, are we saying that Storm Bull, the father of all the Praxian Herd Beasts, and Waha, the father of Praxian Khans, have low fertility due to their Death runes? Khans often have many children, so I would guess that a high Death Rune is not a particular disadvantage. I get it for cults such as Babeester Gor, Maran Gor or Humakt, but that is as much a result of the Deity as of the Rune. Agimori have a high Fire part of their makeup and have to drink cold water to balance it out to have children. Maybe people with a high Death Rune have to do something similar. Maybe Humakti have to look at pictures of voluptuous women to use their Fertility to counter the Humakti's Death Rune. Jean M. Auel's had an idea in the Earth's children series of books that someone's spirit needed to be strong enough to conquer a someone else's strong spirit to produce a child, so someone with a high Death Rune would need to be conquered by someone else's high Rune in order to produce a child. Yes, exactly that.
  6. When our group starts playing mask to mask again we should be starting a new Glorantha campaign, with me not GMing! I plan on playing a Chalana Arroy cultist, as I haven't played one before, so this thread is useful to me.
  7. We tried Pushed Rolls, but my Players didn't like them. They much preferred using Hero points to reroll.
  8. I would halve SIZ and multiply DEX by 1.5. Keep the other Characteristics the same. Double SIZ as well - Battle Cat!
  9. I have treated it as a background in Merrie England. OK, Merrie England is not Dark Ages Cthulhu, but shares many of the concepts. Having Saracen as a Background means that you can have different Professions for that Background, so a Saracen Warrior, Saracen Priest, Saracen Mage and so on. Does Cthulhu Dark Ages have Backgrounds? I vaguely remember that it does.
  10. I would give 25% Base + Bonus, as a starting point.
  11. Is it? I thought that it was a crystal road that she made as she marched along it.
  12. So, it's better than the Argan Argar Atlas, if it contains more detail or missing sections? Publish, publish, publish!
  13. Well, the Argan Argar Atlas is freely available for the Jonstown Compendium and its maps can be used for Jonstown Compendium supplements. So, it is not beyond the realms of possibility that a map made by stitching together the maps of the Argan Argar Atlas could be sold under the Jonstown Compendium. There are maps sold under the Jonstown Compendium, so it is probably possible, maybe.
  14. It is possible to be gifted land, in which case the PC actually owns the land, although this is rare. Have a look at demesne land in the Middle Ages for a very similar concept, land held in your own right rather than holding it from a Lord or King. What is more common is to be given the land for yourself and your descendants to use forever. The land still remains the property of the clan and the PCs and their descendant act as if they owned the land. It might be possible to transfer the title of the land to someone else, depending on the agreement, in which case someone else would use the land instead and could buy the use of the land, if not the land itself. 20 times annual income seems right, but Bargaining could come into play.
  15. Also, there is a big difference between having a Personal Glowspot and having a Glowspot as in the Dragon pass units. A Personal Glowspot means that the Hero can cast Lunar magic as if always at the Full Moon. a Glowspot that affects others is much more powerful. I would imagine that it would start off as POW in metres, so only affects Companions, but could be increased to affect more and more people as the Hero gets more powerful.
  16. The Crimson Bat produces a Glowspot, so would Yara Aranis. Lunar Heroes are tied to the phases of the Red Moon in some fundamental ways. Even the Red Emperor is tied to the Phases of the Red Moon and he is possibly the most important Lunar Hero. So, I think that being tied to the Phases of the Red Moon is far more important to a Lunar hero than having a Personal Glowspot. In nay case, they can always trade for the Glowspot spell and cast it, or gain some magic item that gives them a personal Glowspot or HeroQuest to Yara Aranis or the Crimson Bat to get one.
  17. That looks really good, thanks for sharing. It looks like an awful lot of work went into this. If it could be shared, that would be wonderful.
  18. Thanks. It was war funnier to have them try their Intimidate rolls and fail again and again and again, despite having Intimidate in the 70s and 80s. In one encounter, the fourth one to try succeeded, but I said that it didn't have much of an effect.
  19. My wife would kill me if I took these off your hands, but I hope you find someone who can take them.
  20. It should be Ok. I suppose it depends on what you want to achieve through this. Is it something that anyone can do, or restricted to people who know the technique?
  21. Ran Jack o'Bear's Picnic and it went pretty well. New Adventurer advice for Dorastor: 1. Never lick the skeleton of a Dragon 2. Drink a potion, make a roll What does it mean when a party of chaotic badasses fail all their Intimidate rolls bar one? Does it just make them cuddly? Poor Stumpy with its little, tiddly stinger, not intimidating at all, no matter how hard it tried.
  22. I think that a lot of Ernalda serpent/draconic powers were lost, or suppressed, when the EWF fell, as Ernalda the Dragon didn't have the same ring to it. So, sure, the cult has Serpent Guardians, but they are not as prominent as they might have been. With the Hero Wars, these long-forgotten practices can come to the fore again and be reawakened.
  23. Looking at the cover, our fantasies may differ.
  24. Which shows that Throw is a good enough skill for hand grenades, thanks for the expert opinion. Throwing water balloons isn't quite the same, obviously.
  25. To be honest, I would use QuestWorlds, as it is more kid-friendly. By that, I mean that it is great at putting concepts into play, the underlying system is very easy and the resolution of combat is less bloody and extreme. So, no chopping off limbs and such like. But, if you used RuneQuest, I would try and make it less about combat and more about other things. Use a cut-down version of the rules. Roll 1D100 beneath the skill, maybe have Special or Critical rolls, but don't assume you have to. Keep the maths as simple as it needs to be, so if your daughter can do mental arithmetic in her head and can work out what 1/5 or 1/20th of a number is, then use them, otherwise use a table for lookups. Don't get hung up on tables and rules, play it as freeform and loose as you can. Lower STR and SIZ, the other characteristics might be the same. For ten year olds, you might want to use 2D6 STR and 1D6+6 SIZ. Maybe. If they are Orlanthi then they might have the Air/Storm and Earth Runes. You might just give them a basic amount with no adds. Voria looks after girls and Voriof looks after boys, among the Orlanthi. For Praxians it might be Waha or Eiritha, but this is before initiation so might be a spirit instead. among Lunars it would be Teelo Norri. Anywhere really. Kids at the edge of clans are always good for adventure material. You could have mysteries to solve, friends to make, kids to rescue from harm and so on. Pushing boundaries might be a good idea, peeking in on the older kids as they prepare for initiation, drinking things they shouldn't, going to forbidden places, that kind of thing. Kids could become thieves or beggars, living off their wits in a city like Pavis or Nochet, being tempted by street gangs. What I wouldn't do is to make it about violence. Kids should not have any skill in combat except a base skill, they should not own a weapon or use one, they should resort to violence as a last resort, except for the occasional bout of pushing, wrestling or a punch or kick. In any case, nothing should be lethal and everyone should get better with a bit of tender care. Monsters should be scary if they are big and scary, not because they do terrible things. If kids are brought up on Fairy Tales, then a troll that eats up little kids might be OK to use, or a man who kidnaps kids and forces them to steal. Make sure you have a way to defuse tense situations, maybe not an X-Card but something that the kids can use to say they don't want to go down a certain road. But, kids are great for roleplaying. I ran a HeroQuest game with two little kids and their dad and we had an absolute blast.
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