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Everything posted by soltakss

  1. soltakss

    The Sea Cave

    I'd definitely like to see the Howling Tower. I would probably prefer them collected into one supplement though.
  2. I've got a homebrew system that is based on what Steve Perrin did for MRQ1 but highly adapted. It is full of holes and only works if you don;t look at it to closely. Wpuld it be suitable for anyone outside our gaming group? No. I am not against the idea of using Runes in Glorantha, in fact I am all for it. What I am against is redefining elements of established Glorantha so they seem to fit a particular set of rules. RQ3 did it to a certain extent. With the introduction of HeroQuest. 7th Age and RuneQuest to Glorantha, there are competing sets of rules that describe Glorantha. I would hate to see aspects of Glorantha changed just so they agree with the individual rulesets. But, give me a flexible working set of rules for runes and I'll use them in my campaign.
  3. For me, tying RQ entirely to Glorantha is probably a mistake. However, do I care? Not really. We have Mythras, Revolution, Legend, OpenQuest and Renaissance that will provide supplements outside Glorantha that I can use and adapt. Even Chaosium has BRP that will do similar things. Will it dilute the RuneQuest brand? Of course. Do I care? Of course not. I don't own the RuneQuest brand. Moon Design and Chaosium will have the sales figures when the new RuneQuest comes out. They are the ones who will know if it has been successful.
  4. I've never really bothered with runes until recently. RQ2 had Priests gaining the Magic Rune, Lords gaining the Mastery Rune, Heroes gaining the Infinity Rune and that was about it. RQ2/3 gave cults a Runic Association that was useful in working out what runes a PC should have, but it went no further. Hero Wars had Runic Affinities which were OK but tied themselves in knots. HeroQuest Glorantha had a very strict way that runes worked, far too strict for my tastes. Personally, I like having runes available that affect the PC and can be used by the PC but that don't overwhelm the PC. What I hate is when the game world changes because the rules have changed. The game world should be what it is and the rules should reflect or mimic certain aspects of the game world.
  5. Personally, I don't really care what is in which edition of RQ/D100-style rules. I take what I like and ignore what I don't, so I'll take the good bits from RQ, Mythras, Legend, BRP, Renaissance, Revolution and so on.
  6. Thanatar is a Truth Rune cult and has Geases. Yelorna also has geases and is not a Truth Rune cult, but is closely associated with Yelmalio.
  7. I prefer to use Common Magic rather than Spirit/Battle Magic. Spirit Magic always seemed to imply using spirits, which the magic clearly didn't do, except for using Spell Spirits to store spells and to learn spells from. Many spells are not battle-oriented and were not in RQ2, so we thought that Battle Magic was badly named way back then.
  8. soltakss


    There was an article on vivisculpture in Tales of the Reaching Moon that explicitly covered the carving of gargoyles as a work of art.
  9. It's a confusing mix of different things. Some events are in sequence, so you can follow the Story of Death, Orlanth and Ernalda, the Lightbringer Quest and many other stories as essentially linear events that have sections that follow on from others. However, you might also find a child of Orlanth and Ernalda taking part in an event that happened before the Wooing of Ernalda. So, just assume that events in the God Time happened. The sequence of when they happened is of far less importance than the fact that they happened.
  10. In my second RQ group there was a deadly serious Duck Humakti, called Pektok. He was little but very strong and very healthy and wielded a mean Greatsword. Once his player and another player joined a different RQ group for an all day session and they brought their PCs, Pektok and Derak the Dark Troll, but each played the other's PC, then halfway through the game they switched PCs and played their own PCs, but the other players couldn't tell which PC belonged to which player. In that session, a centaur PC laughed at the "lidde-widdle duck" until the liddle-widdle duck calmly walked between his legs and proceeded to gut him from front to back.
  11. soltakss


    For me, having veggie Morokanth doesn't make much sense. The Survival Covenant meant that the Eaters gained the ability to eat the meat of the Eaten, who in turn gained the ability to eat the harsh plants of the Wastes. Now, maybe both sides already had the ability to eat both but the Survival Covenant enhanced that ability. In my Glorantha, Morokanth primarily eat Herd Beasts but also eat some vegetables, herbs and so on. They would not eat the harsh chapparral of Prax as that would mean that they identify as herd beasts, which is against the Survival Covenant.
  12. I read somewhere that female broo tend not to reproduce as they always undergo broobirth, with the baby broo eating its way out. My view of broo society is that of the weakest broo being the butt of all the others, so to speak.
  13. RQ3 Elder Secrets - He's big, he's tough, he's surrounded by 1D100 Fiends and he lasted under 3 rounds in combat with both high-level PC Parties in the campaigns I have run.
  14. soltakss

    The Sea Cave

    In my opinion, let's just say that RQ scenarios have advanced a lot over the years. It is, however, a good example of early Chaosium RQ scenarios, before the heyday of Pavis/Big Rubble, Borderlands, TrollPack and Griffin Mountain.
  15. I did the same thing with a peephole in a wall, behind which was a basilisk. The PCs just could not help looking through the hole ...
  16. I can't see that RQ3 derived from BRP. RQ3 clearly derives from RQ2. I can see a relationship between BRP and CoC, but I am not sure which came first. I had a copy of BRP in my RQ2 Boxed Set back in the early eighties (Wikipedia says RQ2 was released in 1980 and CoC in 1981 but it doesn't mention the GW RQ2 Boxed Set).
  17. Why would the God Learners construct Ganderland of all places? Most people ignore it, hide its existence or dismiss it as irrelevant.
  18. Don't forget that Ganderland existed in the GodTime, a mythical homeland for both Durulz and Keets. I read somewhere that some Ducks of Dragon Pass were brought back by EWF HeroQuestors trying to recreate the GodTime beasts. I don't know whether all Ducks are descended from them or whether there were already Ducks in Dragon Pass. I cannot remember reading about Ducks in the First Age.
  19. Those are guidelines, nothing more. I see the runes as shaping not defining, so they shape your behaviour but do not define it in the sense that they govern things. PCs with the Death Rune may behave in a certain way but the Death Rune does not force them to behave in the same way. Worshippers of Humakt, Storm Bull, Zorak Zoran and FoundChild would be expected to act very differently, even though they all have the Death Rune. But, a Rune is just a Rune. Your relationship with your deity is more important than the Rune itself. Your innate nature is more important than the Rune itself. So, a Troll might have the Darkness Rune, as might a Star Witch in Prax, but they will behave differently.
  20. My rules of thumb regarding combat are: A PC Party can normally defeat an NPC Party of the same skill level and numbers A PC Party can often defeat an NPC Party of the same skill level but slightly superior numbers A PC Party can rarely defeat an NPC Party of the same skill level but far greater numbers A PC Party can normally defeat a single NPC Boss regardless of skill and level The last one might need a bit of explanation. A tooled up PC Party that knows what it is doing can work together and defeat a single stupidly-powerful NPC by using clever tactics, teamwork and so on. Two powerful NPC Bosses might prove tricky, though.
  21. I think the runes to be used in the new version of RuneQuest will be the same as the ones in HQ:G, so going forward there will be a high degree of compatibility.
  22. In RQ2, cults have runes and deities grant runemagic, but the magic they grant are not always rune-based.
  23. OK, thanks, it has been a long time since I read RQ5/RQ6.
  24. Are you looking at Mongoose's Second Edition? If so, that is RQ5. If it has Legendary Abilities of Combat Manoeuvres then it is RQ5 not RQ2.
  25. RuneQuest 2 said that Rune Priests tried to master the Magic Rune and Rune Lords the Mastery Rune, but that is as far as it went. RuneQuest 3 pretty much ignored Runes, except where they concerned cults. RuneQuest 4 (Mongoose RQI) had a Rune Chase that was a nice idea but didn't really work. RuneQuest 5 (Mongoose RQII) ignored Runes. RuneQuest 6 ignored Runes, I think. The runes in HQ:G are new and very different from how Runes used to work. In previous versions of RQ, you joined a cult and became loosely associated with the runes of the cult. They didn't really give you any benefits. In HQ:G, there are fairly rigid rules about what runes you can have. I would be far more flexible as a GM. However, all this is from a faded memory and is all in my opinion, so is most likely wrong.
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