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Check out everything that's going into the new RuneQuest Starter Set...


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This looks great! I am ridiculously excited about this and am planning to buy several copies (for distributing to friends who prove themselves worthy). So, since no one else has asked yet: 1) Where's it gettin' printed?  2) And, if everything went completely smoothly with the printing, assembling, and the shipping of crates to key distribution centers, how long might one predict the rest of the process to take? We still a couple of months out from being able to give Chaosium our money? My clacks and lunars are getting restless......

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24 minutes ago, Beoferret said:

how long might one predict the rest of the process to take? We still a couple of months out from being able to give Chaosium our money? My clacks and lunars are getting restless......

Over on FB, Jason noted that RBoM has been with the printers ~2 months.  So probably should expect similar timeframe.

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27 minutes ago, Scornado said:

I am wondering how much value it will have to an already started campaign with established characters - hopefully enough.

You'll probably be able to use the maps, handouts, and adventures at least, and maybe the rules booklet will be good as a quick reference for some things.

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2 hours ago, Scornado said:

I am wondering how much value it will have to an already started campaign with established characters - hopefully enough.

A quote from @Jason D:


We had several main goals with this product, but one of them was to make sure it had value to our already-established player base. Too many starter sets are throwaway items or are of no use to veteran players. Not this one.


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3 hours ago, Beoferret said:

This looks great! I am ridiculously excited about this and am planning to buy several copies (for distributing to friends who prove themselves worthy). So, since no one else has asked yet: 1) Where's it gettin' printed?  2) And, if everything went completely smoothly with the printing, assembling, and the shipping of crates to key distribution centers, how long might one predict the rest of the process to take? We still a couple of months out from being able to give Chaosium our money? My clacks and lunars are getting restless......

1. It will probably be printed in Poland.

2. Nice try.  🙂

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Hope that Helps,
Rick Meints - Chaosium, Inc.

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26 minutes ago, MOB said:

A quote from @Jason D:

We had several main goals with this product, but one of them was to make sure it had value to our already-established player base. Too many starter sets are throwaway items or are of no use to veteran players. Not this one.


Those of us who follow the broader industry know this, are darn sick of this practice, and are absolutely delighted that Chaosium is challenging this rancid status quo. As I Tweeted earlier today on this topic: Chaosium makes products truly by Gamers for Gamers. Not by a board room.

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2 hours ago, Scornado said:

I am wondering how much value it will have to an already started campaign with established characters - hopefully enough.

The Starter set retails for $29.99. That's less than the cost of the Pegasus Plateau book.

The Soloquest is new, and all of the adventures in book 4 are easily used for an existing campaign. A set of 6 dice, the rules, references, and the maps are all easily usable try all. That seems worth $29.99 to me.

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Hope that Helps,
Rick Meints - Chaosium, Inc.

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3 hours ago, jajagappa said:

Over on FB, Jason noted that RBoM has been with the printers ~2 months.  So probably should expect similar timeframe.

The RBoM has been printed and is being shipped to all of our warehouses.

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Hope that Helps,
Rick Meints - Chaosium, Inc.

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9 hours ago, klecser said:

As I Tweeted earlier today on this topic: Chaosium makes products truly by Gamers for Gamers. Not by a board room.

I suspect that most games companies are the same, maybe not the very biggest, but most of the hundreds of games companies are small operations driven by love and good intentions. The difference is that most gamers are not good at business, and can't see beyond their own personal needs to generalise to what works for a broader base. I'd love to be running a game company and producing fun content but I know I'd be terrible at it.

Edited by PhilHibbs
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Omg, this looks amazing. Any hints about what’s going on with The Rainbow Mounds? Love the colours added to Rainbow Mounds map but it’s a shame people won’t be colouring it in themselves, like we all had to, to solve the mystery of the spectrum emanating adamantine pillar! 

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1 hour ago, Starcarr said:

Omg, this looks amazing. Any hints about what’s going on with The Rainbow Mounds? Love the colours added to Rainbow Mounds map but it’s a shame people won’t be colouring it in themselves, like we all had to, to solve the mystery of the spectrum emanating adamantine pillar! 

That could be the GM version? It wouldn't surprise me if there weren't two copies, one blank...

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13 hours ago, klecser said:

As I Tweeted earlier today on this topic: Chaosium makes products truly by Gamers for Gamers. Not by a board room.

It probably helps that pretty much everyone in the company is an active gamer. We do have a company board though, but eldritch considerations mean we usually meet outdoors...


Edited by MOB
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