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Egregious munchkinnery!


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4 minutes ago, Akhôrahil said:

Perhaps this isn't very egregious, but even so...

IMHO there's a lot of munchkinnery available in RQG, but not a lot which really reaches egregious. Though the stuff which does is pretty over the top.

Along a similar line, player priests and shamans can teach spirit magic. I presume most GMs would require one player to pay another (or pay the cult) for teaching/spell learning, but a skilled adventurer could definitely make some serious income teaching nobles the basics of a variety of skills.

Jonstown Compendium author. Find my publications here. Disclaimer: affiliate link.

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13 minutes ago, Akhôrahil said:

Perhaps this isn't very egregious, but even so...

If you have a lot of downtime for training but can't afford the exorbitant training prices, have one member of the party teach the others for a season (and any bystanders you can pull in for some extra cash), and rotate through the PCs until everyone has taken a turn. Far more efficient than Research.

Teach for a living...

Telling how it is excessive verbis


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On 6/15/2019 at 3:41 AM, Shiningbrow said:

What if the spell is from an enemy cult?


Your Glorantha is different to mine, because I have the deity supplying a bit of their power for a Rune spell, and so there's no way they'd mix and match their powers or energy , with the possible exception of associated deities (as, being in the same pantheon, they already share some of those energies)

This is the egregious munchkinnery thread, isn't it?

Simon Phipp - Caldmore Chameleon - Wallowing in my elitism since 1982. Many Systems, One Family. Just a fanboy. 


Jonstown Compendium author. Find my contributions here

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  • 1 month later...

The Warding enchantment covers a square area of up too 100 m2. This isn't so much - 10m x 10m, for instance, and you may not even be able to fit your house inside it (you probably need to spend one point to increase it to 200 m2 for a typical longhouse).

But since the negative effects comes from crossing the boundary rather than from being inside it, you could instead use four instances of Warding to create four 100m x 1m Wards, each of them forming one side of a 100m x 100m hollow square, which gives you plenty of room inside. Depending on what you can get away with with the GM, it could be bigger yet (a Warding of 1000m x 10cm might be pushing things, but by strict math, you are correct).

But wait, you can do better yet! You may be able to get away with just two instances of Warding, as fortunately nothing says  the area must be square. By forming an angled L shape out of each Ward, you can surround a pretty large area in the way illustrated below.   

The one downside you get under these solutions is that unlike the traditional Warding, this Warding doesn't have a "roof", and fliers could enter from above. 


Edited by Akhôrahil
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Nice ideas. The L shaped is very well thought. But you've been beaten for the non square with very different size: Chaosium did it in Griffin Island. One treasure room (I don't remember which one, but I think it is in the tower in Soldier Port) has it's entrance protected by a Ward spell 10 cm thick. If I remember well, it was described that when you enter the room, you cross the limit twice, taking the Warding damage 2 times.

Edited by Kloster
typing mistake
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48 minutes ago, Kloster said:

Nice ideas. The L shaped is very well thought. But you've been beaten for the non square with very different size: Chaosium did it in Griffin Island. One treasure room (I don't remember which one, but I think it is in the tower in Soldier Port) has it's entrance protected by a Ward spell 10 cm thick. If I remember well, it was described that when you enter the room, you cross the limit twice, taking the Warding damage 2 times.

So, you mean it qualifies for egregious munckinerry twice! Once for the idea and once for not having to come up with it originally but just copying from the module. <joking!>

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... remember, with a TARDIS, one is never late for breakfast!

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  1. Cast a spell on yourself with 5 points of Extension, like Flight, Charisma, Truesword, Shield, Hallucinate, etc.
  2. If you didn't get a critical success, then drop the spell, or dispel or dismiss it if your mean old GM doesn't allow you to just drop a spell that you have cast.
  3. Regain the RP, if you don't have enough to cast it again. Remember to turn up to every worship ceremony for all your associate cults. Sing extra loud. Bring a step-ladder and sing right in @Joerg's ear.
  4. Try again until you get a critical success, so that the spell costs no Rune Points. You now have your spell up for a whole year, with all your RP still available to you.

Do this before every worship ceremony if you have 6 or more RP available at the time. Eventually your luck will be with you, and you'll get that sweet spell for no RP.

Oh, and remember to augment, and ritually prepare. 5 hours of ritual prep, that's another 2% crit chance. And take your time over that augment, you can double your chance of augmenting with an 80% skill or passion for just 16 melee rounds.

Edited by PhilHibbs
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  • 1 month later...
35 minutes ago, Zit said:

Is that possible to sacrifice a sentient creature, make a ghost of its spirit and a zombi of its body, bind the ghost to the body and create this way an undead creature able of both and simultaneous physical and mental attacks ?

Binding a spirit renders it unable to initiate spirit combat. You'll have to release spirits in crystals or matrices, but you can do so giving them the command to do their job and return to the binding.


It is possible to enchant a zombie to have spirit binding enchantments, but given the perishable nature of zombies, this doesn't strike me as a good strategy. A jolanti, on the other hand, would be fine. 

There is a creature similar to this on the Cradle - Blorn the Statue, animated by the spirit of Urrgh the Ugly.

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Telling how it is excessive verbis


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A ghost is bound (or attached if you prefer) to a place or an object and is of course able of spirit combat -or am I stuck to RQ2 rules ? Not using the spirit or the body of a sacrificial victim would be a waste 😛. A ghost-zombi could make at least an surprizing foe.

Wind on the Steppes, role playing among the steppe Nomads. The  running campaign and the blog


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21 minutes ago, Zit said:

A ghost is bound (or attached if you prefer) to a place or an object and is of course able of spirit combat -or am I stuck to RQ2 rules ? Not using the spirit or the body of a sacrificial victim would be a waste 😛. A ghost-zombi could make at least an surprizing foe.

A spirit (or ghost) bound into a beast or other such monster (like a zombie) becomes embodied. RQG has rules for that, and I suppose those were inherited from RQ2. A creature is not an object or a place.

There is nothing to stop you from giving the object the ghost is bound into to the zombie, or even integrate it into its body, but then the ghost won't be bound into the body of the zombie but into that object. 

Creating a zombie takes quite a bit of magical effort and resources. Binding the ghost into a herd-man is a lot less effort and gives you that entity in a new (and possibly more strapping) body.

Telling how it is excessive verbis


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3 hours ago, Joerg said:

a beast or other such monster...

...are living being, in contrary to a zombie which is animated flesh. So I find both interpretations acceptable. But of course you can simply have the zombi swallow a coin holding the ghost, for instance.


2 hours ago, Bill the barbarian said:

Oh how it warms the cockles of my hearts to see the resurrect spell being used on this puppy... Cheers, Zit!

It is indeed an original and enjoyable way to use the spell (which not everybody knows), that's fine. I like it. Turn Undead, Free ghost... there are other spells to counter undead, so I don't see any problem here. Oh, but wait, the zombi was created more than a week ago... Run, Bill ! 😨

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Wind on the Steppes, role playing among the steppe Nomads. The  running campaign and the blog


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10 hours ago, Zit said:

It is indeed an original and enjoyable way to use the spell (which not everybody knows), that's fine. I like it. Turn Undead, Free ghost... there are other spells to counter undead, so I don't see any problem here. Oh, but wait, the zombi was created more than a week ago... Run, Bill ! 😨

Thanks, I prefer to duck....

I was referring not to resurrect in your contribution to the topic, I meant Resurrecting the whole topic, kit and caboodle all "Warning: Egregious munchkinnery!” in its awful glory, a little ripe and lurching seeing as it is still fresh for the grave, but yes PhilHibb's evil experiment in godlearning the rules is back! 

IT LIVES!!!!! bwahahhahahahaha!

Edited by Bill the barbarian
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... remember, with a TARDIS, one is never late for breakfast!

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If you control the shambling corpse, and you control the discorporate spirit...  Is there any reason you couldn't order the spirit to just move overlapped with, and in concert with, the zombie?  Until and unless you wish the ghost to do something different, of course!

For longer durations, just bind the ghost into an arrowhead or something, shoot it into the zombie, and snap off the arrow.

Or bind the ghost into a small object that you have the zombie swallow.

Hmmm... Or do I mis-recall, and maybe you need to actually touch or see the binding object???

C'es ne pas un .sig

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On 11/29/2019 at 7:39 PM, Bill the barbarian said:

Oh how it warms the cockles of my hearts to see the resurrect spell being used on this puppy... Cheers, Zit!

Munchkins never die, they just change the name on their character sheet and say they got the same rolls again.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I got this idea from thread that just went around about boosting spells with magic points. 

In the rulebook on page 248 it says:

"Boosting a Spell
A caster may always use additional magic points to boost a spell, regardless of type. This is typically done to overcome a Countermagic or Shield spell, or other magical defenses."

I am ignorant about the fancy forun techniques and currently on mobile. Many apologies.

Now, them rules up there state that you can boost any spell regardless of type. 

My idea is to use the 63 MP from storage and throw up a Truesword with Extension 5 for the year that should, in theory be immune to dispel magic? 

My question is basically, does boosting non-attack spells, i.e. those that do not interact with Countermagic, increase the spell's resistance to dispelling? I am trying to figure out how to actually KEEP a truesword spell. My DM just throws Dismiss Magic and Dispel Magic around all the time and the Humakti shines a lot less. With truesword being a 1 point spell it only takes Dismiss 1 or Dispel 2, cheap and fast, which is immensely frustrating. 

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3 hours ago, HreshtIronBorne said:

My idea is to use the 63 MP from storage and throw up a Truesword with Extension 5 for the year that should, in theory be immune to dispel magic? 

Wait, you have a 63 MP storage available for real?

3 hours ago, HreshtIronBorne said:

My question is basically, does boosting non-attack spells, i.e. those that do not interact with Countermagic, increase the spell's resistance to dispelling? I am trying to figure out how to actually KEEP a truesword spell. My DM just throws Dismiss Magic and Dispel Magic around all the time and the Humakti shines a lot less. With truesword being a 1 point spell it only takes Dismiss 1 or Dispel 2, cheap and fast, which is immensely frustrating.

I'm not sure your GM is playing very fair (and yes I know this is the egregious munchkinery thread, but it's about the players not playing fair! not the GM!).

To cast Dismiss/Dispel Magic, one would need to specify a spell to dismiss/dispel... otherwise, you just aim at the target, and it will affect defensive spells first. Sure, True Sword will make the Humakti's weapon glow and drip blood or something (since Rune magic is always visible), but it might not be always obvious what spell exactly is making that. Having some support character cast protective magic on the party's fighters would, in addition to, obviously, provide some protection, also provide a layer that general magic dismissal would hit before True Sword.

I would indeed use the same system as Countermagic for Dismiss/Dispel. If I'm reading this right, you can spend magic points to boost Rune magic... is that right? So you could cast True Sword (1 RP) with a decent boost (4 magic points) and that would require either a Dismiss 3 or Dispel 6.


Edited by lordabdul

Ludovic aka Lordabdul -- read and listen to  The God Learners , the Gloranthan podcast, newsletter, & blog !

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63 current available additional MP, yeah. Across several crystals, most with spirits. 

Serial Dispels really only started to come out when the Humakti was facing Troll Rune-Lords or other similar level threats. Soul Sight allows the caster to see all spells up, as far as we can tell and is cheap and easy to throw up at the start of any big engagement. The Troll just dispelled everything the Humakti tried to cast on himself so, we eventually just fought with our Lead and Iron. 

I think the thing that really instigated my GM nuking the Humakti's spells was using Sword Trance to trivialize several engagements and basically steal the show. I think he was mostly trying to show that he definitely knows the rules and there are weaknesses to every strategy. 

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22 minutes ago, lordabdul said:

I'm not sure your GM is playing very fair (and yes I know this is the egregious munchkinery thread, but it's about the players not playing fair! not the GM!).


This seems like a lot but think about what an average rune level brings to the table, an allied spirit, possibly 18 POW, a couple of bound spirits and a POW crystal... Well you are in the ball park for 60ish MPs right there....

16 minutes ago, HreshtIronBorne said:

I think the thing that really instigated my GM nuking the Humakti's spells was using Sword Trance to trivialize several engagements and basically steal the show. I think he was mostly trying to show that he definitely knows the rules and there are weaknesses to every strategy. 

Perhaps lordabdul is correct about your GM after all but not because of the number of MPs he has allowed you.


... remember, with a TARDIS, one is never late for breakfast!

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34 minutes ago, HreshtIronBorne said:

My question still stands though.  Is there a point to boosting a spell like Truesword to keep it from being dispelled?

Like I said, I would personally allow it, but I'm not 100% sure I'm interpreting the rules right. One thing that's clear (as per the RQG G&A) is that the Rune points that you spend on Extension would not count in the "strength" of the spell.

Edited by lordabdul
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Ludovic aka Lordabdul -- read and listen to  The God Learners , the Gloranthan podcast, newsletter, & blog !

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