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Your Dumbest Theory


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3 hours ago, FungusColombicus said:

I just wonder what is the fixation of the lunars with eels... eels aparently are important for the empire since a lot of the personalities are eels... a little fishy if you ask me...

May give new meaning to Euglyptus Assiday dying of a surfeit of "eels"...

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3 hours ago, FungusColombicus said:

as stated before... she is basically 3 ducks one on top of the other inside of a loose armor...

I just wonder what is the fixation of the lunars with eels... eels aparently are important for the empire since a lot of the personalities are eels... a little fishy if you ask me...

Of course, at least some of the great Lunar families claim descent of some kind from various immortals and heroes- the Hwarin-ony, the Valar-telor, the Assiday, the Taran-il (admittedly, the hero in this case would be of Prydain, but it's the thought that counts. Psychic contamination again). The Eel-aariash quite possibly follow this tradition, but not in the typical way. Perhaps, as part of the Conquering Daughter's long-term plans for incorporating the Black Eel into the Empire and making them a pliable, quiescent river, the Black Eel married into the Imperial family line and their descendants are the Eel-aariash. This is commemorated in how, after every Eel-aariash victory in a Dart Competition or other such maneuver of the terminally political and terminally bored, the losing party will denounce "those slippery bastards" to the heavens, who remain silent on the matter.

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 "And I am pretty tired of all this fuss about rfevealign that many worshippers of a minor goddess might be lesbians." -Greg Stafford, April 11, 2007

"I just read an article in The Economist by a guy who was riding around with the Sartar rebels, I mean Taliban," -Greg Stafford, January 7th, 2010

Eight Arms and the Mask

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9 hours ago, Eff said:

Perhaps, as part of the Conquering Daughter's long-term plans for incorporating the Black Eel into the Empire and making them a pliable, quiescent river, the Black Eel married into the Imperial family line and their descendants are the Eel-aariash.

Well, there happened to be a certain event, a "battle" where the Conquering Daughter "defeated" the Black Eel.  (Veils drawn across the screen...)

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The only remaining makers of moon boats in the Suvarian weeder lands use wooden boats rather than reed boats, but might there have been an original maker who turned Great Loons into Great Lunes?

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Telling how it is excessive verbis


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4 hours ago, Joerg said:

only remaining makers of moon boats

The "Earth" lozenge is really a gigantic Moon Boat floating along on the Sea of Time.  Earth is merely an illusion conjured up by the dwarfs to keep wayward mortals from interfering in its workings and passage.

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6 hours ago, jajagappa said:

Well, there happened to be a certain event, a "battle" where the Conquering Daughter "defeated" the Black Eel.  (Veils drawn across the screen...)

Maybe the history is wrong... maybe is the Conquering Eel who defeated that "daughter"

I am now starting to think that the crater in the middle of Glamour is just a mat of eels with mental powers.

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2 hours ago, FungusColombicus said:

Maybe the history is wrong... maybe is the Conquering Eel who defeated that "daughter"

As the "child" was a Crystal Bridge across the river, I think the Conquering Daughter won that contest.

2 hours ago, FungusColombicus said:

I am now starting to think that the crater in the middle of Glamour is just a mat of eels with mental powers.

RQG p.373 has you covered on that concept!

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It's possible to "bank" any god in its entirety within the Spell Trading Network, one hanging point of power at a time. 

Any god except exoteric Issaries, of course, which needs to remain active to maintain the network itself. But there are a few ways around this.

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singer sing me a given

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The main elemental sequence as envisioned by Malkioni thought, and in some theistic theogonies, is one of gradual "condensation" and/or "concretization" (for lack of better terms). Amassing from Chaos/Void, we have Darkness, which further "condences" to the material Sea, which "condences" to the solid Earth. 

This brings up the awkward position of Fire/Sky in the process, however. One might posit that Sky springs from Earth in this lineage, which is valid, but there is another possibility. 

Fire does not actually follow the main sequence, but rather is a by-product of the overall condensation process. When the matter-less and penetrative qualities of Darkness get excluded from Sea and Earth more and more, these somehow form their own element, an expansive one known as Fire or Sky. 

While Sky might seem as the opposite of Darkness, by the logic of this theory, it is rather more of a refinement of certain qualities already present in Darkness, but filtered away from its other descendants.

This goes some way to explain why Sky is often considered a somewhat aloof or transcedent element, because its origin is effectively the opposite of that of Water and Earth. 

Moreover, this also sheds some light (no pun intended) on the extreme potential of Fire-Earth interaction (as they're the respective endpoint refinement of opposing qualities found in primordial Darkness), which resulted in the cosmos-shaking birth of Umath and the creation of the first (and possibly only) "heteroform" element, Air. 

More consideration is needed. 

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The Ban stopped at the Esel because that's where Sar Syranthir and his followers renounced their Fronelan origins forever and became a new people. Or you might know a better reason. Whatever happened, something made it stop.

I don't know why it didn't hit Eron. Maybe the ghost of the nebulous "Eronela" protected the forest in some way. It's interesting to plot land goddess limits like ley lines, a geomantic foundation for competing dwarf/storm mountain systems or the doomed Reaching Moon network.

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singer sing me a given

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13 minutes ago, scott-martin said:

It's interesting to plot land goddess limits like ley lines, a geomantic foundation for competing dwarf/storm mountain systems or the doomed Reaching Moon network.

The Syndic's Ban was really a gigantic Mindblast-type spell cast upon Frona (hence did not affect Eronela, Pelora, Ralia, etc.).  In her confusion her mind fragmented and she could not simultaneously hold all the pieces of her land together, but each was an isolated part of her soul/body adrift again in the fragmentary state that existed pre-Dawn.

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"Governor Halcyon was vexed by his superiors’ relentless demands for men, beasts, equipment and slaves, all needed for the Reaching Moon Temple project in Dragon Pass"

after Argrath's conquest just becomes

"The New Pavis authorities were vexed by King Argrath's relentless demands for men, beasts, equipment and slaves, all needed for the war effort against the Reaching Moon in Dragon Pass".

plus ça change, plus c'est la même...

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LIGHT PRIEST (staring at the sun):
"As your initiation gift Yelmalio will now make you more intelligent or taller, what do you choose?"

"I've always wanted to be smart! Gimme three points!"

LIGHT PRIEST (rolls eyes)


"In return for your gift, Yelmalio decrees you must now never wear armour on your head (geas #1) or left leg (geas #2), never let a horse suffer needlessly (geas #3), never flee or surrender from Darkness creatures (geas #4), never bathe (geas #5), and speak only Truth (geas #6)."

BRAND NEW INITIATE (now much smarter, and only capable of speaking Truth):
"I think I overdid it."

"No backsies."

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On 8/22/2021 at 1:02 AM, MOB said:

BRAND NEW INITIATE (now much smarter, and only capable of speaking Truth):
"I think I overdid it."

"I was expecting somebody taller."

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Running: 1870s Mashup Hero System | Playing: nothing | Planning: D&D 5E/OSE/Fantasy Hero Home Game

D&D is an elf from Tolkien, a barbarian from Howard, and a mage from Vance fighting monsters from Lovecraft in a room that looks like it might have been designed by Wells and Giger. - TiaNadiezja

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There's a special treasure in Six Ages: Ride Like the Wind, which is a giant blue goat. The Blue Goat grants "luck and fertility" to a clan that it lives with, but more importantly for our purposes it "never dies and cannot be slain" (at least by mortals) and it "remembers the full history of the Ergeshite people." It's also noted that it doesn't speak aloud, but its spirit can talk to shamans.


BTW, the Ergeshites are marked "Zarkosites" in the game's files and are probably the Sidarsi (a Dawn Age group) or the ancestors thereof, since they live in the same place and are pastoral goatherds worshiping Sidar Goatfather. So this might mean the Blue Goat knows the full history of the Zarkosites.

Anyway, this emphasis on its recollection of history (which is even in its brief write-up as a Treasure and is the first thing mentioned, with the second being "blesses our goats." And remember this is Glorantha; if something takes priority above livestock, it's a big damn deal!) implies to me that the Blue Goat isn't just a passive spectator that happens to be immortal; it's an intelligent being with an agenda of its own and powers beyond the immediately obvious (if you try to steal it and fail, the goat easily wipes out your whole exploration team, even if you've got an actual Hero leading it), and some kind of interest in keeping the lore of its people safe.

So, this Blue Goat is "immortal and unkillable" and capable of intelligent thought. Which means it might have survived into the Third Age. And now, to outline the actual dumb theory (emphasis dumb) that brings me here: The goat is blue, knows ancient secrets, and goats are associated with Chaos by Orlanthi. There's a Blue Moon, whose goddess is associated with ancient secrets, and moons are associated with Chaos by Orlanthi. Ergo: The Blue Goat has some connection to the Moon Rune, and if it reappears it might have a role to play in the future of the Lunar Empire.

Edited by Leingod
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7 hours ago, Leingod said:

So, this Blue Goat is "immortal and unkillable" and capable of intelligent thought. Which means it might have survived into the Third Age. And now, to outline the actual dumb theory (emphasis dumb) that brings me here: The goat is blue, knows ancient secrets, and goats are associated with Chaos by Orlanthi. There's a Blue Moon, whose goddess is associated with ancient secrets, and moons are associated with Chaos by Orlanthi. Ergo: The Blue Goat has some connection to the Moon Rune, and if it reappears it might have a role to play in the future of the Lunar Empire.

Also its horns are curved!

Edited by Sir_Godspeed
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in my Glorantha's version of Genert's Garden there was an enormous blue elephant descended from the Blue Moon walking around, as well as an enormous blue antelope.  a big but not gigantic blue goat seems another reasonable non-human child of the Blue Goddess.

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What makes a theory dumb? Whatever it is, it surely is resident in my passing thought that Jar-eel and Argrath are both Arkats. 

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 "And I am pretty tired of all this fuss about rfevealign that many worshippers of a minor goddess might be lesbians." -Greg Stafford, April 11, 2007

"I just read an article in The Economist by a guy who was riding around with the Sartar rebels, I mean Taliban," -Greg Stafford, January 7th, 2010

Eight Arms and the Mask

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On 8/28/2021 at 12:26 AM, Eff said:

What makes a theory dumb? Whatever it is, it surely is resident in my passing thought that Jar-eel and Argrath are both Arkats. 

One is the Deceiver, the other the Liberator. Both claim to be the Liberator. Both may be right about the other.

Edited by Joerg
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Telling how it is excessive verbis


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