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Runequest video game


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54 minutes ago, Shiningbrow said:

I need to ask this - what's your definition of the phrase "soon enough"?? It's been another 9 months without any hint about this.

I have reason to believe I won't be living much past another two and a half years - is there any chance I'm going to get to play this video game before then? (my current instincts tell me 'no'... or, if I do, I won't be impressed/excited).

It is moving along and on track. But when I can announce something, I will. And not before that.

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  • 1 year later...
On 12/8/2022 at 10:01 PM, MOB said:

Update including video here!


Well, it took me a bit to finally see what this was about, cos I kept getting a "error in line end" or something, so I just searched for Irish Tax Breaks...

And, I'd like to offer my 2 bolgs worth (which I expect to be completely ignored by anyone who has any say in things...).

Firstly, I notice that while this seems to be a great thing for us RQ lovers, I'd also like to point out that Black Shamrock still can't be bothered to include this game on 'in development' section of their site.... This doesn't make me feel really confident... (things that make you go "hmmmmm").

Secondly, about the game play... and I have to obviously caveat that it's only a few brief seconds that we've seen, and obviously if this is part of the RQ game that's been promised, it may not be indicative of the whole game, and may just be a small section of how the game would be played.

But, as I was watching it, I was getting memories of something.... and it turned out it was League of Legends... And I certainly don't want to play LoL as an RQ game. I would turn me completely off. Later, I realised it's because it's a top-down game (which I - personally - really dislike most of the time). Which then reminded me of... Diablo, Baldur's Gate and Neverwinter Nights... and as we may know, those last two are Dungeons and Dragons games!

Great!!! A Runequest game that's a copy of the best-selling D&D computer games....


Personally, if I want to play D&D, then I'll play a D&D game (yes, I am actually awaiting the full release of BG2).

But, I want to play a RQ RPG where I feel very involved in making lots of choices of skills to improve used in a variety of ways... not a vague tarnish of Glorantha shoved into a League of Legends mod.

I want an RPG where I feel that I'm the character i'm building - say, in first person. Something along the lines of the two best series of such RPGs ever made - The Witcher (granted, without skilltrees), and Elder Scrolls. That latter in particular being III: Morrowind - Thanks very much to Ken Rolston of RQIII fame, along with some of the amazing titles that came out at that time. Morrowind I prefer over it's following, Oblivion and Skyrim, because of the greater number of skills (although, I didn't like the graphics or the setting... but that's just me. I am eagerly awaiting the finalisation and release of the Skywind project!) And, I suspect I'm not alone in thinking that a Witcher/Elder Scrolls type RPG is what most RQ players want in their RQ RPG...

i want a game where I initially start out as a complete newb, and then later get offered a chance to initiate into a cult of my choice. I am part of a community, and the community leaders (who tend to be heads of the local cults - of the various factions that I can choose to start in) send me on quests which help me build my character and gain me favours. I can take companions (of other cults). At somet point in the future, I'll end up as a Rune Lord-Priest of my cult (yes, that would mean having to alter the RQG idea that not all cults have them), or maybe Rune Mastery of a couple of cults. I want an RPG that's not merely running around killing things (or simply grinding). And for the choices my character makes to have significant meaning in the gameworld (unlike Skyrim).

And, although Prax is an interesting place, I really hope that it's only a small part of the world, and that, like in the PnP version, there's a much larger map out there to adventure through.

So, at this moment in time, with the limited seconds we've seen... I'm actually disappointed (but not surprised!)

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I'm thrilled to see an RQ game in actual working development. And yes, the Rhino Rider in my heart loves seeing action in Prax.

But you're right, I'm REALLY hoping this isn't some looter-shooter Borderlands /Destiny /League of Legends clone. The whole idea of an RQ game that doesn't deal with RQ themes is a complete non-starter for me. Don't get me wrong, if you're into that kind of game, do your thing. Just don't put an RQ name on it.

What I want in any so-called 'RPG' title:

- Deep character building

- More than one way to meet goals [combat, magic, stealth, negotiation, whatever]

- Open World

- Single player, co-op strictly optional

- No. Fucking. Microtransactions. DO NOT try and sell me 'Assassin's Creed: Dragon Pass'. That would be an insult to every single designer and player who has shepherded Greg's vision.

What I want in an RQ game:

- The Runes to matter as much as they do on paper.

- RQ themes... Cattle raids, the Lunar Occupation, etc.

- Your cult to matter as much as your tribe.

- Making Rune Level to be real work


And anything less than that will be DnD with the serial number filed off. Don't get me wrong here... I too am looking forward to BG3 [August 23 release date]. But I want a RuneQuest game...

In a perfect world, I want a game that is as gorgeous and open as Skyrim... with a deeper story, more RuneQuest elements, and a sense of achievement when you're done.

Edited by svensson
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45 minutes ago, Shiningbrow said:

Great!!! A Runequest game that's a copy of the best-selling D&D computer games....


Personally, if I want to play D&D, then I'll play a D&D game (yes, I am actually awaiting the full release of BG2).

But, I want to play a RQ RPG where I feel very involved in making lots of choices of skills to improve used in a variety of ways... not a vague tarnish of Glorantha shoved into a League of Legends mod.

not sure at all it is a kind of rpg - I hope it is  but the demo shows me something different, and to be honest something I would not play because I dislike hack 'n' slash game. that is a personal taste, others may like it 🙂 ,


but diablo and co are not D&D gameplay: they are one way of rpg-computer using D&D rules. You may use the same "engine" to build a game with runequest statistics or with vampire statistic, or with amber statistics or with your own system of statistic. this kind of game existed before any  D&D  rules were implemented in such games.


I m pretty sure that, with the same engine, smart people would be able to develop a rq rpg where you will feel very involved, with all you described (and of course heroquest @svensson ! ) , it is "just" a question of number of leafs / nodes / situations / discussions the development team would implement, what kind of computer will be able to accept this volume of resources, and how much players would be able to pay (what you describe, - something I think great by the way - is very expensive to implement, not because the technic "only" but because the options to imagine, write and organize should... MUST... be huge) .


57 minutes ago, Shiningbrow said:

So, at this moment in time, with the limited seconds we've seen...

and that's the big point, we've not seen a lot (except if what we saw is the full gameplay, who knows ?!). I would appreciate to know what is the type of game, is it an hack 'n' slash ? is it a Zelda-like ? something else ?


1 hour ago, Shiningbrow said:

I'm actually disappointed (but not surprised!)

Imagine my position, I dreamt a (world of warcraft)-like 😛

Of course it was a dream


Don't know if I will like the game, as I don't know what it is.

But I hope the game will be published and will find its audience

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1 hour ago, French Desperate WindChild said:

but diablo and co are not D&D gameplay: they are one way of rpg-computer using D&D rules.

Oh, true. I was referencing them not because those top-down games are D&D games, but because D&D games use the top-down approach (to easier handle a party formation).

1 hour ago, French Desperate WindChild said:

But I hope the game will be published and will find its audience

I t6hink it may well do so... but I have the feeling that the loyal fans of Runequest for over 40 years is not the target audience for this game... it's for the teens and tweens who have never heard of RQ, but know all about LoL and the like.

Personally, I think a Glorantha overhaul mod for Oblivion is the best way to go (or something very similar).

1 hour ago, svensson said:

In a perfect world, I want a game that is as gorgeous and open as Skyrim... with a deeper story, more RuneQuest elements, and a sense of achievement when you're done.

I totally agree with all you wrote!

And ducks!

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On 12/16/2022 at 10:29 AM, French Desperate WindChild said:


but diablo and co are not D&D gameplay: they are one way of rpg-computer using D&D rules. You may use the same "engine" to build a game with runequest statistics or with vampire statistic, or with amber statistics or with your own system of statistic. this kind of game existed before any  D&D  rules were implemented in such games.

Sure, but what I want in a RuneQuest game set in Glorantha is more than just "Diablo with percentages under the hood". The "Gloranthan" part is more important to me than the "RuneQuest" part.

p.s. I'm not complaining about what we've seen and I'm not saying that it is "Percentile Diablo". I've not seen enough to jump to either a negative or positive conclusion. Just commenting on the discussion.

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1 hour ago, PhilHibbs said:

Sure, but what I want in a RuneQuest game set in Glorantha is more than just "Diablo with percentages under the hood". The "Gloranthan" part is more important to me than the "RuneQuest" part.

p.s. I'm not complaining about what we've seen and I'm not saying that it is "Percentile Diablo". I've not seen enough to jump to either a negative or positive conclusion. Just commenting on the discussion.

I doubt anyone thinks a faithful adaptation of a tabletalk roleplaying game is a good selling point for a videogame. Even games based on D&D do not do this nowadays.

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  • 1 year later...

Not much, but there's been some slight movement.

RuneQuest now appears by name and has a visual on this part of Black Shamrock's web presence :


And in this recent interview, there's a quote from Black Shamrock's general manager, Elaine Reynolds :


She says they are also working on another game internally based on the fantasy tabletop game RuneQuest, but they have yet to find a publisher.

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On 12/17/2022 at 10:32 AM, Mugen said:

I doubt anyone thinks a faithful adaptation of a tabletalk roleplaying game is a good selling point for a videogame. Even games based on D&D do not do this nowadays.

Baldur's Gate 3 kinda proved that one wrong. A thoughtful translation to CRPG can work incredibly well for a tabletop system. I know they changed some stuff for their vision and making it playable but, it is awfully close to playing 5e. 


I, for one, would absolutely support such a product made with the bones of RQG. Heck, even Rogue Trader was super fun. It isn't nearly as close to the rules as BG3, but I think they did okay bringing the feeling of the rules and setting to life. 

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11 hours ago, HreshtIronBorne said:

Baldur's Gate 3 kinda proved that one wrong. A thoughtful translation to CRPG can work incredibly well for a tabletop system. I know they changed some stuff for their vision and making it playable but, it is awfully close to playing 5e. 

I don't think so. The appeal for BG3 was more "the game gives you an unprecedented number of options to face every situation", than "you can roll dice exactly like in D&D5".

There was also a lot of comments about the fact the game looked a lot like a 3rd opus of Divinity Original Sin, despite the 5e game engine.

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Posted (edited)
1 hour ago, Mugen said:

I don't think so. The appeal for BG3 was more "the game gives you an unprecedented number of options to face every situation", than "you can roll dice exactly like in D&D5".

There was also a lot of comments about the fact the game looked a lot like a 3rd opus of Divinity Original Sin, despite the 5e game engine.

Larian's goal wasn't to do a 1:1 translation of 5e D&D rules.  Owlcat, with their Pathfinder games, have tried to get close, but also make choices based on the fact that a computer game and a tabletop game are two different things.

Solasta is the game that most tries to replicate D&D rules exactly.  I haven't played it because it looks boring.  To my eye, they got the ruleset right and left out everything else that makes role-playing fun.

To make a good RQ game that would appeal to (most) fans, you don't imo have to simulate the entire ruleset, but you do need to incorporate that things that make RQ distinctive.  For example, the emphasis on skills.  Not all RPGs have that, but an RQ RPG should.  And obviously you need to evoke a chunk of the setting. 

I won't fully judge until and unless we see this Black Shamrock game, which I have a feeling won't happen anyway, but what I've seen doesn't impress me.  Throwing around a few names like Prax and Bison riders does not an RQ/Glorantha game make. 

Edited by Jason Farrell
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10 hours ago, Jason Farrell said:

Solasta is the game that most tries to replicate D&D rules exactly. 

You obviously don't remember 'Eye of the Beholder', but this was to replicate ADD1.

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On 5/26/2024 at 7:15 AM, Jason Farrell said:

Throwing around a few names like Prax and Bison riders does not an RQ/Glorantha game make. 

From the very little we've seen of gameplay, it looks like it might be more of a 'Glorantha' game, but not so much a 'Runequest TTRPG' game. Of course, that's also because I would like to see it modelled after Elder Scrolls, and not BG3.

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On 5/27/2024 at 12:33 PM, Shiningbrow said:

From the very little we've seen of gameplay, it looks like it might be more of a 'Glorantha' game, but not so much a 'Runequest TTRPG' game. Of course, that's also because I would like to see it modelled after Elder Scrolls, and not BG3.

Well, if Strike Ranks are as important to RQ as they seem to be (given they were re-introduced in RQG) they work much better in turn-based games than in "real time" ones such as Elder Scrolls. 🙂

But I agree that if it's ever released, the game is going to be a Glorantha game, and not a faithful adaptation of a 40 years-old RPG. And Glorantha had 3 officials RPGs based on it, with very different mechanisms.

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On 5/26/2024 at 12:39 PM, Kloster said:

You obviously don't remember 'Eye of the Beholder', but this was to replicate ADD1.

I played EotB II a lot back in the day, but I preferred the Gold Box games even more. The city of Phlan was very Pavis-like. A dungeon crawling crpg set in Pavis would probably work great.

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4 minutes ago, Brootse said:

I played EotB II a lot back in the day, but I preferred the Gold Box games even more. The city of Phlan was very Pavis-like. A dungeon crawling crpg set in Pavis would probably work great.

My experience is more on EoB III, but this is pure dungeon crawling (except for the first part outside before the temple, with the wolves). I've never playes EoB II. And EOB III is 'only' 30 years old, but I still have it on my PC (running on vmware), but I didn't played it since more than 20 years. But I still play on Civilization III, Interstate 78 and Fallout 2, so perhaps I am really old now.

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3 minutes ago, Kloster said:

My experience is more on EoB III, but this is pure dungeon crawling (except for the first part outside before the temple, with the wolves). I've never playes EoB II. And EOB III is 'only' 30 years old, but I still have it on my PC (running on vmware), but I didn't played it since more than 20 years. But I still play on Civilization III, Interstate 78 and Fallout 2, so perhaps I am really old now.

The roguelike ADOM (1994) is the oldest game I still play, and something like that could also work in Pavis. RQ would offer many different class, cult, race and background combos.

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Well hey if it means Chaosium makes money off the property in a way that has even a little fidelity, I'm all for it. It looks like an action game based on the available tidbits, but Prax is a honestly a good place for that genre within the context of Glorantha. I wish them the best and to be entirely honest I'll buy it just for the sake of voting with my dollars provided it's not outright awful. I gift copies of Six Ages and KoDP like they are candy.


As an aside, Dominions 3-6.

Not a Runequest(there were a few Glorantha faction mods for the third one though) game, but I'm willing to bet the overlap in fan base would be near 100%. The creators of the series are obviously in tune with mythology in a way that's not only well beyond skin-deep but inclusive of probably everything you've ever heard of and even beyond. It's got everything from Telchines and Fomorians to Rephaim and Ryu-jin.

Seriously, it's a game where Lugh the Long Handed can show up on the same battlefield as Al-Malik Al-Aswad.

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If you want something that looks a lot like a RuneQuest (not Glorantha) videogame, I think you can't beat Darklands (designed, among others, by Sandy Petersen himself!): skill based (no classes whatsoever), hit locations, real world magic... 

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17 hours ago, Alexandre said:

If you want something that looks a lot like a RuneQuest (not Glorantha) videogame, I think you can't beat Darklands (designed, among others, by Sandy Petersen himself!): skill based (no classes whatsoever), hit locations, real world magic... 

One of my all time favorites, but very, very old.  The text choice based gameplay would hold up fine, but the combat would be rough.

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