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What is next out for RQG?


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2 hours ago, Jeff said:

Maybe - just maybe - I can be persuaded to sell a few of the current two-volume manuscript at GenCon, but there's need to be significant interest.

Please, more than a few.

Also, if that is a taste of the art, then we'll wait patiently. 

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1 hour ago, jongjom said:

Also, if that is a taste of the art, then we'll wait patiently. 

Getting up from the pile of vegetables he shakes of a few stray pieces and picks up a turnip and begins to crunch it down...

"That's what I meant to say..."


Edited by Bill the barbarian

... remember, with a TARDIS, one is never late for breakfast!

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3 hours ago, Jeff said:

An old version was sold last year at GenCon. It was MUCH smaller than the current version, and a lot has been revised even in the material that was included.

Maybe - just maybe - I can be persuaded to sell a few of the current two-volume manuscript at GenCon, but there's need to be significant interest.

Gods and Goddesses will take a while because it has a LOT of art, and it gets updated as I realise additional information is needed to support scenarios, etc. And of course the art. You think RQG looked good? 


I would be all over buying another Gencon preview of anything you might care to share. 

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Given that you have a business model of publishing your work as PDF's(with a discount for the hard copy) before the hard copy is available, is there a reason you don't make available the draft text's without art work under the same model?   

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54 minutes ago, Chekmx said:

is there a reason you don't make available the draft text's without art work under the same model?   

Now THAT is an interesting idea! I'm sure there are good reasons not to though... off the top of my head...

  1. Reviews will come out before the final product is ready, and will not mention the great art, and then when the art is done the "second wave" reviews will not get as many eyes
  2. Changes to the text will mean that people use information in their games that then gets "ruined" by the final text
  3. Some people might buy it and gripe that production standards have fallen giving Chaosium a bad reputation for slipping standards
  4. Retailers and other outlets like Drivethru will be upset that Chaosium is taking their sales
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On 6/26/2019 at 8:01 AM, Jeff said:

Maybe - just maybe - I can be persuaded to sell a few of the current two-volume manuscript at GenCon, but there's need to be significant interest.

How much interest are we talking here?  I'm extremely, very much, significantly interested.  And I'll coincidentally be at GenCon.

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Doorkeeper to cats.

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21 minutes ago, Puckohue said:

That depends on the quality of your soul

No matter, I'd have to pay the monetary equivalent anyway.  Ontologically speaking who really knows what an immortal soul is and if they truly exist, much less their value.


Doorkeeper to cats.

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2 hours ago, Jeff said:

I don't collect souls, but do accept US dollars or Euros.

Perhaps these offers could be brokered through your associate... one "Mr. Meints," I believe?  (Or so he is reported through Interpol channels).

He is rumored to be something of a... collector... 


C'es ne pas un .sig

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4 hours ago, Bill the barbarian said:

No, no, he is a collector of rare Nikes, a sole collector , one might say...

Oh, I thought you might mean he was a collector of victories.

2 hours ago, Shiningbrow said:

Is he the only one?

Collector of Nikes?  No one really know, but probably not.  Collector or RuneQuest and Gloranthania?  Definitely not, but possibly the most prolific.


Doorkeeper to cats.

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PuneQuest again?

10 minutes ago, Shiningbrow said:

Sole... Collector.... 

Wasn't it rather Harvester, or Reaper? If you drop the first e, this looks like photovoltaic.

Telling how it is excessive verbis


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On 6/26/2019 at 3:01 PM, Jeff said:


More jaw dropping art... wonderful!

There is only ONE thing i don´t like in this picture: Why is the head of the dragon Oralanth showes of a eastern dragon? 
But it just a personal matter, i generally dislike anything chinese/japanese/kralorelan/etc. in my games. 

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On 6/25/2019 at 11:31 AM, albinoboo said:

If you are prepared to dig about on ebay you can get some old white dwarf adventures for RQ3, mostly from issues 80-100. You can also can get tradetalk magazine from drivethru.rpg that have some RQ3 and HQ adventures. 

My collection includes pretty much everything that's ever existed, including most if not all of those issues.  But we've been playing for 20 years.  The well has all dried up, and I don't have the time I once did to write new stuff from scratch.  

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On 6/26/2019 at 3:01 PM, Jeff said:

An old version was sold last year at GenCon. It was MUCH smaller than the current version, and a lot has been revised even in the material that was included.

Maybe - just maybe - I can be persuaded to sell a few of the current two-volume manuscript at GenCon, but there's need to be significant interest.



I have that "first draft" of Gods of Glorantha that you sold at gencon last year and 

YES i am really interested in the new draft !!

gievh news for an eventualy chance to buy it


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