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New Starter Set


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On 3/10/2021 at 8:12 AM, jajagappa said:

I find it rather interesting to see the return of the boxed set.  That seemed to be the prevalent form through the mid-80s, and then seemed to be increasingly abandoned.  And now seems to have returned!  It certainly makes sense for a Starter Set.

A few months ago somebody was lamenting the disappearance of the boxed sets of his youth, and I had indeed replied that they have been back in full force as starter sets (I have most of the starter sets pictured in Rick's photo, plus a few ones like Traveller and such). It is indeed interesting to see these kinds of trends coming and going from one decade to the next. Who knows what we'll be buying by the time 2030 rolls around!


On 3/10/2021 at 8:34 AM, Rick Meints said:

This is SOME of the competition we are up against.

Like I said at ImpCon2 it's really cool to see you people check out the competition for these kinds of things!


On 3/10/2021 at 8:34 AM, Rick Meints said:

Our box is also a little taller than average, plus it is also slimmer.

YES I HAVE NOTICED 😭  I have to put the CoC Starter Set box on a specific shelf that is taller than the other shelves... 😅  My old French Edition Masks of Nyarlathotep boxed set is about the same size, and goes on that same shelf. Of course I have other problems, such as the difference between A4 and Letter sized books (French vs English books), which is where that shelf is also useful, but I think I don't have that problem with any other boxed sets I own.

This may be good to keep in mind for people who use good ol' IKEA Billy bookcases to store their books. The way IKEA sizes up these shelves, you basically have 6 shelves vertically. 4 of them can be tall enough for "normal" books, 1 is slightly taller (for the CoC Starter Set and French books), and 1 is smaller (for all the smaller books like FATE, Mork Borg, the Yellow King RPG, even the old Hero Wars books or King of Sartar).

Ludovic aka Lordabdul -- read and listen to  The God Learners , the Gloranthan podcast, newsletter, & blog !

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9 hours ago, lordabdul said:

YES I HAVE NOTICED 😭  I have to put the CoC Starter Set box on a specific shelf that is taller than the other shelves... 😅  My old French Edition Masks of Nyarlathotep boxed set is about the same size, and goes on that same shelf. Of course I have other problems, such as the difference between A4 and Letter sized books (French vs English books), which is where that shelf is also useful, but I think I don't have that problem with any other boxed sets I own.

This may be good to keep in mind for people who use good ol' IKEA Billy bookcases to store their books. The way IKEA sizes up these shelves, you basically have 6 shelves vertically. 4 of them can be tall enough for "normal" books, 1 is slightly taller (for the CoC Starter Set and French books), and 1 is smaller (for all the smaller books like FATE, Mork Borg, the Yellow King RPG, even the old Hero Wars books or King of Sartar).

I just had some shelves custom built and I used the Guide to Glorantha as my benchmark, Luckily the CoC Starter Set is about the same height and even more lucky, because I added a few more mm, my European graphic novel (is this how you would translate BD européennes?) also fit... just...

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The best thing i would like the boxed set to be is: Two different editions. 
One box, like the CoC Starter Set (softcover booklets, pamphlets, sheets, and dice). 
One or two hardcover books, collecting all the booklets texts, plus some additional sheets and maps in a slipcase (like in the GM Screen Pack*). No dice needed, because this would be for people that are already into RQG. 

But i understand, that from a business prospective it would be to expensive, and therefore i am happy to buy the boxed set. 🙂

* I would have liked to have the GM Screen Pack Adenture Book in Hardcover, too. 
I am not complaining about what i got, i state what would have made me even more happy!

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On 3/11/2021 at 5:26 PM, PhilHibbs said:

So now I'm torn. As a superfan, I want to own the starter set. But I don't want to cost Chaosium money on a loss-leader that is intended at new players.

So... premium starter set, with some trivial additional component that the completist will want and will pay a few quid extra for to make it a not-loss-leader? Of course that makes it two SKUs instead of one, with additional cost and complexity...

Even if it was actually a loss, not purchasing it would increase the loss by not covering the production costs of that particular set... So you'd be reducing their loss by buying it.

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42 minutes ago, French Desperate WindChild said:


Seeing the map of rainbow mount, I have a question about this scenario

Is the scenario the same than in previous version (bandits, statue, the xxx unable to be read except by you know who - don't want to spoil anything -) or something new ?

Apple Lane was updated in the GM Screen Pack to 1625. Given that and Jason's comments in the video, it would be reasonable to assume that the Rainbow Mounds has received a similar treatment. 


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On 3/20/2021 at 3:49 AM, Trotsky said:

I think boxed sets are great - however I only really buy pdf these days.

Same here.  I am a bit disappointed that we can't get the PDF's early, but I hope at least that getting JUST PDF's, at an appropriately reduced price, will still be an option. I'm only  doing online gaming these days( only partly because of covid ), and while I did buy the hardcopy of the core rules, the bestiary, and the gm pack, I can't remember the last time I even looked at them.

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36 minutes ago, Rick Meints said:


We will sell the PDFs at $14.99 when we start selling the printed set for $29.99. Same day.


That’s a great entry price. Really looking forward to this. Sincerely hope it grows the game, I’m sure it will.

I like the design ethos of keeping as close to the core rules as possible, rather then an overly abbreviated version of the rules. Really hoping for a clean, clarified and accessible starter set that opens up RuneQuest to a new audience. I’m guessing that will be forefront in the design of the new starter? There’s been such a wealth of feedback here since the original release of RQG, guessing that’s helped steer the designers in presenting this boxed set a new? 

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57 minutes ago, Paid a bod yn dwp said:

There’s been such a wealth of feedback here since the original release of RQG, guessing that’s helped steer the designers in presenting this boxed set a new? 

Jason discusses the design decisions here:


and here:


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On 3/10/2021 at 5:04 PM, Rick Meints said:

Many gamers who are relatively new to roleplaying are very willing to try another game system IF they don't have to invest too much time or money in trying it AND get everything they need to give it a try. Thus a $29.99 starter set with everything they need to quickly get playing (including some dice), that teaches them the rules, and has a solo adventure so they don't even need a group to get started, is what THEY want. 

Adding to this, I cannot even begin to count the number of times while working the booth at Essen, Gen Con, and Dragonmeet, fans looked at the Call of Cthulhu Starter Set and asked if we would be doing one for RuneQuest.

When we said "Yes" the answer was always enthusiasm, often along the lines of "I'll buy multiple copies and give them away as gifts."  

It is also a very popular question with our foreign partners. 

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On 3/22/2021 at 9:27 AM, French Desperate WindChild said:


Seeing the map of rainbow mount, I have a question about this scenario

Is the scenario the same than in previous version (bandits, statue, the xxx unable to be read except by you know who - don't want to spoil anything -) or something new ?

Some stuff has changed, some things are still the same.

"Meet the new boss..." 

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22 minutes ago, Jason D said:

That would be a hell of a Starter Set scenario. 

So the solo adventure is not about causing the Dragonrise. Gotcha.

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Telling how it is excessive verbis


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