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Cults of RuneQuest: The Lunar Way releasing on May 22nd


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11 hours ago, Wheel Shield said:

So, it’s not really about not having the book in March. It’s the “blame the ungrateful customer” sentiment. 

And the snide “gently weeping” snark doesn’t really help either. There’s no place or any call for that from a company representative. 

They don’t have to tell me a damn thing, but don’t  judge me for being curious.

Thank you for your first post, you expressed my feelings, and looks like many others feelings, in such a well spoken and thoughtful manner. 

This quote from your second post also is important. I am new to runequest but dived in head first, I have gotten new material and old material alike. Seeing that post about "gently weeping" and this "ungrateful customer attitude" when all I want to know is "when can I give you my money" has really turned me off. 

The people that make runequest love it, the people that play runequest love it. There is a lot of heart behind the creators and players, don't extinguish it. 

Edited by SleepyNick
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11 hours ago, Wheel Shield said:

And the snide “gently weeping” snark doesn’t really help either. There’s no place or any call for that from a company representative.

As a fan of RQ I do find it entertaining that people do hang around saying where is it where is it (and have done for years). Fans can make snarky comments about fans, although it wasn't intended to be snarky. None of this is from my work account, I'm not involved in making company decisions. I've nothing to do with marketing or publicity.

Edited by David Scott


Search the Glorantha Resource Site: https://wellofdaliath.chaosium.com. Search the Glorantha mailing list archives: https://glorantha.steff.in/digests/

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5 hours ago, David Scott said:

As a fan of RQ I do find it entertaining that people do hang around saying where is it where is it (and have done for years). Fans can make snarky comments about fans, although it wasn't intended to be snarky. None of this is from my work account, I'm not involved in making company decisions. I've nothing to do with marketing or publicity.

Sorry, no. You’re held to a higher standard, at least by me. You don’t get to put on Clark Kent glasses and suddenly you’re divested of all responsibility. I can see why that might seem unfair, but that was part of the price of joining the company. If you’re an unpaid volunteer, I’d consider how much it means to you. Many vocations have a similar position; teachers, police, clergy, performers, etc. This company sells stuff, you’re part of the company. Your behavior matters. And here’s the important part, that isn’t your decision. It’s based on perception. 

But setting that aside, I have no great animus against you. I might like you in real life. After this I’m not going to try to maintain a grudge. You do good and worthwhile things for the game and community, and I appreciate The Well of Daliath. I can separate this from your other actions.

But I was taking Rick’s post in stride. I wasn’t saying anything about the release. To take a cue from Frozen, I was letting it go. But what were you hoping to achieve with “weeping, gently”? Shame somebody, Emasculate them? Because you brought this thread to life. And no, you don’t get to say you didn’t because you used your personal account.

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23 hours ago, soltakss said:

Are we there yet?

Are we there yet?

Are we there yet?

Are we there yet?

Are we there yet?

Are we there yet?

Are we there yet?

Don't make me turn this Bat around young man!

2 hours ago, Nick Brooke said:

Blasphemy! Idolatry! A grotesque misrepresentation!

Of all people, Nick, I figured you'd recognize the splendiferous multitudes of the Goddess's contradictory decrees. 😉 Repent!

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Jonstown Compendium author. Find my publications here. Disclaimer: affiliate link.

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On 3/25/2024 at 6:36 PM, Brian Duguid said:

I think it's a reasonable assumption that it's fairly well progressed.

I don't*.

Runequest has one HUGE problem when it comes to official publications - basically, for the most part, every publication MUST HAVE ONE person always as an author - other than Greg (there are rare exceptions). Without that person's name on it, it's not allowed to become official/canon. That means, every delay starts, at the very least, with that one problem. As the JC shows, there could have already been dozens (or scores) more of official, canonical publications from Chaosium - had we not had to wait on just one person. Is this one person's contribution necessary for something to be considered official?  It's not a hereditary title that can only be bestowed on only one great leader at a time - one King of Runequest & Glorantha.

And so, every release of any title (even before proofing) has to wait until this one person has the time to get to it... and that, by definition, means waiting for other things further up the line to get addressed (which, right  now, means working over a few more of the cults books).

And, thus, considering everything else that this one person is supposed to be working on, I can easily see how that's (GM's Book that's been teased for about about 6 years now) sitting somewhere in a huge pile of other stuff that's put on the backburner for other priorities. That, I believe, is the main bottleneck... everything else waits upon this one aspect. (So, I figure, it might come out maybe after another year or two...)

(Obviously, I don't know the actual percentage inputs of any individual author - but typically, the order of authors is generally the amount of contribution they have given. Also obviously, this may not be the only bottleneck, and other people may have delayed things... but, it is one clear one. Also, it may be suspected that this leads to other issues which others have addressed regarding the actual quality of work - issues with C&P, lack of clarity, etc...)

Does it *need* to be just one person's vision? Hell no! There are many lovers of RQ and Glorantha who share the same vision. And, can write just as well (if not better). They're just not trusted to. (*Should* it be just one person's vision? I thing Greg would most definitely say a very emphatic "no")


(I accept that there's a price tag attached to having other authors in publishing official material - however, it would greatly increase output if the badge of officialdom was shared around a bit more, and greater output means higher profits (obviously, if it's selling).

Please note - I'm not attacking the quality of the work. Just making a fairly obvious observation with regards quantity of official publications I suspect that this is, although a great love, also a great burden. Spreading the burden around a little more (taking a bit of a backward step) would actually improve the situation for everyone! In management, one of the most important skills to learn is the art of delegation.


(* I know I'm referring back to an older post, but since @Wheel Shield has brought it back up, I think it fits in fairly well).


Just my 2bolgs worth.

(attack away...)

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13 hours ago, Tatterdemalion Fox said:


Anyone else hearing Ring der Nibelungen when seeing this portrait?

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Telling how it is excessive verbis


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Ok chaps - given I hear SOME people have now got a copy at ChaosiumCon is it unreasonable to assume that it will now be available on Chaosium.com??

Personally I don't give a trollkin's elbow if the hardcopy takes a year getting to me via a caravan of camels snaking across the great prairies of North America or Eurasia ....I'll happily buy the hard-copy (twice!) just to secure a PDF that I can have now. Pretty please 🙂

I know I'm probably getting a bit over-eager here - but you guys did say March? And now it's almost the end of April ... and my already ordered copy at Forbidden Planet is now saying end of May! I know there's more important things going on in the 'real' world ... but it does feel like we've been waiting for a proper write up of playable Lunar cults  for over 30+ years. And it must have been proof-read and all by now as members of the public have it 🙂 (and yes they have been very complimentary!)

So come on guys lemme at it !!


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2 hours ago, Shiningbrow said:

Does it *need* to be just one person's vision? Hell no! There are many lovers of RQ and Glorantha who share the same vision. And, can write just as well (if not better). They're just not trusted to. (*Should* it be just one person's vision? I thing Greg would most definitely say a very emphatic "no")

There's no evidence of it being a trust issue, is there? Of the several presumptions in your post, this seems the least fair. Jeff seems keenly engaged with the community, energised and energising in equal measure. Although I have sympathy for those aching for swifter official releases (I am too, cos they're great and useful and beautiful and long-hoped for), I strongly feel that Chaosium are building a powerfully impressive foundation for the game - not just for those of us that've been Gloranthan for years, but also to attract young'uns in the contemporary market.

Also, I believe a number of authors of JC books are now engaged in contributing to future official RuneQuest publications. His collaboration with setting-defining artists is already well-established. Official scenario books have multiple contributors. If you re-read your post, can you see how the suggestion of megalomania is pretty insulting? I'm not suggesting you shouldn't speculate or feel impatient, just that a few of your suppositions seem wonky.

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1 hour ago, Myrkvil said:

Would an altruistic Chaosium Con visitor be willing to show Yara Aranis? I've been especially looking forward to seeing her depiction...

👹Here she is!!!


Edited by jajagappa
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1 hour ago, theconfusingeel said:

are there illumination mechanics in the book?
No spoilers if there are though please.

Yes. Several pages of both mechanics and more general discussion about what Illumination is all about.

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An Unofficial Buyer's Guide to RuneQuest and Glorantha lists everything currently available for the game and setting, across 60 pages. "Lavishly illustrated throughout, festooned with hyperlinks" - Nick Brooke. The Voralans presents Glorantha's magical mushroom humanoids, the black elves. "A wonderful blend of researched detail and Glorantha crazy" - Austin Conrad. The Children of Hykim documents Glorantha's shape-changing totemic animal people, the Hsunchen. "Stunning depictions of shamanistic totem-animal people, really evocative" - Philip H.

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