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Everything posted by metcalph

  1. Knights Fort no longer exists. It does not appear on the maps of Prax in Pavis: Gateway to Adventure (and is separate from the olde Marcher Barony which is now the Marcher County as per the Guide).
  2. The Storm Age is my guess.
  3. From what I can see, having the Law and Spirit Runes only for those purposes renders them inferior to the other runes (ie You could use a Storm Rune for swinging a sword or a Fire Rune to spot stuff). You have to give them something else and there we run into problems...
  4. Yes, she is. She appears in 13th Age in Glorantha. In 1626, she conquers Backford.
  5. From the very same page you quote
  6. If multispelled disruption is combined against a single location, it is resolved as one attack (1st para, last sentence of the runespell description). It would be better to do a gatling and either do 2 4 point disruptions or 4 two point disruptions. A shaman can do a similar trick with a spell barrage (p361) which doesn't require namby-pamby extenstion but does not appear to allow combination of disruptions. But the best is Black Fang whose Shattering Spell (p339) acts as a 4 point disruption (combined attack) for only one rune point.
  7. The Orlanthi do have several mythic fights against the sorcerors of the west. Zzabur even pops up with a spell to kill all the Vingkotlings. The spell works but kills nobody because people had stoppped being Vingkotlings. But this is largely Stafford Library material as the Sartarites don't really have any current need for myths about fghting sorcery - unlike for example the Ralian Orlanthi.
  8. King of Sartar p54 - Orlanth's initiation. Also found elsewhere in HQ and Stafford library sources.
  9. They don't destroy the effigy until the end of the ritual but the effigy will be casting evil magics against the summoners, trying to kill them or to provoke its destruction. I think the adversary receives the summons not at the start of the ritual but at the point where he summons his available forces and marches on the summoners to arrive at the ritual's completion. For your example, the adversary will receive the summons three hours before the ritual's completion time. If the adversary had to summon his troops, he will receive the summons earlier but spend the extra time summoning his troops. The effigy is destroyed just before the enemy arrives. If the enemy is on foot, then the summoners may receive five minutes warning and the ritual is still in effect. If the enemy teleports, well, the summoners are going to have some difficulty.
  10. Meldek are godless sorcerors. Lhankorings are not godless so are not meldek. The same goes for the Mostali. Lhankor Mhy may have been affected by the God Learners. I'm thinking the Alien Combination Wheel (mentioned in HQ) is derived from the Zistorites. But the Heortlings know that Lhankor Mhy is Mostal's son so any strange magic are part and parcel of him being a son of a strange god. And we all know how Orlanth found friends in the Pit of Strange Gods.
  11. Examples of Elder Race co-operation. Jrustela: Trolls, Dwarves and Elves co-existing (seperately). Black Elves throughout Troll lands. Dragon Pass: Saw-toothed Korvan adding the Mountain Trolls against the Stinking Forest. World Council of Friends: Elf, Dwarves, Trolls and Dragonewts. Empire of Light: Elves and Dwarves. Unity County: Trolls and Dragonewts. New Unity Council: Elves, Trolls, Dwarves and Dragonewts. Mari Mountains: Vegetarian Dwarves. Masloi Jungle: Shadow Trolls fighting alongside the Aldryami. Kralorela: Trolls and Dwarves fought against the Kralori (but betrayed each other).
  12. A possibility that has not been mentioned is that the female duck warrior wanted to be recognized as female. So the biologically ignorant/maliciously cruel human armourer made her a breasted breastplate.
  13. metcalph


    My personal suspicion (and it is only that) is that some of what was in Sandy's sorcery rules will form the basis of the hero rules in the Game Master Book.
  14. Enhance INT can also be cast by Sorcerors with a knowledge of Earth or Water at double cost (minor runes p382).
  15. The God Learners, like all Malkioni, had henosis - unity with the One Mind, which is part of doing sorcery. My feeling is that the God Learners abused this ritual, performed it in the wrong place and ended up with knowledge that they weren't supposed to have.
  16. At such a skill level, Monro can be presumed to outclass the Windlord. Monro can also make two attacks of 80% (splitting equally gives 110% against the Wind-Lords 130%) against the Windlord's parry of 100%.
  17. A case of an illuminate who is contactable after death is Mashunasan who after defeating Oorsu Sara defeated Avanapdur in the Empty Mountain of Vithalash. Since Vithalash is where the dead Eastern Islanders go, Mashunasan's retirement is simply that he died. A similar case could be made for the Dragon Emperors that now live in Summer Land Heaven. As for whether Illuminates cease to exist upon death, I think it's fair to say their attachments (the people they knew, loved or fought) keep them contactable within the mortal world and it is only when those attachments themselves have become illuminated then the illuminates will finally vanish from the mortal world.
  18. The Peace Rune Spell is available to High Priestesses of Eiritha and Ernalda. Only in Cults of Prax was it restricted to Eiritha (and two specific high priestesses at that).
  19. It's under Hyaloring in the Pelorian family tree.
  20. Tries to figure out what the Six Ages are: Gray Age Dawn Broken Council Sunstop Bright Empire repression Arkati uprising.
  21. Perhaps I'll phrase it another way. Illumination as defined in the HeroQuest: Glorantha rulebook) is acquisition of the Infinity Rune. This includes insights that had nothing to do with Nysalor - for example the Kralori, the Dragons, the Cult of Silence and the Vithelans. Illumination as everybody (You, Me, the average learned gloranthan) understands it are mystical insights derived from Nysalor. This may be directly taught by him or it may be methods developed by his worshippers long after he was killed. Whatever wisdom the God Learners had, it was not illumination by the general definition because it did not proceed for the most part from Nysalor. At the same time, it is illumination by the technical HeroQuest: Glorantha definition because acquisition of the infinity rune is the very definition of a Secret that Man was Not Meant to Know, which the God Learners were notorious for. Yes, they obtained their state through studying western sorceries and philosophies rather than through happy-clappy dancing in the streets*. The end-result of their wisdom was the same. A couple of other data points. God Learnerism is one of the insights being studied at the Sartarite Magical Union (HQG p30). The other insights are various form of illumination (some more traditional than others). The second is that when Argrath and Harrek left Jrustela, they stock up on God Learner secrets up the wazoo to become "more Gods then Men" (Guide to Glorantha p502) *I'll also observe there are some schools of mysticism which says all that is necessary is to work hard and follow the rules (Ho Adara, Guide p537). One could possibly include Diamondwarves as another form of illumination except that they don't behave as though they are illuminated because they are too thick ossified in behaviour to act as though they are illuminated.
  22. It's inferred from the following: There's only two things in Jrustela: Elder Races and God Learner Ruins. As for the various criticisms of God Learner wisdom, I'd say they have been long described as "the most learned and least wise". So in effect, their learning confers the benefit of illumination/infinity rune but they weren't were wise in what they did.
  23. p390. New spells have a beginning percentage of 1D6 + magic skills category bonus.
  24. 1) High Priestess rather than Rune Lord. 2) Thanatar has not been revised for RQG. I have serious doubts about the way their severed heads magic works. 3) You seem to be under the misunderstanding that I am denying that the rune spell is overpowered.
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